1. 366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree

  • Binary Tree / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Categorize nodes by height. Post-order traversal as node’s height = max(children’s height) + 1. If deletion is wanted, go through level by level, set children to None and delete object?

class Solution:
    def findLeaves(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]:
        heights = dict()
        levels = defaultdict(list)
        stack = [(root, 0)]        
        while stack:
            node, backtrack = stack.pop()
            if node is None: continue
            if backtrack:
                heights[node] = max(heights.get(node.left, -1), heights.get(node.right, -1)) + 1
                stack.extend([(node, 1), (node.left, 0), (node.right, 0)])
        return levels.values()

2. 1293. Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination

  • BFS Search
  • Hard
  • O(NK) -> O(NK*KlogK) (but empirically faster)

BFS brute force -> Improve with Priority Queue where priority is (distance + steps used). A*? Hash (r, c, k) to avoid duplicate.

A*: f(n) = g(n) + h(n) where n is the next node on the path, g(n) is the cost of the path from the start node to n, and h(n) is a heuristic function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from n to the goal.

Since we are exploring the problem space with notion of order, if we find the state already visited, the previous visit is guaranteed to be cheaper / better etc.

class Solution:
    def shortestPath(self, grid: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int:
        m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        state = m-1, n-1, k
        queue = [(m+n-2, 0, state)]
        seen = {state}
        while queue:
            _, steps, (i, j, k) = heapq.heappop(queue)
            if k >= i + j - 1:
                return steps + i + j
            for i, j in (i+1, j), (i-1, j), (i, j+1), (i, j-1):
                if m > i >= 0 <= j < n:
                    state = i, j, k - grid[i][j]
                    if state not in seen and state[2] >= 0:
                        heapq.heappush(queue, (i+j+steps+1, steps+1, state))
        return -1

3. 1146. Snapshot Array

  • Design / Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(1) set O(logN) get

For each index keep a stack of (snap_id, val). For get, use binary search.

class SnapshotArray:
    def __init__(self, length: int):
        self.snap_id = -1
        self.data = [[[-1, 0]] for _ in range(length)]
    def set(self, index: int, val: int) -> None:
        if self.data[index][-1][0] == self.snap_id:
            self.data[index][-1][1] = val
            self.data[index].append([self.snap_id, val])
    def snap(self) -> int:
        self.snap_id += 1
        return self.snap_id

    def get(self, index: int, snap_id: int) -> int:
        loc = bisect_left(self.data[index], [snap_id, ]) - 1  # why
        return self.data[index][loc][1]

4. 1937. Maximum Number of Points with Cost

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N^3) brute force; O(N^2) if smart

f(i,j) is maximum score of (i, j), f(i+1, j) = max(f(i,j) + abs(k - j) for j ) + points(i+1,j). Instead of brute foce max of, which make inner loop quadratic, do relaxation with kadane from both directions.

class Solution:
    def maxPoints(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(points), len(points[0])
        dp = points.copy()
        for r, row in enumerate(points[1:], 1):
            max_score = 0
            for c, cell in enumerate(row):
                max_score = max(max_score - 1, dp[r-1][c])
                dp[r][c] = max_score
            max_score = 0
            for c, cell in reversed(list(enumerate(row))):
                max_score = max(max_score - 1, dp[r-1][c])
                dp[r][c] = max(dp[r][c], max_score + cell)
        return max(dp[-1])

5. 2007. Find Original Array From Doubled Array

  • Math / Sort
  • Medium
  • O(N)

From smallest to largest, 2x has two sources, original or doubled. How do we know how many are doubled? Count(X), when Count(x//2) = 0, or we work on this from smallest x to largest. Ordering! Special care to case when x = 0.

class Solution:
    def findOriginalArray(self, changed: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        freq_counts = Counter(changed)
        if freq_counts[0] % 2: return []
        for x in sorted(freq_counts):
            if x == 0: 
                freq_counts[x] //= 2
            if freq_counts[x] > freq_counts[2 * x]: 
                return []
            freq_counts[2 * x] -= freq_counts[x]
        return list(freq_counts.elements())

6. 2096. Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another

  • Tree / LCA / Postorder
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Traverse the tree postorder to find LCA and two nodes, build parent pointers. Form paths, from startNode up to LCA and from LCA down to distNode. Can do one pass with postorder traversal.

def find_lca(root, startValue, destValue):
    # post order traversal to find both nodes as well as lca
    # populating parent pointers along the way
    parents = dict()
    parents[root] = None
    stack = [(root, 0)] # backtrack or not
    found = defaultdict(int) # node to 0/1 indicator whether on of the target node is found
    found[None] = 0
    lca, start_node, dest_node = None, None, None

    while stack and lca is None:
        node, backtrack = stack.pop()
        if backtrack:
            if node.val == startValue: 
                start_node = node
                found[node] = 1
            if node.val == destValue:  
                dest_node = node
                found[node] = 1
            if found[node.left] and found[node.right]:
                lca = node
            if (found[node.left] or found[node.right]) and node.val in [startValue, destValue]:
                lca = node
            found[node] += found[node.left] + found[node.right]
            stack.append((node, 1))
            for child in node.left, node.right:
                parents[child] = node
                if child is None: continue
                stack.append((child, 0))
    return lca, start_node, dest_node, parents
def build_path(parents, lca, start_node, dest_node):    
    # build the path from two sides and stitch them together
    path = []
    node = start_node
    while node != lca:
        node = parents[node]
    tmp = []
    node = dest_node
    while node != lca:
        if parents[node].left == node:
        node = parents[node]
    return "".join(path)

class Solution:
    def getDirections(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], startValue: int, destValue: int) -> str:
        lca, start_node, dest_node, parents = find_lca(root, startValue, destValue)
        return build_path(parents, lca, start_node, dest_node)

        def lca(node): 
            """Return lowest common ancestor of start and dest nodes."""
            if not node or node.val in (startValue , destValue): return node 
            left, right = lca(node.left), lca(node.right)
            return node if left and right else left or right
        root = lca(root) # only this sub-tree matters
        ps = pd = ""
        stack = [(root, "")]
        while stack: 
            node, path = stack.pop()
            if node.val == startValue: ps = path 
            if node.val == destValue: pd = path
            if node.left: stack.append((node.left, path + "L"))
            if node.right: stack.append((node.right, path + "R"))
        return "U"*len(ps) + pd        

7. 833. Find And Replace in String

  • Sweep line / Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N + KlogK)

Sweep line process replacements from left to right. If we replace, we advance to beyond the substring we just matched.

class Solution:
    def findReplaceString(self, s: str, indices: List[int], sources: List[str], targets: List[str]) -> str:
        results = []
        l = 0
        for r, source, target in sorted(zip(indices, sources, targets)):
            if r > l:
                l = r
            if s[r:r+len(source)] == source:
                l = r + len(source)
        if l < len(s): results.append(s[l:])
        return "".join(results)

8. 68. Text Justification

  • Greedy / DP
  • Hard
  • O(N) or O(N^2)

Depends on how we define desired white space placement. If MS word Greedy. If LaTeX then DP. f(i) = min(f(k) + badness(i, k))

class Solution:
    def fullJustify(self, words: List[str], maxWidth: int) -> List[str]:
        justified_text = []
        def formatline(line_words):
            if len(line_words) == 1:
                # return line_words[0] + " " * (maxWidth - len(line_words[0]))
                return line_words[0].ljust(maxWidth)
            num_words = len(line_words)
            num_spaces = maxWidth - sum(map(len, line_words))
            space_size, extra = divmod(num_spaces, num_words - 1)
            line = []
            for i, word in enumerate(line_words):
                if i != len(line_words) - 1:
                    line.append(" " * space_size)
                    if extra:
                        line.append(" ")
                        extra -= 1
            return "".join(line)
        def formatline_last(line_words):
            line = " ".join(line_words)
            return line.ljust(maxWidth)
        line = []
        length = 0
        for r, word in enumerate(words):
            if length + len(word) + len(line) > maxWidth:
                line = []
                length = 0
            length += len(word)
        return justified_text

9. 2128. Remove All Ones With Row and Column Flips

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
Consider 4 cells (r1, c1), (r1, c2), (r2, c1), (r2, c2)

If the matrix is obtained by flipping rows and columns from an initially all 0 matrix.

cell value at (r1, c1) is (# row 1 flip + # column 1 flip) % 2
cell value at (r1, c2) is (# row 1 flip + # column 2 flip) % 2
cell value at (r2, c1) is (# row 2 flip + # column 1 flip) % 2
cell value at (r2, c2) is (# row 2 flip + # column 2 flip) % 2

We do additional column flip to make (r1, c1) and (r1, c2) to be 0 it they are not already, and do additional row flip to make (r2, c1) to be 0 if needed.


(# row 1 flip + # column 1 flip) = 2i
(# row 1 flip + # column 2 flip) = 2j
(# row 2 flip + # column 1 flip) = 2k
If we now look at the value at (r2, c2), it is (# row 2 flip + # column 2 flip) = 2j + 2k - 2i = 2m thus it has to be 0.

Thus if we flip a entire row to be 0 using column flip and then an entire column to 0 using row flip, the matrix has to be all 0.
class Solution:
    def removeOnes(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        def flip_col(c): for r in range(nrow): grid[r][c] ^= 1
        def flip_row(r): for c in range(ncol): grid[r][c] ^= 1
        for c in range(ncol): if grid[0][c] == 1: flip_col(c)
        for r in range(1, nrow): if grid[r][0] == 1: flip_row(r)

        for r, c in product(range(1, nrow), range(1, ncol)):
            if grid[r][c] == 1: return False
        return True

10. 2034. Stock Price Fluctuation

  • Sorted Containers / DLL with HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(logK) for update, O(1) for current, maximum, minimum. SortedContainers index 0 or -1 has constant access

time -> price for current price lookup: sorted by key - time; price -> timestamps for min max price lookup: sorted by key - price

class StockPrice:
    def __init__(self):
        self.time_to_prices = SortedDict()    # time -> price lookup  sorted by key - time
        self.prices = SortedList()            # sorted list of prices

    def update(self, timestamp: int, price: int) -> None:
        if timestamp in self.time_to_prices:                  # O(1) look up
            prev_price = self.time_to_prices[timestamp]
            self.prices.remove(prev_price)                    # O(logN) removal
        self.prices.add(price)                                # O(logN) addition
        self.time_to_prices[timestamp] = price

    def current(self) -> int:  # O(1)
        return self.time_to_prices.peekitem(-1)[1]               

    def maximum(self) -> int:  # O(1)
        return self.prices[-1]

    def minimum(self) -> int:  # O(1)
        return self.prices[0]         

11. 843. Guess the Word

  • Random / Math
  • Hard
  • Does not apply

If our guess has 2 right, then the true answer must also has at least 2 match with our guess. Random guess -> match guess with secret -> filter words have a different match with guess -> try again.

Can we have a better strategy? Instead of random guess, maybe try a guess that can potentially allow us to reduce the candidate set size most dramatically.

def match(word1, word2):
    count = 0
    for c1, c2 in zip(word1, word2):
        count += c1 == c2
    return count

class Solution:
    def findSecretWord(self, wordlist: List[str], master: 'Master') -> None:
        matches = 0
        while matches !=6:
            guess = wordlist[random.randint(0, len(wordlist)-1)]
            matches = master.guess(guess)
            wordlist = [w for w in wordlist  if matches == match(w, guess)]

    def findSecretWord(self, wordlist: List[str], master: 'Master') -> None:
        matches = 0
        while matches != 6:
            count = [Counter(w[i] for w in wordlist) for i in range(6)]
            guess = max(wordlist, key=lambda w: sum(count[i][c] for i, c in enumerate(w)))
            matches = master.guess(guess)
            wordlist = [w for w in wordlist if matches == match(w, guess)]             

12. 2013. Detect Squares

  • Hash Map / Math
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

Hash point to counts. Given p1, iterate over p3, let p1, p3 form the diag, check counts for p2, p4. Do math.

class DetectSquares:
    def __init__(self):
        self.X = defaultdict(dict)
        self.Y = defaultdict(dict)

    def add(self, point: List[int]) -> None:
        x,y = point
        X,Y = self.X, self.Y 
        X[x][y] = X[x].get(y, 0)+1
        Y[y][x] = Y[y].get(x, 0)+1

    def count(self, point: List[int]) -> int:
        x,y = point
        X,Y = self.X, self.Y 
        ans = 0
        for q in X[x]:
            d = q-y
            ans += Y[y].get(x-d, 0)*Y[q].get(x-d, 0)*X[x][q]*(q != y)
            ans += Y[y].get(x+d, 0)*Y[q].get(x+d, 0)*X[x][q]*(q != y)
        return ans

13. 1610. Maximum Number of Visible Points

  • Geometry / Sliding Window
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Sort by degree angle. Stand on the point and rotate the view counterclockwise. To hangle wrap, copy points and add 360 and append to tail.

class Solution:
    def visiblePoints(self, points: list[tuple[int, int]], angle: int, location: list[int, int]) -> int:        
        px, py = location
        degrees = []
        for x, y in points:
            if [x, y] == location: continue
            degrees.append(math.degrees(math.atan2(y-py, x-px))) 

        max_points = baseline = len(points) - len(degrees)
        degrees += [d + 360 for d in degrees]
        l = 0
        for r in range(len(degrees)):
            while degrees[r] - degrees[l] > angle: l += 1
            max_points = max(max_points, baseline + r - l + 1)
            if degrees[l] > 360: break
        return max_points

14. 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Put number on stack, when encounter operator, pop two numbers out and carry out operation, put result back on stack.

class Solution:
    def evalRPN(self, tokens: List[str]) -> int:
        operators = {'+', '-', '*', '/'}
        stack = []
        for token in tokens:
            if token in operators:
                r = stack.pop()
                l = stack.pop()
                if token == '+':   stack.append(l + r)
                elif token == '-': stack.append(l - r)
                elif token == '*': stack.append(l * r)
                else:              stack.append(int(l / r))
        return stack[-1]

15. 792. Number of Matching Subsequences

  • Sweep Line / HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N+MK)

Hash first character to next_iterator. Go over S, pop matching iterators, get next, and hash back.

class Solution:
    def numMatchingSubseq(self, S, words):
        m = defaultdict(list)
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            m[word[0]].append((i, 1))   # char to match -> (word_index, next_char_index)
        total = 0
        for c in S:
            ws = m.pop(c, []) # match the char if possible
            for i, j in ws:   
                if j == len(words[i]): total += 1
                else:                  m[words[i][j]].append((i, j + 1))
        return total

16. 1284. Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O((MN)^2)

Not sure a better solution exists? Brute force backtrack is accepted in OJ. Can we optimize this a bit with bitmask?

Use bitmask to represent the matrix state (32 is only 5 x 5??) hash seen board to step we used to get here and prune???

class Solution:
    def minFlips(self, mat: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(mat), len(mat[0])
        def flip(r, c):
            for nr, nc in (r, c), (r-1, c), (r+1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol:
                    mat[nr][nc] ^= 1
        def allZero(): return all(mat[r][c] == 0 for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)))
        INT_MAX = 2 ** 32 
        def backtrack(i, pos):                
            if allZero(): return 0
            if i == len(pos): return INT_MAX

            moves = INT_MAX
            for j, (r, c) in enumerate(pos[i:], i):
                flip(r, c)
                moves = min(moves, backtrack(j + 1, pos))
                flip(r, c)
            return moves + 1
        pos=[(r, c) for r in range(nrow) for c in range(ncol)]
        result = backtrack(0, pos)
        return result if result < INT_MAX else -1

17. 1048. Longest String Chain

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N*(log(N) + L^2))

Sort words by length. Hash word to its chain length where length is max(chain_length up to this one) + 1 or 1 if no chain.

class Solution:
    def longestStrChain(self, words: List[str]) -> int:
        words.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x))
        chain_length = dict()
        for word in words:
            chain_length[word] = max(
                chain_length.get(word[:i] + word[i+1:], 0) 
                 for i in range(len(word))
            ) + 1
        return max(chain_length.values())

18. 1834. Single-Threaded CPU

  • Priority Queue / Sweep line
  • Medium
  • O(N*logQ)

Simulate timeline. Use two priority queues, one for tasks one for working tasks, one for tasks to work on

the CPU will choose the one with the shortest processing time. If multiple tasks have the same shortest processing time, it will choose the task with the smallest index.

-> elements on priority working use priority (pt, i)

class Solution:
    def getOrder(self, tasks: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        #  st - start time  / pt - processing time / i - task index
        tasks = [(st, pt, i) for i, (st, pt) in enumerate(tasks)]
        working = []
        order = []
        current_time = 0
        while tasks or working:
            while tasks and tasks[0][0] <= current_time:
                st, pt, i = heapq.heappop(tasks)
                heapq.heappush(working, (pt, i, st))
            if not working:
                current_time = tasks[0][0]
                pt, i, st = heapq.heappop(working)
                current_time += pt
        return order            

19. 359. Logger Rate Limiter

  • Design / Hashmap
  • Medium
  • O(1) Armortized or O(Q) Worst case

Memory not concern: Hash messages to timestamps. Limited: Queue memory size -> deque + set

class Logger:
    def __init__(T, limit=limit):
        T.messages = set()
        T.queue = deque()
        T.limite = limite

    def shouldPrintMessage(T, timestamp: int, message: str) -> bool:
        while T.queue and timestamp - T.queue[0][1] >= T.limite:
            msg = T.queue[0][0]
        if message not in T.messages:
            T.queue.append((message, timestamp))
            return True
        return False

20. 2115. Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies

  • BFS Topsort
  • Medium
  • O()
class Solution:
    def findAllRecipes(self, recipes: List[str], ingredients: List[List[str]], supplies: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        adj = defaultdict(set)
        indegrees = dict()
        for recipe, ingredents in zip(recipes, ingredients):
            for ingredent in ingredents:
            indegrees[recipe] = len(ingredents)
        feasible = []
        queue = deque(supplies)
        while queue:
            ingredent = queue.popleft()
            for recipe in adj[ingredent]:
                indegrees[recipe] -= 1
                if indegrees[recipe] == 0:

        return feasible

21. 552. Student Attendance Record II

  • DP / State Machine
  • Hard
  • O(logN*M^3)

DP or state machine -> matrix power vector of init state * (state_trans_matrix) ^ N

m = 10 ** 9 + 7

# States

# A0L0 A0L1 A0L2 A1L0 A1L1 A1L2 Invalid

# 0 A0L0 = 0 A0L0 + P or 1 A0L1 + P or 2 A0L2 + P
# 1 A0L1 = 0 A0L0 + L
# 2 A0L2 = 1 A0L1 + L
# 3 A1L0 = 0 A0L0 + A or 4 A1L1 + P or 5 A1L2 + P or 1 A0L1 + A or 2 A0L2 + A
# 4 A1L1 = 3 A1L0 + L
# 5 A1L2 = 4 A1L1 + L

# Invalid = A0L2 + L or A1L2 + L or A1L0 + A or A1L1 + A or A1L2 + A

class Solution:
    def checkRecord(self, n: int) -> int:
        state = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        for day in range(n):
            new_state = [0] * 6
            new_state[0] = (state[0] + state[1] + state[2])  % m
            new_state[1] = state[0]
            new_state[2] = state[1]
            new_state[3] = (state[0] + state[1] + state[2] + state[3] + state[4] + state[5]) % m
            new_state[4] = state[3]
            new_state[5] = state[4]
            state = new_state
        return sum(state) % m

22. 2158. Amount of New Area Painted Each Day

  • Sweep Line
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Sort by time. Sweep through time, maintain a sorted window of open intervals.

class Solution:
    def amountPainted(self, paint: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        records = []
        max_pos = 0
        for day, (start, end) in enumerate(paint):
            records.append((start, day, 1)) 
            records.append((end, day, -1))
            max_pos = max(max_pos, end)

        worklog = [0] * len(paint)
        schedule = SortedList()
        i = 0
        for pos in range(max_pos + 1):
            while i < len(records) and records[i][0] == pos:
                _, day, job_type = records[i]
                if job_type == 1: schedule.add(day)
                else:             schedule.remove(day)
                i += 1
            if schedule: worklog[schedule[0]] += 1
        return worklog

23. 539. Minimum Time Difference

  • Sort / Circular Array
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Conver all time to minutes since midnight then sort, add time_0 + 24 * 60 to the end, so that the min difference with time wrap can be evaluated.

Compare adjacent time points and record the minimum difference.

class Solution:
    def findMinDifference(self, timePoints: List[str]) -> int:
        def _to_mins(timepoint):
            hour, minutes = map(int, timepoint.split(":"))
            return hour * 60 + minutes
        times = list(map(_to_mins, timePoints))
        times.append(times[0] + 24 * 60)
        min_diff = 24 * 60
        for t1, t2 in pairwise(times):
            min_diff = min(min_diff, t2 - t1)
        return min_diff

24. 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)

R can only go right and can not cross other R or L. L can only go left and can not cross other R or L.
Hence, The numbers of “R”s and “L”s in “start “must be same as the numbers of “L”s and “R”s in “end”. The index “i” of “R” in “start” must be smaller than/in the left of the index “j” of the corresponding “R” in “end”. The index “i” of “L” in “start” must be greater than/in the right of the index “j” of the corresponding “L” in “end”.

class Solution:
    def canTransform(self, start: str, end: str) -> bool:
        if len(start) != len(end): return False
        A = [(s, idx) for idx, s in enumerate(start) if s == 'L' or s == 'R']
        B = [(e, idx) for idx, e in enumerate(end) if e == 'L' or e == 'R']
        if len(A) != len(B): return False
        for (s, i), (e, j) in zip(A, B):
            if s != e: return False
            if s == 'L' and i < j: return False
            if s == 'R' and i > j: return False
        return True

25. 302. Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels

  • DFS/BFS / Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(MN) or O(MlogN + NlogM)

DFS to find min_r, max_r, min_c, max_c; or binary search twice on [1 in row[i]] which evals to FFFTTTFFF to find min and max. Do the same on columns.

class Solution:
    def minArea(self, image: List[List[str]], x: int, y: int) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(image), len(image[0])

        # bisect_left
        l, h = 0, y
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if any(image[r][m] == '1' for r in range(nrow)):
                h = m
                l = m + 1
        left = l  # left is the leftmost column on the left that has a '1'
        # bisect_right
        l, h = y, ncol
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if any(image[r][m] == '1' for r in range(nrow)):
                l = m + 1
                h = m
        right = l # right is the leftmost column on the right that don't has '1'
        # bisect left
        l, h = 0, x
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if "1" in image[m]:
                h = m
                l = m + 1
        top = l

        l, h = x, nrow
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if "1" in image[m]:
                l = m + 1
                h = m
        bottom = l

        return (bottom - top) * (right - left)

26. 652. Find Duplicate Subtrees

  • Hash Map / Tree
  • Medium
  • O(N^2) Time and Space.

Hash subtree to list of subtree roots. Optimize how to hash subtree?

class Solution:
    def findDuplicateSubtrees(self, root):
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        trees = dict()
        node_to_key = dict()
        node_to_key[None] = -1
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if post:
                subtree_key = node.val, node_to_key[node.left], node_to_key[node.right]  # serialization of post-order traversal
                trees.setdefault(subtree_key, []).append(node)
                node_to_key[node] = subtree_key
                stack.append((node, 1))
                if node.left: stack.append((node.left, 0))
                if node.right: stack.append((node.right, 0))
        return [roots[0] for roots in trees.values() if len(roots) > 1]    

27. 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix

  • Topological Sort / BFS / DFS + Memoization
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Make directed graph where cell with lower value has out edge to neighboring cells with higher value.

Start from cells with 0 in degree. Do BFS and decrease in_degrees of the cell moved to. Once a cell’s in degree decreased to 0, on queue the cell location. Count the depth for the BFS search tree.

class Solution:
    def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        # edge case handle
        if not matrix or not matrix[0]: return 0
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        # graph processing
        out_edges = defaultdict(list) # O(N) space
        in_degrees = defaultdict(int) # O(N) space
        def get_neighbor(r, c):
            for nr, nc in (r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol:
                    yield nr, nc
        # O(N)
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            for nr, nc in get_neighbor(r, c):
                if matrix[nr][nc] > matrix[r][c]:
                    out_edges[(r,c)].append((nr, nc))
                    in_degrees[(nr, nc)] += 1            
        # find the starting level
        queue = deque([]) # O(N) space
        # O(N)
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if in_degrees[(r, c)] == 0:
                queue.append((r, c, f"({r},{c})"))
        # bfs topological sort to count the number of levels
        length = 0
        best = None
        # O(4N) Time
        while queue:
            length += 1
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                r, c, path = queue.popleft()
                node = (r, c)
                for nei in out_edges[node]:
                    in_degrees[nei] -= 1
                    if in_degrees[nei] == 0:
                        nr, nc = nei
                        best_path = path + f"->({nr},{nc})"
                        queue.append((nr, nc, path + f"->({nr},{nc})"))
        # print(best_path)
        return length

class Solution:
    def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if not matrix or not matrix[0]: return 0
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        stack = []
        adj_list = defaultdict(list)
        in_degrees = defaultdict(int)
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            for nr, nc in (r-1,c), (r+1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1):
                if not (nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol) or matrix[nr][nc] <= matrix[r][c]: continue
                adj_list[r, c].append((nr, nc))
                in_degrees[nr, nc] += 1
            if (r, c) not in adj_list:
                stack.append(((r, c), 1))

        max_path_to_loc = dict()
        max_path_length = 0
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if (r, c) in in_degrees: continue
            stack = [((r, c), 1)]
            while stack:
                loc, path_length = stack.pop()
                if max_path_to_loc.get(loc, 0) >= path_length: continue
                max_path_length = max(max_path_length, path_length)
                max_path_to_loc[loc] = path_length
                for nei in adj_list[loc]:
                    stack.append((nei, path_length + 1))
        return max_path_length                    

28. 418. Sentence Screen Fitting

  • Greedy / Memoization
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Greedy fill row by row. May cache on (start_word_idx) -> [end_idx, n_rounds] to speed up next time when a row starts with the same index.

class Solution:
    def wordsTyping(self, sentence: List[str], rows: int, cols: int) -> int:
        ans = 0 
        memo = dict()
        r, start_idx = 0, 0
        total_len = sum([len(s) for s in sentence]) + len(sentence)  
        while r < rows:
            if start_idx not in memo:
                end_idx = start_idx   
                rounds, remainder = divmod(cols, total_len)
                while remainder >= len(sentence[end_idx]):
                    remainder -= len(sentence[end_idx]) + 1
                    end_idx += 1
                    if end_idx == len(sentence):
                        end_idx = 0
                        rounds += 1
                memo[start_idx] = [end_idx, rounds]

            start_idx, rounds = memo[start_idx]
            ans += rounds
            r += 1
        return ans

29. 384. Shuffle an Array

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(N)

The algorithm effectively puts all the elements into a hat; it continually determines the next element by randomly drawing an element from the hat until no elements remain. The algorithm produces an unbiased permutation: every permutation is equally likely. The modern version of the algorithm is efficient: it takes time proportional to the number of items being shuffled and shuffles them in place.

Iterate over i in range(n), random sample i <= j < n, swap A[i], A[j]. This is call Fisher-Yates Shuffle, Also known as the Knuth shuffle after Donald Knuth proof

prob a[0] will remain at a[0] is 1 / n prob a[0] will be at a[1] is 1 a[0] swapped to a[1] and stay there 1/n * 1/(n-1) 2 a[0] swapped to a[j] j > 1 and then swapped back to a[1] 1/n * (n-2) * 1/(n-1) * 1 / (n - 1) 1 and 2 sum up to 1/n

class Solution:
    def __init__(self, nums):
        self.array = nums
        self.original = list(nums)
        self.n = len(nums)

    def reset(self):
        self.array = self.original
        self.original = list(self.original)
        return self.array

    def shuffle(self):
        array = self.array
        for i in range(self.n):
            j = random.randrange(i, self.n)
            array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
        return array

30. 1554. Strings Differ by One Character

  • Rabin Karp / HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(NM^2) worst case or O(MN) without collision

Rabin Karp hash all words h[i] = hash of word[i] = sum(26^j * word[i][j]) % m. Iterrate over positions j, create wildcard hash by (h[i] - word[i][j] * 26 ^ j) % m. check words with same hash to verify differ by one.

class Solution:
    # def differByOne(self, words: List[str]) -> bool:
    #     seen = set()
    #     for word in words:
    #         chars = list(word)
    #         for i in range(len(chars)):
    #             original = chars[i]
    #             chars[i] = '*'
    #             key = tuple(chars)
    #             if key in seen: return True
    #             seen.add(key)
    #             chars[i] = original
    #     return False
    def differByOne(self, words):
        n, m = len(words), len(words[0])
        hashes = [0] * n
        MOD = 1_000_000_007
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            for j, char in enumerate(word):
                hashes[i] = (26 * hashes[i] + (ord(char) - ord('a'))) % MOD
        def diff_by_1(w1, w2):
            diffs = 0
            for c1, c2 in zip(w1, w2): diffs += c1 != c2
            return diffs == 1
        base = 1
        for j in reversed(range(m)):        
            hashmap = defaultdict(list)
            for i, h in enumerate(hashes):
                hp = (h - (ord(words[i][j]) - ord('a')) * base) % MOD
                if hp in hashmap and any(diff_by_1(words[i], word) for word in hashmap[hp]): return True
            base = 26 * base % MOD
        return False    

31. 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards

  • Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Slide a circular window to cover all cases between the two extremes, all left and all right.

class Solution:
    def maxScore(self, cardPoints: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        if k == len(cardPoints): return sum(cardPoints)
        rs = sum(cardPoints[-k:])
        max_score = rs
        ls = 0
        for l in range(k):
            ls += cardPoints[l]
            rs -= cardPoints[-(k-l)]
            max_score = max(max_score, ls + rs)
        return max_score
  • Trie
  • Hard
  • O(NK^2 + QK)

Build prefix and suffix Trie. Test intersection. Or build trie with suffix[:i]#prefix for all i for each word. Check suffix#prefix at run time.

Trie = lambda: defaultdict(Trie)

class WordFilter:
    def __init__(self, words):
        self.trie = Trie()
        for idx, word in enumerate(words):
            for i in range(len(word)+1):
                node = self.trie
                word_to_insert = word[i:]+'#'+word
                for c in word_to_insert:
                    node, node['idx'] = node[c], idx
    def f(self, prefix, suffix):
        node = self.trie
        for c in suffix + '#' + prefix:
            if c not in node: return -1
            node = node[c]
        return node['idx']

33. 1218. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)

1D DP O(N^2) f(i) = f(arr.index(arr[i] - diff)) + 1 or 1 -> kadane f(d) = f(d-diff) + 1 or 1

class Solution:
    def longestSubsequence(self, arr: List[int], difference: int) -> int:
        dp = dict()
        max_length = 0
        for i, d in enumerate(arr):
            last_d = d - difference
            dp[d] = dp.get(last_d, 0) + 1
            max_length = max(max_length, dp[d])
        return max_length

34. 631. Design Excel Sum Formula

  • Design?
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Code the static version with is straight forward just tedious. Is it actually about this?

class Excel:
    def __init__(self, H: int, W: str):
        self.cells = [
            {letter: {"value": 0, "sum": None} 
             for letter in string.ascii_uppercase
            for h in range(H + 1)

    def set(self, r: int, c: str, v: int) -> None:
        self.cells[r][c] = {"value": v, "sum": None}

    def get(self, r: int, c: str) -> int:
        cell = self.cells[r][c]
        addrs = cell.get("sum")
        if not addrs: return cell["value"]
        return sum(self.get(*addr) * count for addr, count in addrs.items())

    def sum(self, r: int, c: str, strs: List[str]) -> int:
        self.cells[r][c]["sum"] = self._parse(strs)
        return self.get(r, c)
    def _parse(self, strs: List[str]):
        counter = Counter()
        for s in strs:
            start, end = s.split(":")[0], s.split(":")[1] if ":" in s else s
            for r in range(int(start[1:]), int(end[1:]) + 1):
                for ci in range(ord(start[0]), ord(end[0]) + 1):
                    counter[(r, chr(ci))] += 1
        return counter

35. 954. Array of Doubled Pairs

  • Math / Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(N + K)

Count -> Sort keys by abs value. Go over sorted keys, if double has 0 occurrences found a violation, otherwise, decrement the count for double.

class Solution:
    def canReorderDoubled(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:
        freq_counts = Counter(arr)
        for d in sorted(arr, key=abs):
            if freq_counts[d] == 0: continue
            if freq_counts[2 * d] == 0: return False
            freq_counts[d] -= 1
            freq_counts[2 * d] -= 1
        return True

36. 2135. Count Words Obtained After Adding a Letter

  • Hash / Bit Mask
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Either hash the augmented version of source words or for each target word, drop a character and hash to check with source word hashes. Depeneds on which is larger.

class Solution:
    def wordCount(self, startWords: List[str], targetWords: List[str]) -> int:
        def hash_word(word):
            result = 0
            for c in word:
                result += 1 << (ord(c) - ord('a'))                
            return result
        count = 0

#         sources = set()
#         for word in startWords:
#             sources.add(hash_word(word))
#         for t in targetWords:
#             chars = list(t)
#             for i in range(len(chars)):
#                 key = hash_word(chars[:i] + chars[i+1:])
#                 if key in sources:
#                     count += 1
#                     break
#         return count
        letters = set(string.ascii_lowercase) # set('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')    
        sources = set()
        for word in startWords:
            for char in letters.difference(word):
                sources.add(hash_word(chain(word, [char])))
        for target in targetWords:
            if hash_word(target) in sources:
                count += 1
        return count

37. 690. Employee Importance

  • Tree
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Traverse the tree, add up node property values.

class Solution:
    def getImportance(self, employees: List['Employee'], eid: int) -> int:
        total = 0
        queue = deque([eid])
        id_to_employee = dict()
        for e in employees: id_to_employee[e.id] = e
        while queue:
            eid = queue.popleft()
            total += id_to_employee[eid].importance
        return total

38. 394. Decode String

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Keep track of string and rep, when encounter ‘[’ put both on stack, when encounter ‘]’ pop string and rep update string with string = prev + curr * rep.

class Solution:
    def decodeString(self, s: str) -> str:
        stack, curr, rep = [], [], 0
        for c in s:
            if c.isdigit(): rep = 10 * rep + int(c)
            if c.isalpha(): curr.append(c)
            if c == '[':
                stack.append((curr, rep))
                curr, rep = [], 0
            if c == ']':
                prev, prev_rep = stack.pop()
                curr = prev + curr * prev_rep
        return "".join(curr)

    def decodeString(self, s: str) -> str:
        def decode(i=0):
            result, rep = [], 0
            while i < len(s) and s[i] != ']':
                c = s[i]
                if c.isdigit(): rep = 10 * rep + int(c)
                if c.isalpha(): result.append(c)
                if c == "[":
                    i += 1
                    ds, i = decode(i)
                    result.extend(ds * rep)
                    rep = 0
                i += 1
            return result, i
        r, _ = decode(0)
        return "".join(r)

39. 727. Minimum Window Subsequence

  • Two Pointers
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Start from o rfind(next) till end mark r. From r lfind(prev) until start mark l. keep track of min(r-l+1). Move to l+1 and start again.

class Solution:
    def minWindow(self, S, T):
        n = len(S)
        def match_to_last(l):
            i, k = l, 0
            while k < len(T) and i < n:
                if S[i] == T[k]: k += 1
                if k == len(T):  return i
                i += 1
            return -1
        def match_to_first(r):
            i, k = r, len(T) - 1
            while k >= 0 and i >= 0:
                if S[i] == T[k]: k -= 1
                if k == -1: return i
                i -= 1
            return -1
        i, result = -1, ""
        while i < len(S):
            l = i + 1
            r = match_to_last(l)  # r i
            if r == -1: return result
            l = match_to_first(r)
            if r - l + 1 < len(result) or not result: result = S[l:r+1]
            i = l + 1
        return result

40. 1277. Count Square Submatrices with All Ones

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

S: f(i, j) is length of desired matrics with bottom right at i,j. R: f(i, j) = min(f[i-1,j], f(i, j-1), f(i-1,j-1)) + 1 or 0. O: Original problem is sum(f(i,j) for i for j).

class Solution:
    def countSquares(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        dp = [[0] * (ncol + 1) for _ in range(nrow + 1)]
        for r, c in product(range(1, nrow + 1), range(1, ncol + 1)):
            if matrix[r-1][c-1] == 0: continue
            dp[r][c] = min(dp[r-1][c], dp[r][c-1], dp[r-1][c-1]) + 1
        return sum(sum(row) for row in dp)                

41. 664. Strange Printer

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N^2)

S: f(i,j) = # ops to cover [i to j) R: relation f(i,j) = min(f(i+1,j) +1, f(i+1, k) + f(k+1, j) for k between i and j) T: hi: left to right, lo hi to left B: f(i, j) = f(i+1,j) + 1 O: solution to original problem is f(i, n). T: O(N^2)

class Solution:
    def strangePrinter(self, s: str) -> int:
        s = "".join(ch for i, ch in enumerate(s) if i == 0 or s[i-1] != ch)  # compress, consecutive rep don't change answer
        n = len(s)
        dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(n+1)]
        for hi in range(n+1):
            for lo in reverse(range(hi)):
                dp[lo][hi] = dp[lo+1][hi] + 1
                for mid in range(lo+1, hi):
                    if s[lo] == s[mid]:
                        dp[lo][hi] = min(dp[lo][hi], dp[lo][mid] + dp[mid+1][hi])
        return dp[0][n]

42. 803. Bricks Falling When Hit

  • Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Reverse the order and do union-find. Use a sink/hook for the ceiling.
Can use r * ncol + c as integer id for location to use list as parents to speed up.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parents = dict()
        self.sizes = defaultdict(lambda: 1)

    def find(self, i):
        if i not in self.parents: self.parents[i] = i
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return False
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    
        return True
    def size(self, i):
        return self.sizes[self.find(i)]

class Solution:
    def hitBricks(self, grid: List[List[int]], hits: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[1])
        uf = UnionFind()

        def neighbors(r, c):
            for nr, nc in (r-1,c), (r+1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol:
                    yield nr, nc
        g = [row.copy() for row in grid]
        for r, c in hits: g[r][c] = 0
        ceiling = (-1, -1)
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if g[r][c] == 0: continue
            if r == 0:          uf.union((r, c), ceiling)
            if r and g[r-1][c]: uf.union((r, c), (r-1, c))
            if c and g[r][c-1]: uf.union((r, c), (r, c-1))
        dropped = []
        for r, c in reversed(hits):
            if grid[r][c] == 0:
            num_stable = uf.size(ceiling)
            for nr, nc in neighbors(r, c):
                if g[nr][nc]:
                    uf.union((r,c), (nr,nc))
            if r == 0: uf.union((r,c), ceiling)
            g[r][c] = 1
            now_stable = uf.size(ceiling)

            if now_stable > num_stable:
                dropped.append(now_stable - num_stable -1)
        return list(reversed(dropped))

43. 528. Random Pick with Weight

  • Math / Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(N) init O(logN) search

Calculate CDF, do binary search on it.

class Solution:
    def __init__(self, w: List[int]):
        cdf = []
        accum = 0
        for wt in w:
            accum += wt
        self.cdf = cdf
        self.n = len(cdf)

    def pickIndex(self) -> int:
        return bisect_left(self.cdf, randint(1, self.cdf[-1]), 0, self.n - 1)

44. 1691. Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids

  • DP / Greedy
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN + N^2)

Proof we want all boxes to be the tallest side up. Use contracdiction. Then sort and DP up. dp[i] = max(dp[j] +boxes[j].height for all j if j fit)

if the one with longest edge not as height is on the top of the cuboid stack, we can simply rotate it so the it contriubutes more height if the one with longest edge is in the middle, let’s say it is A and the 3 edges are [A1, A3, A2] (A3 > A2 && A3 > A1, A2 is not longest but it is the height), the one on top of A is B[B1, B2, B3] (B3 >= B2 >= B1): we have A1 >= B1 && A3 >= B2 && A2 >= B3 then: A3 > A2 >= B3, A2 >= B3 >= B2, A1 >= B1 so we can rotate A from [A1, A3, A2] to [A1, A2, A3] without afffecting B but make the total height larger (increase by A3 - A2)

class Solution:
    def maxHeight(self, cuboids: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        boxes = [[0, 0, 0]] + sorted(map(sorted, cuboids))
        n = len(boxes)
        dp = [0] * n
        for r in range(1, n):
            for l in range(r):
                if all(boxes[l][k] <= boxes[r][k] for k in range(3)):
                    dp[r] = max(dp[r], dp[l] + boxes[r][2])
        return max(dp)        

45. 1345. Jump Game IV

  • BFS
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Find minimum number of steps: BFS with memoization for pruning

Save a mapping from number to list of positions with the number. Since we are looking at shortest path, apply BFS with element (pos, step) on the queue. When pos == last, return step. Otherwise, collect all jumpable positions if haven’t visited those yet(ie, if we jump there, it will be shortest path to jump over there), on queue (next_pos, step + 1).

class Solution:
    def minJumps(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(arr)
        num_idx = defaultdict(list)
        for idx, num in enumerate(arr):
        pos_visited, num_visited = set(), set()
        queue = deque([(0, 0)])
        while queue:
            idx, step = queue.popleft()
            num, neighbors = arr[idx], []
            if idx == n - 1: return step
            if idx - 1 >= 0: neighbors.append(idx - 1)
            if idx + 1 <= n - 1: neighbors.append(idx + 1)
            if num not in num_visited: neighbors.extend(num_idx[num])
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if neighbor in pos_visited: continue
                queue.append((neighbor, step + 1))

46. 1987. Number of Unique Good Subsequences

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Leave dangling 0 to the last. It is just the raw count of 0. Expansion f(i, k) be # of good subsequences end at i with value k. f(i, k) = sum(f(i-1, k) + b[i] for all k)

mod = 1_000_000_007

class Solution:
    def numberOfUniqueGoodSubsequences(self, binary: str) -> int:
        dp = [0, 0]
        for c in binary:
            if c == '0':
                end_with_0 = (sum(dp)) % mod
                end_with_1 = dp[1]
                end_with_0 = dp[0]
                end_with_1 = (sum(dp) + 1) % mod
            dp = [end_with_0, end_with_1]
        return (sum(dp) + ('0' in binary)) % mod

47. 447. Number of Boomerangs

  • HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

Iterate over node as i. Inner loop iterate over all other nodes, count number of nodes per distance to i. Aggregate to total.

class Solution:
    def numberOfBoomerangs(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        def dist(x1, y1, x2, y2): return (x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2
        total = 0
        for i, p1 in enumerate(points):
            dist_to_nodes = defaultdict(int)
            for j, p2 in enumerate(points):
                if i == j: continue
                d = dist(*p1, *p2)
                dist_to_nodes[d] += 1
            for n in dist_to_nodes.values():
                total += n * (n - 1)
        return total

48. 1397. Find All Good Strings

  • String / KMP
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Treat evil as pattern, dp(i, j, lower, upper) = number of good string at string[i] matched at pattern[j] where currently we can choose lower to upper. dp(i, j, lower, upper) = sum( dp(i + 1, j’, lower’, upper’) for all k ~ (lower, upper, s1, s2, i))` Each i, we have choices depends on s1[i], s2[i] lower, upper, once we made a choice k, we find j’ by matching k with evil[j].

class Solution:
    def findGoodStrings(self, n: int, s1: str, s2: str, evil: str) -> int:
        def lps(p):
            m = len(p)
            lps = [0, 0]
            j = 0 
            for i in range(1, m): 
                while j and p[i] != p[j]: j = lps[j]
                if p[i] == p[j]: j += 1
            return lps
        def char_to_int(c): return ord(c) - ord('a')
        def int_to_char(i): return chr(i + ord('a'))
        table = lps(evil)
        m = len(evil)
        def f(i, j, lower, upper):
            if j == m: return 0
            if i == n: return 1
            lo = char_to_int(s1[i]) if lower else 0
            hi = char_to_int(s2[i]) if upper else 25
            total = 0
            for k, choice in enumerate(map(int_to_char, range(lo, hi+1)), lo):
                jj = j
                while jj and choice != evil[jj]: jj = table[jj] # don't match jump back
                if choice == evil[jj]: jj += 1
                total += f(i + 1, jj, lower and k == lo, upper and k == hi)
            return total
        return f(0, 0, True, True) % (10 ** 9 + 7)

49. 489. Robot Room Cleaner

  • DFS
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Detail on how to manage direction. Backtrack without changing direction by rotating backward then rotating back. Try all four directions by RRRR or LLLL.

class Solution:
    def cleanRoom(self, robot):
        # counter clockwise
        directions = [
            (-1, 0), # up
            (0, -1), # left
            (1, 0),  # down
            (0, 1),  # right
        def step_back():

        visited = set()
        def dfs(x, y, d):
            visited.add((x, y))
            for _ in range(4):
                dx, dy = directions[d]
                nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
                if (nx, ny) not in visited and robot.move(): dfs(nx, ny, d)
                d = (d + 1) % 4
        dfs(0, 0, 0)

50. 900. RLE Iterator

  • Design
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Use index and used to keep track of the RLE we are using and how many used. Avoid modifying encoding itself.

class RLEIterator:
    def __init__(T, A: List[int]):
        T.A, T.i, T.used = A, 0, 0

    def next(T, n: int) -> int:
        A, i, used = T.A, T.i, T.used
        while i < len(A) and A[i] - used < n:
            n -= A[i] - used
            i += 2
            used = 0
        ret = -1
        if i < len(A):
            used += n
            ret = A[i+1]
        T.A, T.i, T.used = A, i, used
        return ret

51. 407. Trapping Rain Water II

  • Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Keep track of area of sroundeded low grounds through time. Iterate over time, update area and accumulate. Use Union Find to keep track of connected components, each corresponds to a srounded low grounds. Use a sink point for anything touching the boundry. Total area of srounded low grounds = total size of connected components - size of sink.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parents = dict()
        self.sizes = dict()
        self.n_sets = 0

    def __contains__(self, i):
        return i in self.parents

    def insert(self, i):
        if self.__contains__(i): return
        self.parents[i] = i
        self.sizes[i] = 1
        self.n_sets += 1

    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return False
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    
        self.n_sets -= 1
        return True

class Solution:
    def trapRainWater(self, heightMap: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(heightMap), len(heightMap[0])
        order = defaultdict(list)
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                order[heightMap[r][c]].append((r, c))
        sink = (nrow, ncol)
        uf = UnionFind()
        total = 0
        curr_size = 0
        for t in range(max(order.keys())+1):
            if t not in order: 
                total += curr_size
            for r, c in order[t]: uf.insert((r, c))
            for r, c in order[t]:
                if 0 == r or 0 == c or r == (nrow - 1) or c == (ncol - 1): uf.union((r, c), sink)
                for nr, nc in ((r-1,c), (r+1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1)):
                    if nr < 0 or nr >= nrow or nc < 0 or nc >= ncol: continue
                    if heightMap[nr][nc] <= t: uf.union((r, c), (nr, nc))
            curr_size = len(uf.parents) - uf.sizes[uf.find(sink)]
            total += curr_size
        return total

52. 794. Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

1 Cant have two winners 2 If X win X must has one more play than O 3 If O win O must has same play as X 4 X O must one play apart

class Solution:
    def validTicTacToe(self, board: List[str]) -> bool:

        def check_player(symbol):
            count, has_won = 0, False

            row_counts = [0] * 3
            col_counts = [0] * 3
            diag_counts = [0] * 2 
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if board[i][j] != symbol: continue
                    count += 1
                    row_counts[i] += 1
                    col_counts[j] += 1
                    if i == j: diag_counts[0] += 1
                    if i + j == 2: diag_counts[1] += 1

            if 3 in row_counts or 3 in col_counts or 3 in diag_counts: has_won = True
            return count, has_won
        X_count, X_has_won = check_player('X')
        O_count, O_has_won = check_player('O')

        if X_has_won and O_has_won: return False
        if X_has_won: return X_count == O_count + 1
        if O_has_won: return X_count == O_count
        return (X_count - O_count) in [0, 1]

53. 1877. Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array

  • Sort + Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN + N)

Sort then two pinter finding max. proof four numbers. Given 4 numbers: al <= ai <= aj <= ar. Then max(al+ar, ai+aj) is always <= max(al+ai, aj+ar).

class Solution:
    def minPairSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        max_pair_sum = 0
        l, r = 0, len(nums)-1
        while l < r:
            max_pair_sum = max(max_pair_sum, nums[l] + nums[r])
            l += 1
            r -= 1
        return max_pair_sum

54. 2018. Check if Word Can Be Placed In Crossword

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Slide word sized window horizontally and vertically, trying to match word in both direction, and check for boundries.

    def placeWordInCrossword(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool:
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        m = len(word)
        def check_match(slots, w):
            for c1, c2 in zip(slots, w):
                if c1 not in [" ", c2]: return False
            return True
        def row_scan(w):
            for r in range(nrow):
                for c in range(ncol):
                    if c + m > ncol: continue
                    if c and board[r][c-1] != "#": continue
                    if c + m <= ncol - 1 and board[r][c + m] != "#": continue
                    slots = board[r][c:c+m]
                    if check_match(slots, w): return True
            return False
        def col_scan(w):
            for c in range(ncol):
                for r in range(nrow):
                    if r + m > nrow: continue
                    if r and board[r-1][c] != "#": continue
                    if r + m <= nrow - 1 and board[r+m][c] != "#": continue
                    slots = [board[r + i][c] for i in range(m)]
                    if check_match(slots, w): return True
            return False
        return row_scan(word) or col_scan(word) or row_scan(word[::-1]) or col_scan(word[::-1])

55. 772. Basic Calculator III

  • Stack
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Extension of 227 with parenthese. When encounter (, put it on stack and reset operand and operator. When encounter ), evaluate what is on the stack util (.

class Solution:
    def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:
        def operation():
            if operator == '+': stack.append(operand)
            if operator == '-': stack.append(-operand)
            if operator == '*': stack.append(stack.pop() * operand)
            if operator == '/': stack.append(int(stack.pop() / operand))
        stack = []
        operand, operator = 0, '+'
        for c in s:
            if c.isdigit():
                operand = operand * 10 + int(c)
            if c == '(':
                operand, operator = 0, '+'
            if c in '+-*/)':
                if c == ')':
                    operand = 0
                    while isinstance(stack[-1], int):
                        operand += stack.pop() 
                    operator = stack.pop()
                operand, operator = 0, c
        return sum(stack)

56. 990. Satisfiability of Equality Equations

  • Union Find
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Create connected components with equality. Then check all the inequality for violation.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, n=26):
        self.parents = list(range(n))

    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = self.find(p), self.find(q)
        if root_p == root_q: return False
        self.parents[root_p] = root_q
        return True

class Solution:
    def equationsPossible(self, equations: List[str]) -> bool:
        uf = UnionFind(26 + 1)
        for eq in equations:
            if eq[1] == "!": continue
            a, b = map(lambda x: ord(x) - ord("a"), [eq[0], eq[~0]])
            uf.union(a, b)

        for eq in equations:
            if eq[1] == "=": continue
            a, b = map(lambda x: ord(x) - ord("a"), [eq[0], eq[~0]])
            if uf.find(a) == uf.find(b): return False

        return True

57. 1240. Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(MN*N^M) where we sort N, M such that M < N
  1. Key: fill the rectangle with squares bottom up. thus we can use 1D array to represent the state.
    • i.e. [2,2,4,4,4,4,1] means bottom left is a 2 x 2 square, on its right is a 4 x 4 and then a 1 x 1 on the right.
    • i.e. [2,2,4,7,7,7,1] means bottom left is a 2 x 2 square, on its right is a 4 x 4, but on the top of the 4 x 4 shifted to right by 1, there is a 3 x 3 square. And finally a 1 x 1 on the bottom right.
  2. Do backtrack
class Solution:
    def tilingRectangle(self, n: int, m: int) -> int:
        if n > m: return self.tilingRectangle(m, n)
        total = n * m # relaxation form all 1x1 upperbound

        h = [0] * n   # h[i] is height at x == i
        def backtrack(curr, total):
            if curr >= total: return total 
            # filled the space
            if (min_height := min(h)) == m: return curr
            # figure out the range for height of square we can stick in here
            l = r = h.index(min_height)
            while r < n and h[r] == h[l] and (r - l + 1 + min_height) <= m: r += 1

            # try all size squares that is allowed
            for j in range(r-1, l-1, -1):
                for k in range(l, j+1): h[k] += j - l + 1
                total = min(total, backtrack(curr + 1, total))
                for k in range(l, j+1): h[k] -= j - l + 1
            return total
        return backtrack(0, total)

58. 726. Number of Atoms

  • Stack / HashMap
  • Hard
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def countOfAtoms(self, formula: str) -> str:
        def get_digit(i):
            j = i
            while j < len(formula) and formula[j].isdigit(): j += 1
            if i == j: return 1, j
            return int(formula[i:j]), j
        def get_atom(i):
            j = i + 1
            while j < len(formula) and formula[j].islower(): j += 1
            return formula[i:j], j
        stack = []
        i = 0 
        m = Counter()
        while i < len(formula):
            if formula[i] == "(":
                m = Counter()
                i += 1
            elif formula[i] == ")":
                repeats, j = get_digit(i + 1)
                for k in m: m[k] *= repeats
                if stack:
                    prev = stack.pop()
                    m = prev
                i = j
                atom, j = get_atom(i)
                repeats, k = get_digit(j)
                m[atom] += repeats
                i = k
        result = []
        for k in sorted(m.keys()):
            if m[k] != 1: result.append(str(m[k]))
        return ''.join(result)

59. 1032. Stream of Characters

  • Trie
  • Hard
  • O(K) query

Make a Trie of reversed words. Keep append characters to stream, check reverse of stream with the Trie.

class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
        self.terminal = False

class StreamChecker:
    def __init__(self, words: List[str]):
        self.root = TrieNode()
        self.stream = []
    def _init_trie(self, words):
        for word in words:
            node = self.root
            for c in reversed(word):
                node = node[c]
            node.terminal = True

    def query(self, letter: str) -> bool:
        node = self.root
        for c in reversed(self.stream):
            if c not in node: return False
            node = node[c]
            if node.terminal: return True

60. 939. Minimum Area Rectangle

  • Math / Geometry
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def minAreaRect(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        S = set(map(tuple, points))
        ans = float('inf')
        for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in combinations(points, 2):
            if x1 != x2 and y1 != y2 and (x1, y2) in S and (x2, y1) in S:
                ans = min(ans, abs(y2 - y1) * abs(x2 - x1))
        return ans if ans != float('inf') else 0

61. 2092. Find All People With Secret

  • Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(N^2)

Use a set to keep track of people who know the secret. Iterate over meetings grouped by time in time order.

Make undirected graph, put people in the meeting that know the secret on to a queue. Go over the people on the queue, update the people linked to this one to the set and push on to queue. (DFS or BFS both are fine)

class UnionFind:
	def __init__(self, n: int):
		self.parent = list(range(n))
		self.rank = [1] * n

	def find(self, p: int) -> int:
		"""Find with path compression"""
		if p != self.parent[p]:
			self.parent[p] = self.find(self.parent[p])
		return self.parent[p]

	def union(self, p: int, q: int) -> bool:
		"""Union with rank"""
		prt, qrt = self.find(p), self.find(q)
		if prt == qrt: return False
		if self.rank[prt] > self.rank[qrt]: prt, qrt = qrt, prt 
		self.parent[prt] = qrt
		self.rank[qrt] += self.rank[prt]
		return True

class Solution:
    def findAllPeople(self, n: int, meetings: List[List[int]], firstPerson: int) -> List[int]:
        uf = UnionFind(n)
        uf.union(0, firstPerson)
        for _, grp in groupby(sorted(meetings, key=lambda x: x[2]), key=lambda x: x[2]): 
            seen = set()
            for x, y, _ in grp: 
                uf.union(x, y)
            for x in seen: 
                if uf.find(x) != uf.find(0): 
                    uf.parent[x] = x # reset 
        return [x for x in range(n) if uf.find(x) == uf.find(0)]

62. 1272. Remove Interval

  • Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Go through intervals, compare l with l’, if l < l’ take min(l’, r) as r. compare r with r’ if r > r’ take max(l, r’) as l.

class Solution:
    def removeInterval(self, intervals: List[List[int]], toBeRemoved: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        ref_l, ref_r = toBeRemoved
        results = []
        for l, r in intervals:
            if l < ref_l: results.append([l, min(r, ref_l)])
            if r > ref_r: results.append([max(l, ref_r), r])
        return results

63. 562. Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

dp[r][c] is tuple (h, v, md, od) that is length of consecutive ones from left, top, main diagonal, off diagonal.

class Solution:
    def longestLine(self, mat: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(mat), len(mat[0])
        #     h   v  d1 d2
        dp = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] * ncol
        max_length = 0
        for r, row in enumerate(mat):
            ndp = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] * ncol
            for c, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell == 0: continue
                h = 1 if c == 0 else ndp[c-1][0] + 1
                v = dp[c][1] + 1
                d1 = 1 if c == 0 else dp[c-1][2] + 1
                d2 = 1 if c == ncol - 1 else dp[c+1][3] + 1
                ndp[c] = [h, v, d1, d2]
            dp = ndp
            max_length = max(max_length, max(map(max, dp)))
        return max_length

64. 853. Car Fleet

  • Sort
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

sort cars by starting position. calculate the arrival times for each car as if no other car. Iterate the arrival time backward. Each peak is a leader in a fleet.

class Solution:
    def carFleet(self, target: int, position: List[int], speed: List[int]) -> int:
        cars = sorted(zip(position, speed))
        arrival = [float(target - p) / s for p, s in cars]
        num_fleets = 0
        dt = 0
        for t in reversed(arrival):
            if t > dt:
                num_fleets += 1
                dt = t
        return num_fleets

65. 1632. Rank Transform of a Matrix

  • Sorting / Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(MNLogMN)

Go through the unique values in sorted order. Given a number, union locations into components, with edge be two location share same row index or column index. For each component, find the rank number by taking max for all points in component + 1 This rank finding can be done as a subsequent task after components finding or as a running update task during the components finding.

class Solution:
    def matrixRankTransform(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        rank = [0] * (nrow + ncol)  # column i will be indexed at nrow + i in this rank array
        v2loc = defaultdict(list)
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            v2loc[matrix[r][c]].append((r, c))

        def find(i):
            if parent[i] != i: parent[i] = find(parent[i])
            return parent[i]

        for num in sorted(v2loc.keys()):
            parent = list(range(nrow + ncol))
            new_rank = rank.copy()
            for r, c in v2loc[num]:
                r_rank_idx, c_rank_idx = find(r), find(nrow + c)
                parent[r_rank_idx] = c_rank_idx
                new_rank[c_rank_idx] = max(new_rank[r_rank_idx], new_rank[c_rank_idx])
            for r, c in v2loc[num]:
                rank[r] = rank[c + nrow] = matrix[r][c] = new_rank[find(r)] + 1
        return matrix

66. 388. Longest Absolute File Path

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Use stack to keep track of section length, len(stack) is the number of levels for the current path. the level can also be determined by count(“/t”) if not agree, pop.

class Solution:
    def lengthLongestPath(self, input: str) -> int:
        max_length = 0        
        stack = []
        for section in input.split('\n'):
            level = section.count('\t')
            while len(stack) > level: stack.pop()
            if not stack: 
                # only once the dir\n case
                # '\t' is considered to be length of 1! and add back a '/'
                stack.append(len(section) - level + 1)  
            if '.' in section: 
                max_length = max(max_length, sum(stack))
        return max_length              

67. 410. Split Array Largest Sum

  • Greedy / Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(NlogS)

Can verify a guess in O(N) time. Apply binary search to find the max.

class Solution:
    def splitArray(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        l, h = max(nums), sum(nums)
        def num_splits_no_larger_than(v):
            num_subarrays = 0
            accum = 0
            for num in nums:
                if accum + num > v:
                    num_subarrays += 1
                    accum = 0
                accum += num
            return num_subarrays + int(accum > 0)
        while l < h:
            m = l + (h - l) // 2
            if num_splits_no_larger_than(m) > k:
                l = m + 1
                h = m
        return l

68. 679. 24 Game

  • Permutation / Combination
  • Hard
  • O(N!)

GO through all permutation of 4 numbers, try all combinations of 3 operators, consider all 3 arrangements with 4 numbers and 3 operators, that is: op3(op2(op1(x, y), z), w) op3(w, op2(z, op1(x, y))) op3(op1(x, y), op2(z, w)) To check if we can get 24.

def div(a, b):
    if b == 0: return 0
    return a / b

class Solution:
    def judgePoint24(self, nums):
        for x, y, z, w in set(permutations(nums)):
            for op1, op2, op3 in product([div, mul, add, sub], repeat=3):
                r1 = round(op3(op2(op1(x, y), z), w), 6)
                r2 = round(op3(w, op2(z, op1(x, y))), 6)
                r3 = round(op3(op1(x, y), op2(z, w)), 6)
                if 24 in [r1, r2, r3]: return True
        return False

69. 981. Time Based Key-Value Store

  • Design / Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)

~Map key to SortedDict with time be key. So query can be done by binary search on key-time.~

class TimeMap(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = list

    def set(self, key: str, value: str, timestamp: int) -> None:
        self[key].append((timestamp, value))

    def get(self, key: str, timestamp: int) -> str:
        if key not in self: return ""
        i = bisect_right(self[key], (timestamp, chr(127)))
        return self[key][i - 1][1] if i else ""

# class TimeMap(defaultdict):
#     def __init__(self):
#         self.default_factory = SortedDict
#     def set(self, key: str, value: str, timestamp: int) -> None:
#         self[key][timestamp] = value
#     def get(self, key: str, timestamp: int) -> str:
#         if key not in self: return ""
#         idx = self[key].bisect_right(timestamp)
#         if idx == 0: return ""
#         return self[key].peekitem(idx-1)[1]

70. 299. Bulls and Cows

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Two pass: count bull, when not bull count freq for each digit in secret and guess separately. Cows = sum(min_count(s.count(c), g.count(c)) for all c) One pass: count bull the same way. Keep a balance, secret + guess -. When guessed more than secret + 1

class Solution:
    def two_pass(self, secret, guess):
        bull, cow = 0, 0
        freq_s, freq_g = [0] * 10, [0] * 10
        for s, g in zip(secret, guess): 
            if s == g: 
                bull += 1
                freq_s[int(s)] += 1
                freq_g[int(g)] += 1
        for s, g in zip(freq_s, freq_g): cow += min(s, g)
        return '{}A{}B'.format(bull, cow)        

    def one_pass(self, secret, guess):
        bull, cow = 0, 0
        balance = [0] * 10
        for s, g in zip(secret, guess): 
            if s == g: 
                bull += 1
                balance[int(s)] += 1
                balance[int(g)] -= 1
                cow += int(balance[int(s)] <= 0)
                cow += int(balance[int(g)] >= 0)
        return '{}A{}B'.format(bull, cow)
    getHint = two_pass # one_pass # two_pass

71. 158. Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times

  • Design
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Use two integers indicated the number of chars read in buff and the index of the char to read in buff. For read, while haven’t read all, if buff is not exausted use it, otherwise fetch more on to buff reset the two integers. If fetch nothing or read enough don.

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buf4 = [''] * 4
        self.curr_used = 0
        self.curr_read = 0
    def read(self, buf, n):
        num_read = 0
        while num_read < n:
            if self.curr_used < self.curr_read:
                buf[num_read] = self.buf4[self.curr_used]
                num_read += 1
                self.curr_used += 1
                self.curr_read = read4(self.buf4)
                self.curr_used = 0
                if self.curr_read == 0: break
        return num_read

72. 593. Valid Square

  • Math / Geometry
  • Medium
  • O(1)

Calculate pairwise distances. Square will only have two lengths, side or diagonal. Or vector dot product = 0 means tangent / perpendicular. vector cross product = 0 means parallel. plus equal length.

class Solution:
    def validSquare(self, p1: List[int], p2: List[int], p3: List[int], p4: List[int]) -> bool:
        def length(p, q): return ((p[0] - q[0]) ** 2 + (p[1] - q[1]) ** 2) ** .5        
        lengths = set()
        pairs = ((p1, p2), (p1, p3), (p1, p4), (p2, p3), (p2, p4), (p3, p4))
        for p, q in pairs: lengths.add(length(p, q))
        return len(lengths) == 2 and 0 not in lengths

73. 1096. Brace Expansion II

  • Stack
  • Hard
  • O(N!?)

Push { , and set(char) on to stack. Whenever encounter }, means we need to evaluate the operations. If stack[-2] is , we should set union stack[-1] and stack[-3] and replace all three with a single element the union. Finally replace the { by the last union Whenever the last two elements on stack are sets, we need to do cartesian product.

class Solution:
    def braceExpansionII(self, expression: str) -> List[str]:
        stack = []
        for c in expression:
            if c == '}':
                union = set()
                while stack[-2] == ',':
                stack[-1] = union # replacing { with union
            elif c == "{" or c == ",":
            while len(stack) > 1 and isinstance(stack[-1], set) and isinstance(stack[-2], set):
                V, U = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
                stack.append(set(u + v for u in U for v in V))
        return list(sorted(stack[-1]))

74. 715. Range Module

  • Sorted Dictionary / TreeMap
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Map left to right. Keep sorted order of key.

class RangeModule(SortedDict):
    def addRange(self, left, right):
        l, r = self.bisect(left), self.bisect(right)  
        # l == r means we have an entry open at left and next interval don't interact with new right
        # or l == r = 0 means we don't have any interval to begin with
        # check if previous interval should intersect this new one?
        if l and self.peekitem(l-1)[1] >= left: l -= 1
        if l != r: # delete encapsulated ranges
            left, right = min(left, self.peekitem(l)[0]), max(right, self.peekitem(r-1)[1])
            for _ in range(l, r): self.popitem(l)
        self[left] = right
    def queryRange(self, left, right):
        l, r = self.bisect_right(left), self.bisect_right(right)
        return not (l == 0 or self.peekitem(l - 1)[1] < right)
    def removeRange(self, left, right):
        l, r = self.bisect_right(left), self.bisect_right(right)
        if l and self.peekitem(l-1)[1] >= left: l -= 1
        if l != r:
            new_left, new_right = min(left, self.peekitem(l)[0]), max(right, self.peekitem(r-1)[1])
            for _ in range(l, r): self.popitem(l)
            if new_left < left: self[new_left] = left
            if right < new_right: self[right] = new_right

75. 1296. Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers

  • Greedy / Sorted HashMap / Sort + HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Count number -> frequency. Start with minimal, build consecutive of k. Repeat until violation or used up all numbers.

class Solution:
    def isPossibleDivide(self, nums, k):
        counts = Counter(nums)
        for x0 in sorted(counts.keys()):
            if counts.get(x0, 0) >= 1:
                cnt = counts[x0]
                for i in range(k):
                    if counts.get(x0 + i, 0) < cnt:  return False
                    counts[x0 + i] -= cnt
        return True

76. 1153. String Transforms Into Another String

  • Greedy / Hash
  • Hard
  • O(N)

No character in str1 can be mapped to multiple characters in str2. str2 can’t have full alphabet, otherwise, there is no wiggle room for str1 to transform into str2.

class Solution:
    def canConvert(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> bool:
        if str1 == str2: return True
        m = dict()
        for c1, c2 in zip(str1,  str2):
            m.setdefault(c1, c2)
            if m[c1] != c2: return False
        return len(set(str2)) < 26

77. 660. Remove 9

  • Math
  • Hard
  • O(N)

The number is nth number as if base 9. Remove a single digit will be basically the same, just need to map digits. For example if we remove 7, we treat it as if it is remove 9, in the result, just turn 7 into 8, 8 into 9.

class Solution:
    def newInteger(self, n: int) -> int:
        result = 0
        base = 1
        while n:
            n, remainder = divmod(n, 9)
            result += remainder * base
            base *= 10
        return result

78. 642. Design Search Autocomplete System

  • Trie
  • Hard
  • O(Vocab)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
        self.sentence_ids = set()

class AutocompleteSystem:
    def __init__(self, sentences: List[str], times: List[int]):
        self.root = TrieNode()
        self.sentence_freq = dict()
        self.sentence_idx = dict()
        self.idx_to_sentence = dict()
        for sentence, time in zip(sentences, times):
            self.add_sentence(sentence, time)
        self.stream = []
        self.curr = self.root

    def add_sentence(self, sentence, freq=1):
        if sentence in self.sentence_idx:
            idx = self.sentence_idx[sentence]
            idx = len(self.sentence_idx) + 1
            self.idx_to_sentence[idx] = sentence
            self.sentence_idx[sentence] = idx
            node = self.root
            for c in sentence:
                node = node[c]
        self.sentence_freq[idx] = self.sentence_freq.get(idx, 0) + freq
    def input(self, c: str) -> List[str]:
        if c == "#":
            sentence = "".join(self.stream)
            self.curr = self.root
            return []
        if self.curr is None or c not in self.curr: 
            self.curr = None
            return []
        self.curr = self.curr[c]
        matched = nsmallest(3, self.curr.sentence_ids, key=lambda x: (-self.sentence_freq[x], self.idx_to_sentence[x]))
        result = [self.idx_to_sentence[idx] for idx in matched]
        return result

79. 1592. Rearrange Spaces Between Words

  • Array
  • Easy / Hard
  • O(N)

Regular spaces and trailing spaces are divmod(# total spaces, # words - 1). Split and reform is Easy. If given char array and asking inplace swaps, we shift all words to one side leave 1 space in between, and then work from opposite side shift words with proper spaces.

class Solution:
    def reorderSpaces(self, text: str) -> str:
        num_spaces = text.count(" ")
        words = text.split()
        num_words = len(words)
        if num_words == 1: return words[0] + " " * num_spaces
        space, trailing = divmod(num_spaces, num_words - 1)
        result = []
        for word in words:
            result.append(" " * space)
        result[-1] = " " * trailing
        return "".join(result)

def l_shift(A, l, s, e):
    """shift A[s:e] to A[l:l + e-s]"""
    stride = e - s
    i, j = l, s
    while j < e:
        A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
        i += 1 ; j += 1
    return l + stride + 1, e + 1

def r_shift(A, r, s, e):
    """shift A[s:e] to A[r-e-s:r]"""
    stride = e - s
    i, j = r, e
    while j > s:
        A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
        j -= 1 ; i -= 1
    return r - stride, s

class Solution:
    def reorderSpaces(self, text: str) -> str:
        A = list(text)
        n = len(A)

        # shift words to left, leave one space in between count number of spaces
        l = s = 0
        num_words = 0
        while s < n:
            if A[s] == " ": s += 1; continue
            num_words += 1
            e = s
            while e <n and A[e] != ' ': e += 1
            l, s = l_shift(A, l, s, e)
        if num_words == 1: return "".join(A)
        num_spaces = A.count(" ")
        space, trailing = divmod(num_spaces, num_words - 1)
        # work from back ward
        r = n - 1 - trailing
        e = n - 1
        while e > 0:
            if A[e] == " ": e -= 1; continue
            s = e
            while s >=0 and A[s] != ' ': s -= 1
            r, e = r_shift(A, r, s, e)
            r -= space
        return "".join(A)

80. 1776. Car Fleet II

  • Monotonic Stack
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Given a car, it will only see the car on its right. Only the slowest car matters. Keep a monotonic stack of cars decreasing in speed. E -> A -> B -> C if A is slower than B, from E’s perspective, A is all that matters. if A is faster than B and crashes B before E can catch up with A. Then from E’s perspective, A is equivalent to B.

class Solution:
    def getCollisionTimes(self, A: List[List[int]]) -> List[float]:
        # A: tuple[pos: int, speed: int]
        stack = []
        n = len(A)
        res = [-1] * n
        for i in reversed(range(n)):
            p, s = A[i]
            # has car on right  right car is faster |  time to catch up with right car                time right car crashed => thus will not catch up
            while stack and (s <= A[stack[-1]][1] or (A[stack[-1]][0] - p) / (s - A[stack[-1]][1]) >= res[stack[-1]] > 0): stack.pop()
            # slow car on the right and this car will catch right car before rigtht car crash
            if stack: res[i] = (A[stack[-1]][0] - p) / (s - A[stack[-1]][1])
        return res

81. 837. New 21 Game

  • DP / Math / Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)
# 6 sided dice
# pr(i) probabiliy see total i points during sequence of draws
# pr(0) = 1
# pr(1) = 1/6 -> roll once and a one
# pr(2) = 1/6 + 1/6 * 1/6 -> roll a two or from a single roll of 1 roll another 1
# pr(3) = 1/6 + 1/6 * 1/6 + 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 -> (0,3; 2,1; 1,2)
# pr(i) = sum(pr(i-6), pr(i-5), pr(i-4), ..., pr(i-1)) * 1/6
# true before we hit k

Pr(i) probability see total of i points during all sequences: Pr(1) = 1/w, Pr(2) = 1 / w(draw a 2) + Pr(1) * 1 / w (from a 1 draw then draw another 1)
Generally: Pr(i) = 1 / w * Sum { Pr(j) for j in range(max(0, i-w), min(i, k)) } use a sliding window for this sum.

class Solution:
#     def new21Game(self, n: int, k: int, maxPts: int) -> float:
#         if k == 0 or n >= k + maxPts: return 1
#         pr = [1.] + [0.] * n
#         for i in range(1, n + 1):
#             pr[i] = sum(pr[j] 
#                         for j in range(max(0, i-maxPts), min(i, k))
#                        ) * 1 / maxPts
#         return sum(pr[k:])  # TLE since we are calculating the window from strach each time.
    def new21Game(self, n: int, k: int, maxPts: int) -> float:
        if k == 0 or n >= k + maxPts: return 1
        pr = [1.] + [0.] * n
        prob = 0
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            if i > maxPts: prob -= pr[i - maxPts - 1]
            if i <= k:     prob += pr[i - 1]
            pr[i] = prob * 1 / maxPts             
        return sum(pr[k:]) 

82. 1477. Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum

  • Prefix Sum
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def minSumOfLengths(self, arr: List[int], target: int) -> int:#     
        n = len(arr)
        prefix_sum = {0: -1}
        prefix_shortest = [n + 1] * len(arr)
        shortest = n + 1
        min_sum_length = n + 1
        for r, accum in enumerate(accumulate(arr)):
            if accum - target in prefix_sum:
                l = prefix_sum[accum - target]
                if l > -1:
                    min_sum_length = min(min_sum_length, r - l + prefix_shortest[l])
                shortest = min(shortest, r - l)
            prefix_shortest[r] = shortest
            prefix_sum[accum] = r
        return -1 if min_sum_length == n + 1 else min_sum_length

83. 1254. Number of Closed Islands

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def closedIsland(self, grid):
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        visited = set()
        def dfs(r, c):
            srounded = True
            stack = [(r, c)]
            while stack:
                r, c = stack.pop()
                if (r, c) in visited: continue
                if r == 0 or c == 0 or r == nrow - 1 or c == ncol - 1:
                    srounded = False                    
                visited.add((r, c))
                for nr, nc in [(r,c-1), (r,c+1), (r-1, c), (r+1, c)]:
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc] == 0:
                        stack.append((nr, nc))
            return srounded
        total = 0
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                if (r, c) in visited or grid[r][c] == 1: continue
                total += dfs(r, c)
        return total

84. 732. My Calendar III

  • SortedList
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Use a sorted list to store both end points for event annotated with +1 and -1. Scan the timepoints with running sum of the annotation. Max con-current event is the max of the running sum.

class MyCalendarThree(SortedList):
    def book(self, start: int, end: int) -> int:
        self.update([(start, 1), (end, -1)])
        max_booking = 0        
        bookings = 0
        for time, event in self:
            bookings += event
            max_booking = max(max_booking, bookings)        
        return max_booking

85. 1882. Process Tasks Using Servers

  • Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O((M+N)logN)
class Solution:
    def assignTasks(self, servers: List[int], tasks: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        busy = []
        free = [(wt, i) for i, wt in enumerate(servers)]
        result = []
        for t, task in enumerate(tasks): 
            while busy and busy[0][0] == t: 
                _, wt, i = heappop(busy)
                heappush(free, (wt, i))
            if free: wt, i = heappop(free) 
            else: t, wt, i = heappop(busy)
            heappush(busy, (t+task, wt, i))
        return result 

86. 1728. Cat and Mouse II

  • DFS + Memoization
  • Hard
  • O((MN) ^ 3 * (M + N))
class Solution:
    def canMouseWin(self, grid: List[str], catJump: int, mouseJump: int) -> bool:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if grid[r][c] == "F": food = (r, c)
            if grid[r][c] == "C": cat = (r, c)
            if grid[r][c] == "M": mouse = (r, c)
        threshold = nrow * ncol * 2                 # most amount of turns for cat to get to food.
        def dfs(cat, mouse, turn) -> bool: # whether mouse can win
            if cat == food or cat == mouse or turn >= threshold: return False  # mouse lose

            if mouse == food: return True                                      # mouse win
            if turn & 1: (r, c), jump = cat, catJump 
            else:        (r, c), jump = mouse, mouseJump
            for dr, dc in (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1):
                for step in range(1, jump + 1):
                    nr, nc = r + dr * step, c + dc * step
                    if not (nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol) or grid[nr][nc] == "#": # can't jump any further
                    if turn & 1: # cat move
                        if not dfs((nr, nc), mouse, turn + 1): # and cat can win 
                            return False                                      # mouse lose
                    else:        # mouse move
                        if dfs(cat, (nr, nc), turn + 1): # and mouse can win
                            return True                                       # mouse win
            if turn & 1 and not dfs(cat, mouse, turn + 1): # cat stay and win
                return False
            return turn & 1                                                  # cat can't win
        return dfs(cat, mouse, 0)

87. 284. Peeking Iterator

  • Design
  • Medium
  • O(1)

Cache next value. When called next or hasNext, check if cache exist or not first. When next, clear cache. In case the underlying iterator can return Null pointers, use a boolean flag to indicate whether we have cache.

class PeekingIterator:
    def __init__(self, iterator):
        self.iterator = iterator
        self.peeked = False
        self.peeked_value = None

    def peek(self):
        if not self.peeked: 
            self.peeked = True
            self.peeked_value = self.iterator.next()
        return self.peeked_value
    def next(self):
        if self.peeked:
            val = self.peeked_value
            self.peeked = False
            self.peeked_value = None
            val = self.iterator.next()
        return val

    def hasNext(self):
        return self.peeked or self.iterator.hasNext()

88. 564. Find the Closest Palindrome

  • Array
  • Hard
  • O(N^2)

Break problemn into two steps, candidate generation and ranking!

class Solution:
    def nearestPalindromic(self, S: str) -> str:
        K = len(S)
        # special cases 1001 999, 9999, 10001 which 
        # S = 10 the answer should be 9 
        # S = 99 the answer should be 101 
        # S = 44 the answer should be 33
        # S = 100 the answer should be 99
        # S = 999 the answer should be 1001 
        candidates = ["9" * K, "9" * (K-1), "1" + "0" * (K-1) + "1", "1" + "0" * (K-2) + "1"]
        candidates = [cand for cand in candidates if cand]
        prefix = S[:(K+1)//2]
        P = int(prefix)
        for start in map(str, (P-1, P, P+1)):
            candidates.append(start + (start[:-1] if K % 2 else start)[::-1])
        def delta(x): return abs(int(S) - int(x))

        ans = None
        for cand in candidates:
            if cand != S and not cand.startswith('00'):
                if (ans is None or delta(cand) < delta(ans) or
                        delta(cand) == delta(ans) and int(cand) < int(ans)):
                    ans = cand
        return ans

89. 1088. Confusing Number II

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Enumerate over all possibilities one digit at a time.

class Solution:
    def confusingNumberII(self, n: int) -> int:
        mapping = {0: 0, 1: 1, 6: 9, 8: 8, 9: 6}
        def dfs(num, rotated, base):
            result = int(num != rotated)
            new_base = base * 10
            for d, rd in mapping.items():
                new_num = num * 10 + d
                new_rotated = rd * base + rotated
                if new_num > n or new_num == 0: continue
                result += dfs(new_num, new_rotated, new_base)
            return result
        return dfs(0, 0, 1)

90. 818. Race Car

  • DP / Bit Manipulation
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Think of fulfilling the bits in the binary representation of t. Either overshot and do the complement. Or clear the second most significant bits. T = 1101 if overshoot we do 1111 and reverse do the complement 10 if clear most significant bit we can do 111 or 110 or 100 with 3 4 5 steps.

# t = 57         111001  bit_length = 6
# 1 overshoot and reverse
# if overshoot   111111   we get to this with 6A
#    then add 1 to turn back now we need to do the 111111 - 111001 = 110 in new direction
# 2 clear some bits
# 11111          101001                   m = 4
# 11110          100001                   m = 3
# 11100          011101                   m = 2
# 11000          011011                   m = 1
# 10000          011010                   m = 0

class Solution:
    def racecar(self, t: int) -> int:
        dp = {0: 0}
        for i in range(t.bit_length() + 2):
            dp[(1 << i) - 1] = i
        def dfs(t):
            if t in dp: return dp[t]
            n = t.bit_length()
            # over shoot then reverse the course
            dp[t] = dfs((1 << n) - 1 - t) + n + 1
            # clear most significant bit then back ward by 1 bit
            # try all bit pos
            for m in range(n - 1):
                dp[t] = min(dp[t], dfs(t - (1 << n - 1) + (1 << m)) + n + m + 1)
            return dp[t]
        return dfs(t)

91. 200. Number of Islands

  • DFS / BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Count the number of connected components.

class Solution:
    def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        visited = set()
        num_islands = 0
        def dfs(r, c):
            stack = [(r, c)]
            while stack:
                r, c = stack.pop()
                if (r, c) in visited: continue
                visited.add((r, c))
                for nr, nc in ((r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1)):
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc] == "1":
                        stack.append((nr, nc))
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                if grid[r][c] == "0" or (r,c) in visited: continue
                num_islands += 1
                dfs(r, c)
        return num_islands

92. 354. Russian Doll Envelopes

  • LIS
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

If we have distinct widths for envelopes, sort by widths, then problem reduced to LIS. With duplicated widths, if within the same widths, we sort by heights in reverse, it will still be a LIS problem. Thus sort by (w, -h) then LIS.

class Solution:
    def maxEnvelopes(self, envelopes: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        envelopes.sort(key = lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]))
        dolls = []
        for w, h in envelopes:
            i = bisect.bisect_left(dolls, h)
            if i == len(dolls): dolls.append(h)
            else:               dolls[i] = h
        return len(dolls)

93. 1499. Max Value of Equation

  • Sliding Window / Deque
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Note i <= j, equation evaluates to yj + xj + yi - xi => problem is finding max(yi - xi) in window of length k(with at least 2 points). Maintain a monotonic increasing deque. With elements of tuple(yi - xi, xi) popleft as window moves right.

class Solution:
    def findMaxValueOfEquation(self, points: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int:
        q = deque()
        res = -float('inf')
        for x2, y2 in points:
            while q and q[0][1] < x2 - k: q.popleft()
            if q: res = max(res, q[0][0] + y2 + x2)
            while q and q[-1][0] <= y2 - x2: q.pop()
            q.append([y2 - x2, x2])
        return res

94. 305. Number of Islands II

  • Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Dynamic connectivity -> Union Find.

class UnionFind(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.parents = dict()
        self.sizes = dict()
        self.n = 0

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.parents
    def insert(self, r, c):
        if self.__contains__((r,c)): return
        self.parents[(r, c)] = (r, c)
        self.sizes[(r, c)] = 1
        self.n += 1
    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small] 
        self.n -= 1

class Solution:
    def numIslands2(self, m: int, n: int, positions: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        uf = UnionFind()
        num_islands = []
        for r, c in positions:
            uf.insert(r, c)
            for rr, cc in [(r-1,c), (r+1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1)]:
                if (rr, cc) not in uf: continue
                uf.union((r,c), (rr,cc))
        return num_islands            

95. 1275. Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game

  • Array / Design
  • Easy
  • O(MN)
class Player:
    def __init__(self, name='', n=3):
        self.name = name
        self.n = n
        self.rows = [0] * n
        self.cols = [0] * n
        self.main_diag = 0
        self.anti_diag = 0
    def move(self, r, c):
        self.rows[r] += 1
        self.cols[c] += 1
        if r == c: self.main_diag += 1
        if r + c  + 1 == self.n: self.anti_diag += 1
        return self.n in [self.rows[r], self.cols[c], self.main_diag, self.anti_diag]
class Solution:
    def tictactoe(self, moves: List[List[int]], n=3) -> str:
        players = [Player(name, n) for name in ["A", "B"]]
        n_players = len(players)
        for i, (r, c) in enumerate(moves):
            turn = i % n_players
            player = players[turn]
            if player.move(r, c): return player.name
        return 'Pending' if len(moves) != n * n else 'Draw'

96. 835. Image Overlap

  • Sliding Window / HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N^4)

Can count (x2-x1, y2-y1) if A[x1][y1] == B[x2][y2] == 1. i.e. the shifts that will cause a match. Or do sliding window convolution, which the code will be messy.

class Solution:
    def largestOverlap(self, A: List[List[int]], B: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(A)
        def shift_overlap(A, dx, dy, B):
            lc, rc = 0, 0
            for rb, ra in enumerate(range(dy, n)):
                for cb, ca in enumerate(range(dx, n)):
                    if A[ra][ca] == B[rb][cb] == 1: lc += 1
                    if A[ra][cb] == B[rb][ca] == 1: rc += 1
            return max(lc, rc)
        max_overlaps = 0

        for dx, dy in product(range(n), range(n)):
            max_overlaps = max(
                shift_overlap(A, dx, dy, B),
                shift_overlap(B, dx, dy, A)
        return max_overlaps

    def largestOverlap(self, A, B):
        n = len(A)
        max_overlaps = 0
        shifts = defaultdict(int)        
        for r1, c1 in product(range(n), range(n)):
            if A[r1][c1] == 0: continue
            for r2, c2 in product(range(n), range(n)):
                if B[r2][c2] == 0: continue
                shifts[r2-r1,c2-c1] += 1
        return max(shifts.values(), default = 0)

97. 975. Odd Even Jump

  • Sorting / Stack / DP
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Use a monotonic stack to find the next lower / larger index. From the end location backtrack by alternating between the next_lower, next_higher arrays.

class Solution:
    def oddEvenJumps(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(arr)
        next_higher, next_lower = [0] * n, [0] * n

        stack = []
        for a, i in sorted([a, i] for i, a in enumerate(arr)):
            while stack and stack[-1] < i:
                next_higher[stack.pop()] = i

        stack = []
        for a, i in sorted([-a, i] for i, a in enumerate(arr)):
            while stack and stack[-1] < i:
                next_lower[stack.pop()] = i
        # backtrack
        odd, even = [0] * n, [0] * n
        odd[-1] = even[-1] = 1
        for i in reversed(range(n - 1)):
            # if we are at loc i and it is odd turn, can we jump and reach the end?
            if next_higher[i]: odd[i] = even[next_higher[i]]   
            # if we are at loc i and it is even turn, can we jump and reach the end?
            if next_lower[i]: even[i] = odd[next_lower[i]]
        return sum(odd) # game start with odd turn 

98. 307. Range Sum Query - Mutable

  • Segment Tree
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, val=None, parent=None, left=None, right=None, start=None, end=None):
        self.val = val
        self.parent = parent
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
    def __repr__(self):
        print('val {} start {} end {}'.format(self.val, self.start, self.end))
class SegmentTree:
    def __init__(self, values):
    def build_tree(self, values):
        nodes = [TreeNode(val=val, start=i, end=i) for i, val in enumerate(values)]
        self.leaves = nodes
        while len(nodes) != 1:
            parents = []
            for l, r in zip_longest(nodes[::2], nodes[1::2], fillvalue=None):
                val = l.val if not r else l.val + r.val
                end = l.end if not r else r.end
                parent = TreeNode(val, left=l, right=r, start=l.start, end=end)
                l.parent = parent
                if r: r.parent = parent
            nodes = parents
        self.root = nodes[0]
    def update(self, index, val):
        leaf = self.leaves[index]
        diff = val - leaf.val
        node = leaf
        while node:
            node.val += diff
            node = node.parent              
    def query(self, left, right):
        l = self.leaves[left]
        r = self.leaves[right]
        if l == r: return l.val
        total = l.val + r.val
        while l.parent != r.parent:
            if l == l.parent.left:
                total += l.parent.right.val
            if r == r.parent.right:
                total += r.parent.left.val
            l = l.parent
            r = r.parent
        return total        

class NumArray(SegmentTree):
    def __init__(self, nums: List[int]):

    def update(self, index: int, val: int) -> None:
        super().update(index, val)
    def sumRange(self, left: int, right: int) -> int:
        return super().query(left, right)

99. 568. Maximum Vacation Days

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N^2* K)

DP[k][j] is the max number of vaction days, when we end our kth week at city j DP[k][j] = max(dp[k-1][i] + days[i][k] if we can reach j from i, or i is j ie stay)

class Solution:
    def maxVacationDays(self, flights: List[List[int]], days: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n, k = len(days), len(days[0])
        dp = [[0] * n for _ in range(k+1)]
        dp[0][0] = 0
        for t, i in product(range(k), range(n)):
            for j, has_flight in enumerate(flights[i]):
                if not (has_flight or i == j): continue
                dp[t+1][j] = max(dp[t+1][j], dp[t][i] + days[j][t])
        return max(dp[-1])

100. 253. Meeting Rooms II

  • Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Sort meetings by starting time. Push end time onto a min priority queue. Going through the rest of meetings, if priority is not empty and the top item(end time) is less than the starting time, that means a previous occupied room can be used, pop it off the priority queue and push on the new end time. The size of the priority queue is the max number of rooms needed. Follow up: to out put each room’s schedule. Push (endtime, roomid) on the queue, when we reuse room, use the same roomid, when we ran out of rooms, use size(queue) as new room’s id. Use a HashMap mapping room_id to its events.

class Solution:
    def minMeetingRooms(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        occupied = []
        max_occupation = 0
        meeting_ids = defaultdict(list)
        for start_time, end_time in intervals:
            if occupied and occupied[0][0] <= start_time: _, room_id = heapq.heappop(occupied)
            else:                                         room_id = len(occupied)
            meeting_ids[room_id].append((start_time, end_time))
            heapq.heappush(occupied, (end_time, room_id))
            max_occupation = max(max_occupation, len(occupied))
        return max_occupation

101. 1226. The Dining Philosophers

  • Concurrency
  • Medium
  • O(1)

When a philosopher wants to eat, lock the two folks at his left and right.

from threading import Semaphore

class DiningPhilosophers:
    def __init__(self):
        self.folks = [Semaphore(1) for _ in range(5)]

    # call the functions directly to execute, for example, eat()
    def wantsToEat(self,
                   philosopher: int,
                   pickLeftFork: 'Callable[[], None]',
                   pickRightFork: 'Callable[[], None]',
                   eat: 'Callable[[], None]',
                   putLeftFork: 'Callable[[], None]',
                   putRightFork: 'Callable[[], None]') -> None:

        left, right = philosopher, (philosopher - 1) % 5
        if philosopher == 0: left, right = right, left
        with self.folks[left], self.folks[right]:
            pickLeftFork(); pickRightFork(); eat(); putLeftFork(); putRightFork()

102. 465. Optimal Account Balancing

  • DFS / Bit Mask DP
  • Hard
  • O(N2^N)

Start with everyone’s end balance. Try to cancel the debt in one trans, if we can’t, then give money from pos to neg and keep going.

class Solution:
    def minTransfers(self, transactions: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        counter = defaultdict(int)
        for f, t, m in transactions:
            counter[f] -= m
            counter[t] += m
        balances = tuple([v for v in counter.values() if v])
        def dfs(state):
            if not state:     return 0
            for i in range(1, len(state)):
                if state[i] == -state[0]:  return 1 + dfs(state[1:i] + state[i+1:])
            ret = []
            for i in range(1, len(state)):
                if state[i] * state[0] < 0: ret.append(dfs(state[1:i] + tuple([state[i] + state[0]]) + state[i+1:]))
            return 1 + min(ret)

        return dfs(balances)         

103. 846. Hand of Straights

  • Greedy / Sorted HashMap / Sort + HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(NlogM)
class Solution:
    def isNStraightHand(self, hand: List[int], k: int) -> bool:
        counts = Counter(hand)
        for x0 in sorted(counts.keys()):
            if counts.get(x0, 0) >= 1:
                cnt = counts[x0]
                for i in range(k):
                    if counts.get(x0 + i, 0) < cnt:  return False
                    counts[x0 + i] -= cnt
        return True             

104. 1244. Design A Leaderboard

  • HashMap + SortedList
  • Medium
  • O(logN) for all operations
class Leaderboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player_score = dict()
        self.scores = SortedList()
    def addScore(self, playerId, score):
        if playerId in self.player_score:
            old_score = self.player_score[playerId]
            score += old_score
        self.player_score[playerId] = score
    def top(self, K):
        return sum(self.scores[-K:])  # logN + K
    def reset(self, playerId):

105. 1263. Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location

  • Shortest Path? Priority Queue BFS
  • Hard
  • O(MNLog(MN))
class Solution:
    def minPushBox(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        floor = set()
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            cell = grid[r][c]
            if cell == "#": continue
            if cell == "S": spawn = r, c
            if cell == "B": box = r, c
            if cell == "T": target = r, c
            floor.add((r, c))               
        pq = [(0, *spawn, *box)]
        seen = set()
        while pq:
            steps, pr_1, pc_1, br_1, bc_1 = heappop(pq)
            box_loc = (br_1, bc_1)
            player_loc = (pr_1, pc_1)
            if box_loc== target: return steps
            if (*player_loc, *box_loc) in seen: continue
            seen.add((*player_loc, *box_loc))
            for dr, dc in (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1):
                player_loc_new = pr_2, pc_2 = pr_1 + dr, pc_1 + dc
                box_loc_new = br_2, bc_2 = br_1 + dr, bc_1 + dc
                if player_loc_new == box_loc and box_loc_new in floor:
                    heappush(pq, (steps + 1, *player_loc_new, *box_loc_new))
                elif player_loc_new in floor and player_loc_new != box_loc:
                    heappush(pq, (steps, *player_loc_new, *box_loc))
        return -1

106. 1948. Delete Duplicate Folders in System

  • Trie / DFS / Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

step 1 Use trie to store the direcotries, argument each node with a indicator variable to_delete. step 2 Run dfs and build postorder serialization of the sub directory structure and hash the structure to trie node(s). step 3 Find the sub directory structure that has more than one trie node, ie duplicated folders, flag the trie nodes to be deleted. step 4 Do another round of dfs/backtrack and to collect the final path structure.

class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dl = False
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
    def __hash__(self): return id(self)

class Solution:
    def deleteDuplicateFolder(self, paths):
        root = TrieNode()
        for path in sorted(paths):
            node = root
            for d in path: node = node[d]        
        pattern = defaultdict(list)
        def dfs(node):
            key = "(" + ''.join(c + dfs(nd) for c, nd in node.items()) + ")"
            if key != "()": pattern[key].append(node)
            return key
        for nodes in pattern.values():
            if len(nodes) > 1:
                for i in nodes: i.dl = True
        result = []
        def backtrack(path, node):
            for c, nd in node.items():
                if nd.dl: continue
                backtrack(path, nd)
            if path: result.append(path.copy())
        backtrack([], root)
        return result

107. 1138. Alphabet Board Path

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def alphabetBoardPath(self, target: str) -> str:
        to_loc = lambda c: divmod(ord(c) - ord('a'), 5)
        def get_instructions(r, c, nr, nc):
            v_moves = 'D' * (nr - r) if nr > r else 'U' * (r - nr)
            h_moves = 'R' * (nc - c) if nc > c else 'L' * (c - nc)
            if (r, c) == (5, 0): return [v_moves, h_moves]
            return [h_moves, v_moves]                    
        instructions = []
        r, c = 0, 0
        for char in target:
            nr, nc = to_loc(char)
            instructions.extend(get_instructions(r, c, nr, nc))
            r, c = nr, nc
        return "".join(instructions)

108. 1. Two Sum

  • HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        mapping = dict()  # number -> index
        for idx, num in enumerate(nums):
            complement = target - num
            if complement in mapping: return [idx, mapping[complement]]
            mapping[num] = idx

109. 1514. Path with Maximum Probability

  • Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O(V+E)
class PQItem:
    def __init__(self, priority, item):
        self.priority = priority
        self.item = item
    def __lt__(self, other): return self.priority > other.priority

class Solution:
    def maxProbability(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], succProb: List[float], start: int, end: int) -> float:
        adj_list = defaultdict(list)
        for (f, t), p in zip(edges, succProb):
            adj_list[f].append((t, p))
            adj_list[t].append((f, p))
        # visited node
        visited = [False for _ in range(n)]
        max_heap = [PQItem(1, start)]
        # search
        while max_heap:
            pqitem = heappop(max_heap)
            prob, node = pqitem.priority, pqitem.item
            if node == end: return prob 
            visited[node] = True
            for nex_node, add_prob in adj_list[node]:
                if visited[nex_node]: continue
                heappush(max_heap, PQItem(prob * add_prob, nex_node))
        return 0

110. 1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach

  • Priority Queue / Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Use ladder when we have not enough bricks, and recover bricks amounts equal to a single climb up from past.

class PQItem:
    def __init__(self, priority): self.priority = priority
    def __lt__(self, other): return self.priority > other.priority

class Solution:
    def furthestBuilding(self, heights: List[int], bricks: int, ladders: int) -> int:
        pq = []
        for i in range(1, len(heights)):
            if (diff := heights[i] - heights[i - 1]) > 0:
                bricks -= diff
                heappush(pq, PQItem(diff))
                if bricks < 0:
                    ladders -= 1
                    bricks += heappop(pq).priority
                    if bricks < 0 or ladders < 0: return i - 1
        return len(heights) - 1         

111. 2103. Rings and Rods

  • Bit
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Use bit mask to indicate color, use a integer indicating the state for each rod. Use or operatior to update state.

class Solution:
    def countPoints(self, rings: str) -> int: 
        n = len(rings) // 2
        rod_color = [0] * 10
        color_to_flag = {'R': 1, 'G': 2, 'B': 4}
        for i in range(0, 2 * n, 2):
            color, rod = rings[i], rings[i + 1]
            rod_color[int(rod)] |= color_to_flag[color]
        return rod_color.count(7)

112. 871. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops

  • Priority Queue / Greedy
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Use priority to keep track of past gas stations, where the priority is higher capacity(thus we fill up as few times as possible). Follow the stations, whenever we find ran out of fuel, go back to priority queue to see if we filled up before can we get here. If not we fail, otherwise add new station to queue and move forward.

class Solution:
    def minRefuelStops(self, target: int, start_fuel: int, stations: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        class Node:
            def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
            def __lt__(self, other): return self.val > other.val
        stations.append([target, float('inf')])
        tank = start_fuel
        num_refills = 0
        prev_location = 0
        pq = []  
        for location, capacity in stations:
            tank -= location - prev_location
            while pq and tank < 0:  # must refuel in past
                tank += heapq.heappop(pq).val
                num_refills += 1
            if tank < 0: return -1
            heapq.heappush(pq, Node(capacity))
            prev_location = location
        return num_refills        

113. 920. Number of Music Playlists

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(MN)
S: dp[i][j] # number of unique playlists of length i with j songs
                # use a new song.              # reuse a song but not the most recent used k 
R: dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] * (n - (j - 1)) + dp[i-1][j] * max(j-k, 0)
T: i, j
B: dp[0][0] = 1
O: dp[0][0]
T: O(goal * n)
class Solution:
    def numMusicPlaylists(self, n: int, goal: int, k: int) -> int:
        M = 1_000_000_007        
        dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(goal + 1)]
        dp[0][0] = 1
        for i in range(1, goal + 1):
            for j in range(1, n + 1):
                dp[i][j] = (dp[i-1][j-1] * (n - (j - 1)) + dp[i-1][j] * max(j-k, 0)) % M
        return dp[-1][-1]

114. 269. Alien Dictionary

  • Topological Sort
  • Hard
  • O(VE)

Build graph. DFS (with cycle detection) collect postorder. Or BFS en queue when in_degree decreased to 0.

class Solution:
    def alienOrder(self, words: List[str], method='dfs') -> str:
        # preprocessing
        nodes = reduce(set.union, map(set, words))  # char set
        out_edges = defaultdict(list)
        in_degrees = defaultdict(int)
        for w1, w2 in zip(words, words[1:]):
            for c1, c2 in zip(w1, w2):
                if c1 == c2: continue
                in_degrees[c2] += 1
                if len(w1) > len(w2): return ""

        ordering = self.topsort_bfs(nodes, out_edges, in_degrees) if method == 'bfs' else self.topsort_dfs(nodes, out_edges)
        return ''.join(ordering)

    def topsort_bfs(nodes, out_edges, in_degrees):
        ordering = deque()
        queue = deque(nodes.difference(in_degrees.keys()))
        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            for nxt_node in out_edges[node]:
                in_degrees[nxt_node] -= 1
                if not in_degrees[nxt_node]: queue.append(nxt_node)
        return ordering if len(ordering) == len(nodes) else []

    def topsort_dfs(nodes, out_edges):
        ordering = deque()
        visited = set()  
        path = set()

        def dfs(node): # return True if has cycle
            if node in visited: return False
            if node in path: return True

            for nxt_node in out_edges[node]:
                if dfs(nxt_node): return True
            return False

        while nodes:
            node = nodes.pop()
            has_cycle = dfs(node)
            if has_cycle: return ""
            else: nodes = nodes.difference(visited)
        return ordering

115. 850. Rectangle Area II

  • Sweep Line
  • Hard
  • O(N^2) -> segment tree can improve this to O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def rectangleArea(self, rectangles: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        MOD = 10 ** 9 +7
        INT_MIN = - 2 ** 32
        # convert list of rectangles to events
        events = [] # tuple of x, event (open/close), y1, y2
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rectangles:
            events.append([x1, 0, y1, y2])
            events.append([x2, 1, y1, y2])
        # helper function to do total interval length via sweep line
        def gain_area(width): 
            area = 0
            prev = INT_MIN
            for lo, hi in open_intervals:
                prev = max(prev, lo)
                area += max(0, (hi - prev) * width)
                prev = max(hi, prev)
            return area
        # sweep line to realize area
        # O(N^2)
        area = 0
        x1 = INT_MIN
        open_intervals = SortedList()
        for event in events: # O(N)
            x2, close, y1, y2 = event
            area += gain_area(x2 - x1)
            if close:
            x1 = x2
        return area % MOD

116. 886. Possible Bipartition

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(V + E)

Component building and find conflicts.

class Solution:
    def possibleBipartition(self, n: int, dislikes: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        assignments = dict()
        adj_list = defaultdict(list)
        for a, b in dislikes:
        for i in range(1, n+1):
            if i in assignments: continue
            assignments[i] = 0
            dq = deque([i])
            while dq:
                a = dq.pop() # a = queue.popleft()
                for b in adj_list[a]:
                    if b not in assignments:
                        assignments[b] = 1 ^ assignments[a]
                    if assignments[b] == assignments[a]: return False   
        return True

117. 778. Swim in Rising Water

  • Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(N^2\alpha(N^2))

Iterate over cells sorting by time. Union find cell with neighboring cells that were already in set. Check if top left and bottom right is connected or not.

class Solution:
    def swimInWater(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(grid)
        t_to_loc = {grid[r][c]: (r,c) for r in range(n) for c in range(n)}
        uf = UnionFind()
        for t in range(n**2):
            r, c = t_to_loc[t]
            for rr, cc in [(r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1)]:
                if (rr, cc) not in uf: continue
                uf.union((r,c), (rr,cc))
            if (0,0) in uf and (n-1,n-1) in uf and uf.find((0,0)) == uf.find((n-1,n-1)):
                return t

118. 676. Implement Magic Dictionary

  • HashMap / Trie
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class MagicDictionary:
    def _gen_neighbors(self, word):
        for i in range(len(word)):
            yield word[:i] + '*' + word[i + 1:]
    def buildDict(self, words) -> None:
        """Build a dictionary through a list of words."""
        self.words = set(words)
        self.neighbor_counts = defaultdict(int)
        for word in words:
            for neighbor in self._gen_neighbors(word):
                self.neighbor_counts[neighbor] += 1
    def search(self, word: str) -> bool:
        Returns if there is any word in the dictionary that equals to the given word after modifying exactly one character
        counts = sum(map(self.neighbor_counts.__getitem__, self._gen_neighbors(word)))
        if word in self.words: 
            return counts > len(word)
        return counts >= 1

119. 62. Unique Paths

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def uniquePaths(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:
        dp = [1] * n
        for row, col in product(range(1, m), range(1, n)):
            dp[col] = dp[col] + dp[col-1]
        return dp[-1]

120. 233. Number of Digit One

  • Math
  • Hard
  • O(N)

f(n) = number of digit one from number up to (10 ** n) inclusive. f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 20, f(3) = 300, f(4) = 4000 etc f(i) = 10 * f(i-1) + 10 ** i 0 to 9 + all numbers of length(i-1) + add one to all numbers from 0 to 10 ** i - 1

232 -> enumerate over digits from least significant to most significant. If d and d == 1: total += f(i) + remainder + 1 (f(i) from add 1 to all numbers with length i - 1) If d and d > 1: total += f(i) * d + 10 ** i

class Solution:
    def countDigitOne(self, n):
        total = num_ones = 0
        base, remainder = 1, 0
        for i, d in enumerate(map(int, reversed(str(n)))):
            if d == 1: total += num_ones + remainder + 1
            if d >  1: total += num_ones * d + base
            num_ones = 10 * num_ones + base
            remainder += d * base
            base *= 10
        return total

121. 588. Design In-Memory File System

  • Trie
  • Hard
  • O(L)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
        self.type = "path"
        self.content = ""

class FileSystem:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()
    def _split(path):
        if path == "/": return []  # root dir
        return path[1:].split("/")       # sequence of sub dirs
    def ls(self, path: str) -> List[str]:
        node = self.root
        for d in self._split(path):
            if d not in node: return []
            node = node[d]
        if node.type == "file": return [path.split("/")[-1]]
        return sorted(list(node.keys()))
    def mkdir(self, path: str) -> None:
        node = self.root
        for d in self._split(path):
            node = node[d]

    def addContentToFile(self, filePath: str, content: str) -> None:
        node = self.root
        for d in self._split(filePath):
            node = node[d]
        node.type = "file"
        node.content += content

    def readContentFromFile(self, filePath: str) -> str:
        node = self.root
        for d in self._split(filePath):
            node = node[d]
        return node.content

122. 1438. Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit

  • Monotonic Deque
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def longestSubarray(self, nums: List[int], limit: int) -> int:
        hi = deque()
        lo = deque()

        i = 0
        for num in nums:
            while hi and hi[-1] < num: hi.pop()
            while lo and lo[-1] > num: lo.pop()
            if hi[0] - lo[0] > limit:
                if hi[0] == nums[i]: hi.popleft()
                if lo[0] == nums[i]: lo.popleft()
                i += 1
        return len(nums) - i

123. 788. Rotated Digits

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def rotatedDigits(self, n: int) -> int:
        s1 = set([0, 1, 8])
        s2 = set([0, 1, 8, 2, 5, 6, 9])
        s = set()
        res = 0
        n = list(map(int, str(n)))
        for i, v in enumerate(n):
            for j in range(v):
                if s.issubset(s2) and j in s2: res += 7 ** (len(n) - i - 1)
                if s.issubset(s1) and j in s1: res -= 3 ** (len(n) - i - 1)
            if v not in s2: return res
        return res + (s.issubset(s2) and not s.issubset(s1))

124. 85. Maximal Rectangle

  • Stack
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Process the matrix to compute longest horizontal length from left to each cell( vertical from top, etc will do as well). Use the linear time stack based solution to largest rectangle area problem to scan these column by column.

def largestRectangleArea(heights):
    stack = [-1]
    max_area = 0
    for i, height in enumerate(heights):
        while stack and heights[stack[-1]] > height:
            h = heights[stack.pop()]
            w = i - stack[-1] - 1
            max_area = max(max_area, h * w)
    return max_area

class Solution:
    def maximalRectangle(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        lengths = [[0] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        for r, row in enumerate(matrix):
            strike = 0
            for c, cell in enumerate(row):
                strike = strike + 1 if cell == "1" else 0
                lengths[r][c] = strike

        max_area = 0
        for heights in map(list, zip(*lengths)):
            max_area = max(max_area, largestRectangleArea(heights))
        return max_area

125. 1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest

  • Preorder Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def delNodes(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], to_delete: List[int]) -> List[TreeNode]:
        to_delete = set(to_delete)
        roots = [] if root.val in to_delete else [root]    
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            for child in (node.left, node.right):
                if child is None: continue
                if node.val in to_delete and child.val not in to_delete: roots.append(child)                
            if node.left and node.left.val in to_delete: node.left = None
            if node.right and node.right.val in to_delete: node.right = None
        return roots

126. 1007. Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def minDominoRotations(self, tops: List[int], bottoms: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(tops)
        min_rotations = n + 1
        for c in [tops[0], bottoms[0]]:
            tc = bc = 0
            for t, b in zip(tops, bottoms):
                if t != c and b != c: break
                tc += int(t == c)
                bc += int(b == c)
            else: min_rotations = min(min_rotations, (n - tc), (n - bc))
        return -1 if min_rotations == n + 1 else min_rotations

127. 56. Merge Intervals

  • Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def merge(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        merged_intervals = []
        l1, r1 = intervals[0]
        for l2, r2 in intervals[1:]:
            if l2 > r1:
                merged_intervals.append((l1, r1))
                l1, r1 = l2, r2
            elif r2 > r1:
                r1 = r2
        merged_intervals.append((l1, r1))
        return merged_intervals

128. 1231. Divide Chocolate

  • Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

write a greedy function to verify if target sweetness can be achived. Binary search between 0 and average sweetness + 1. Find the largest value where the function is still true.

class Solution:
    def maximizeSweetness(self, sweetness: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        def can_divide(amt):
            num_chunks, accum = 0, 0
            for num in sweetness:
                accum += num
                if accum >= amt:
                    num_chunks += 1
                    accum = 0
            return num_chunks >= k + 1
        lo, hi = 0, sum(sweetness) // (k + 1) + 1
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if not can_divide(mid):
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        return lo - 1   # lo will be the leftmost such that not can_divide, thus lo - 1 is the rightmost such that can_divide

129. 419. Battleships in a Board

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Count only the top-left cell of the ship.

class Solution(object):
    def countBattleships(self, board):
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        count = 0
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if board[r][c] != 'X': continue
            if r > 0 and board[r-1][c] == 'X': continue
            if c > 0 and board[r][c-1] == 'X': continue
            count += 1
        return count

130. 659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences

  • Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Keep track of sequnces by ending number and length. Greedy extending sequences as we see new number. Always add number to shortest sequence ending with number - 1. In the end there should be no length 1 or 2 sequence.

class Solution:
    def isPossible(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        min_val = nums[0]
        nums = [num - min_val for num in nums]
        ends_with = [0] * (nums[-1] + 1)
        one_ends_with = [0] * (nums[-1] + 1)
        two_ends_with = [0] * (nums[-1] + 1)
        for num in nums:
            if one_ends_with[num - 1]:
                one_ends_with[num-1] -= 1
                two_ends_with[num] = two_ends_with[num] + 1

            if two_ends_with[num - 1]:
                two_ends_with[num-1] -= 1
                ends_with[num] = ends_with[num] + 1
            if ends_with[num-1]:
                ends_with[num-1] -= 1
                ends_with[num] = ends_with[num] + 1
            one_ends_with[num] = one_ends_with[num] + 1
        return not (any(one_ends_with) or any(two_ends_with))

131. 1855. Maximum Distance Between a Pair of Values

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Iterate over nums1, each step, try advance in nums2 as far as possible.

class Solution:
    def maxDistance(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> int:
        n1, n2 = len(nums1), len(nums2)
        max_dist = 0
        j = 0
        for i in range(n1):
            if j < i: j = i
            while j < n2 and nums2[j] >= nums1[i]: j += 1
            max_dist = max(max_dist, j - i - 1)
            if j == n2: break
        return max_dist

132. 1102. Path With Maximum Minimum Value

  • Union Find / Sorting / Dijkstra
  • Hard
  • O(MN log MN)

Max Priority Queue with priority be the path min. When search reaches the bottom right, the running min of path min is the maximum.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parents = dict()
        self.sizes = dict()
    def __contains__(self, i):
        return i in self.parents
    def insert(self, i):
        if self.__contains__(i): return
        self.parents[i] = i
        self.sizes[i] = 1
    def find(self, i):
        if not self.__contains__(i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    

class Solution:
    def maximumMinimumPath(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        uf = UnionFind()
        for val, r, c in sorted(((grid[r][c], r, c) for r in range(nrow) for c in range(ncol)), reverse=True):
            for nr, nc in ((r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1)):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and (nr, nc) in uf:
                    uf.union((r,c), (nr,nc))            
                if (0, 0) in uf and (nrow-1, ncol-1) in uf and uf.find((0, 0)) == uf.find((nrow-1, ncol-1)):
                    return val

class PQItem:
    def __init__(self, priority, loc): self.priority, self.loc = priority, loc
    def __lt__(self, other): return self.priority > other.priority

class Solution:
    def maximumMinimumPath(self, grid):
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        pq = [PQItem(grid[0][0], (0, 0))]
        global_min = grid[0][0]
        visited = set([(0, 0)])
        while pq:
            item = heappop(pq)
            path_min, (r, c) = item.priority, item.loc
            global_min = min(global_min, path_min)
            if (r, c) == (nrow-1, ncol-1): return global_min
            for nr, nc in (r+1,c), (r-1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and (nr, nc) not in visited:
                    visited.add((nr, nc))
                    heappush(pq, PQItem(min(path_min, grid[nr][nc]), (nr, nc)))

133. 2083. Substrings That Begin and End With the Same Letter

  • Count
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Each character, let it appears n times in the string, each pair contributes to 1 substring, thus, n * (n + 1) // 2 from this character. Aggregate over all unique characters.

class Solution:
    def numberOfSubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
        return sum(map(lambda v: (v*v + v) >> 1, Counter(s).values()))

134. 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence

  • Binary Search / Monotonic Stack
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Brute force DP is O(N^2). DP[i] is length of LIS ending with nums[i]. For DP[i] = max(DP[j] + 1) for j in range(i) if nums[j] < nums[i]. For the monotonic stack solution, length of the stack will be the length LIS. When we encounter a number, it can potential form a prefix for the LIS with the previous LIS ending slightly smaller than it, thus bisect and update the value.

class Solution:
    def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        tails = []
        for num in nums:
            i = bisect_left(tails, num)
            if i == len(tails): tails.append(num)
            else:               tails[i] = num
        return len(tails)

135. 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Find reachable locations from two oceans seperately. Find the intersection among the two sets.

class Solution:
    def pacificAtlantic(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])

        def dfs(stack):
            reachable = set()
            while stack:
                node = stack.pop()
                r, c = node
                for nr, nc in [(r - 1, c), (r + 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1)]:
                    if (nr, nc) in reachable: continue
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and matrix[nr][nc] >= matrix[r][c]: 
                        stack.append((nr, nc))
            return reachable

        p_reachable = dfs(
            [(r, 0) for r in range(nrow)] + 
            [(0, c) for c in range(ncol)]
        a_reachable = dfs(
            [(r, ncol - 1) for r in range(nrow)] + 
            [(nrow - 1, c) for c in range(ncol)]

        reachable = p_reachable.intersection(a_reachable)
        return reachable

136. 1230. Toss Strange Coins

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def probabilityOfHeads(self, prob: List[float], target: int) -> float:
        dp = [0] * (target + 1)
        dp[0] = 1
        for i, p in enumerate(prob, 1):
            for t in range(min(target, i), -1, -1):
                dp[t] = int(t != 0) * dp[t-1] * p + dp[t] * (1-p)
        return dp[target]

137. 1509. Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves

  • Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(1)

Exam the extreme cases only. sort then take min of (a[~3] - a[0], a[~2] - a[1], a[~1] - a[2], a[~0] - a[3])

class Solution:
    def minDifference(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if len(nums) <= 4: return 0
        s1, s2, s3, s4 = sorted(nums)[:4]
        l1, l2, l3, l4 = sorted(nums, reverse=True)[:4]
        min_diff = min(abs(l4-s1), abs(l3 - s2), abs(l2 - s3), abs(l1 - s4))
        return min_diff

138. 224. Basic Calculator

  • Stack
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Initialize operator to “+”, operand to 0, partial result to 0. Whenever encountering digit, update operand Whenever encountering +-, do partial = op(partial, operator, operand), reset operator and operand Whenever encountering (, put partial result and operator on to stack, and reset operator and partial Whenever encountering ), do operand = op(partial, operator, operand), then pop previous partial result and operator do partial = op(partial, operator, operand)

class BasicCalculatorI:
    def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:
        stack = []
        operator, partial, operand = "+", 0, 0
        def operation(a, o, b):
            if o == "+": return a + b
            if o == "-": return a - b
        for c in s:
            if c.isdigit():
                operand = operand * 10 + int(c)
            if c in '+-':
                partial = operation(partial, operator, operand)
                operator = c
                operand = 0
            if c == ")":
                operand = operation(partial, operator, operand)
                operator, partial = stack.pop()
                partial = operation(partial, operator, operand)
                operand = 0
            if c == '(':
                stack.append((operator, partial))
                operator, partial = "+", 0
        return operation(partial, operator, operand)

139. 505. The Maze II

  • BFS / Dijkstra / Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def shortestDistance(self, maze: List[List[int]], start: List[int], destination: List[int]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(maze), len(maze[0])
        MAX_DIST = nrow * ncol
        distances = [[MAX_DIST] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        distances[start[0]][start[1]] = 0
        dirs = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0))
        queue = deque([(start, 0)])
        while queue:
            (r, c), step = queue.popleft()
            for dr, dc in dirs:
                nr, nc, steps = r, c, step
                while nrow > nr + dr >= 0 <= nc + dc < ncol and maze[nr + dr][nc + dc] != 1:
                    nr += dr
                    nc += dc
                    steps += 1
                if steps < distances[nr][nc]: 
                    queue.append(((nr, nc), steps))
                    distances[nr][nc] = steps
        return -1 if distances[destination[0]][destination[1]] == MAX_DIST else distances[destination[0]][destination[1]]

        pq = [(0, start)]
        while pq:
            step, (r, c) = heappop(pq)
            if [r, c] == destination: return step

            for dr, dc in dirs:
                nr, nc, steps = r, c, step
                while nrow > nr + dr >= 0 <= nc + dc < ncol and maze[nr + dr][nc + dc] != 1:
                    nr += dr
                    nc += dc
                    steps += 1
                if steps < distances[nr][nc]: 
                    distances[nr][nc] = steps
                    heappush(pq, (steps, (nr, nc)))
        return -1

140. 809. Expressive Words

  • String
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Compare RLE

class Solution:
    def expressiveWords(self, S: str, words: List[str]) -> int:
        total = 0
        def rle(s):
            if not s: return [], []
            chars, counts, count = [], [], 0
            for i, char in enumerate(s):
                if not chars:
                elif char != chars[-1]:
                    count = 0
                count += 1
            return chars, counts

        s_chars, s_counts = rle(S)
        for word in words:
            if len(word) > len(S): continue
            w_chars, w_counts = rle(word)
            if len(s_chars) != len(w_chars): continue
            for (s_char, w_char, s_count, w_count) in zip(s_chars, w_chars, s_counts, w_counts):
                if s_char == w_char:
                    if s_count == w_count: continue
                    elif s_count < w_count: break
                    elif s_count >= 3: continue
                    else: break
                total += 1
        return total

141. 729. My Calendar I

  • SortedList
  • Medium
  • O(logN)

Keep a sorted list of interval end points. bisect_right start and bisect_left end should give same insertion point (otherwise it intersects with an existing interval). And the insertion point should be even number (otherwise it is encapsulated by an existing interval)

class MyCalendar(SortedList):
    def book(self, start, end):
        q1 = self.bisect_right(start)
        q2 = self.bisect_left(end)
        if q1 == q2 and q1 % 2 == 0:
            return True
        return False

142. [149]

143. 2030. Smallest K-Length Subsequence With Occurrences of a Letter

  • Monotonic Stack / Greedy
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Scan from left to right, notice whenever we encounter a lexicographically smallest character, as long as we are sure there are enough letter to the right to fullfill the required repetition and we have enough letter to fullfill the window size. It is better off to ignore all the stuff so far and start from this one. This is also true for second / third and in general any subsequent postition. After one pass to fill this stack, go through the stack a second time to find the window. Grab characters as we see them, stop when we only had space for the required letter.

class Solution:
    def smallestSubsequence(self, s: str, k: int, letter: str, repetition: int) -> str:
        n = len(s)
        n_reps = s.count(letter)
        stack = []
        n_left = n_reps - repetition
        allowed_removal = n - k
        for char in s:
            while stack and stack[-1] > char and allowed_removal:
                if stack[-1] == letter and n_left == 0: break
                n_left -= int(stack[-1] == letter)
                allowed_removal -= 1
        i = 0
        result = []
        for i, char in enumerate(stack):
            if len(result) == k: break
            if char != letter and len(result) + max(0, repetition) >= k: continue
            repetition -= int(char == letter)
        return "".join(result)

144. 692. Top K Frequent Words

  • Sorting / Priority / Quickselect
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN) Priority Queue or O(N) quickselect
class Solution:
    def topKFrequent(self, words: List[str], k: int) -> List[str]:
        count = Counter(words)
        heap = [(-freq, word) for word, freq in count.items()]
        return [heapq.heappop(heap)[1] for _ in range(k)]

145. 1864. Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String Alternating

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)

generate the two possible target strings. compare diff with both and take note of min.

class Solution:
    def minSwaps(self, s: str) -> int:
        def diff(s1, s2):
            diffs = 0
            for c1, c2 in zip(s1, s2):
                if c1 != c2: diffs += 1
            return diffs // 2
        count_1, count_0 = s.count('1'), s.count('0')
        if abs(count_1 - count_0) > 1: return -1
        if count_1 + count_0 != len(s): return -1

        cs_1 = ''.join(['0' if i & 1 else '1' for i in range(len(s))])
        cs_2 = ''.join(['1' if i & 1 else '0' for i in range(len(s))])

        if count_1 != count_0:
            cs = cs_1 if count_1 > count_0 else cs_2
            return diff(s, cs)
        return min(diff(s, cs_1), diff(s, cs_2))

146. 336. Palindrome Pairs

  • Trie
  • Hard
  • O(K^2 N)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.word_idx = -1
        self.list = []
        self.default_factory = TrieNode

class Solution:
    def solution_trie(self, words: List[str]) -> List[List[int]]:

        def partial_palindrome(w, l):
            r = len(w) - 1
            while l < r:
                if w[l] != w[r]: return False
                l += 1; r -= 1
            return True
        # populating the trie
        root = TrieNode()
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            node = root
            reversed_word = word[::-1] 
            for j, char in enumerate(reversed_word):
                if partial_palindrome(reversed_word, j): node.list.append(i)
                node = node[char]    
            node.word_idx = i
        pairs = []
        # find the pairs
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            node = root
            for j, char in enumerate(word):                
                # case 3: word[j] is longer than a possible word[i]
                if node.word_idx != -1 and partial_palindrome(word, j): pairs.append([i, node.word_idx])                    
                if char not in node: break
                node = node[char]
                # case 1: word[i] == word[j][::-1]
                if node.word_idx not in [-1, i]: pairs.append([i, node.word_idx])
                # case 2: word[i] is abc|sos  word[j]  cba
                for k in node.list: pairs.append([i, k])
        return pairs    

    def solution_trie_lazy(self, words: List[str]) -> List[List[int]]:

        def partial_palindrome(w, l):
            r = len(w) - 1
            while l < r:
                if w[l] != w[r]: return False
                l += 1; r -= 1
            return True
        def dfs_gather(node):
            partial_palindrome_list = []
            stack = [(child, [char]) for char, child in node.items()]
            while stack:
                node, seqs = stack.pop()
                if node.word_idx != -1 and partial_palindrome(seqs, 0): partial_palindrome_list.append(node.word_idx)
                stack.extend([(child, seqs + [char]) for char, child in node.items()])
            return partial_palindrome_list
        # populating the trie
        root = TrieNode()
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            node = root
            for char in reversed(word): node = node[char]
            node.word_idx = i
        pairs = []
        # find the pairs
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            node = root
            for j, char in enumerate(word):                
                # case 3: word[j] is longer than a possible word[i]
                if node.word_idx != -1 and partial_palindrome(word, j): pairs.append([i, node.word_idx])                    
                if char not in node: break
                node = node[char]
                # case 1: word[i] == word[j][::-1]
                if node.word_idx not in [-1, i]: pairs.append([i, node.word_idx])
                # case 2: word[i] is abc|sos  word[j]  cba
                node.list = dfs_gather(node)
                for k in node.list: pairs.append([i, k])
        return pairs    
    palindromePairs = solution_trie_lazy # solution_trie

147. 710. Random Pick with Blacklist

  • Design / HashMap / Math
  • Hard
  • O(1) time O(M) space

Virtual Index.

# n = 7(exclusive) - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6  blacklist - [2,3,5]
# 7 - 3 = 4 <- blacl number below this will be mapped to white number >= this. 
# we will random between 0 and 3 inclusive
# if we draw 2 will replace with 4
# if we draw 3 will replace with 6

class Solution:
    def __init__(self, n: int, blacklist: List[int]):
        self.m = dict()
        self.n = n - len(blacklist)
        blacklist = set(blacklist)

        i = self.n
        while i in blacklist: i += 1
        for b in blacklist:
            if b < self.n:
                self.m[b] = i
                i += 1
                while i in blacklist: i += 1
    def pick(self) -> int:
        idx = random.randint(0, self.n-1)
        return self.m.get(idx, idx)

148. 1376. Time Needed to Inform All Employees

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def numOfMinutes(self, n: int, headID: int, manager: List[int], informTime: List[int]) -> int:
        reports = defaultdict(list)
        for e, m in enumerate(manager):
        stack = [(headID, 0)]
        max_time = float('-inf')
        while stack:
            node, t = stack.pop()
            max_time = max(max_time, t)
            for report in reports[node]:
                stack.append((report, t + informTime[node]))
        return max_time

149. 1094. Car Pooling

  • Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def carPooling(self, trips: List[List[int]], capacity: int) -> bool:
        for i, v in sorted(x for n, s, e in trips for x in [[s, n], [e, - n]]):
            capacity -= v
            if capacity < 0: return False
        return True

150. 621. Task Scheduler

  • Priority Queue / Greedy / Math
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN) / O(N)
class PQItem:
    def __init__(self, priority, value):
        self.priority = priority
        self.value = value
    def __lt__(self, other): return self.priority > other.priority
class Solution:
    def leastInterval(self, tasks: List[str], n: int) -> int:
        if n == 0: return len(tasks)

        task_counts = Counter(tasks)
        pq = [PQItem(freq, task) for task, freq in task_counts.items()]
        num_intervals = 0
        while pq:
            cooldown = n + 1
            idle_tasks = []
            while cooldown and pq:
                num_intervals += 1
                item = heappop(pq)
                freq, task = item.priority, item.value
                if freq > 1: idle_tasks.append((freq - 1, task))
                cooldown -= 1

            if idle_tasks: num_intervals += cooldown
            for freq, task in idle_tasks: 
                heappush(pq, PQItem(freq, task))
        return num_intervals
    def leastInterval(self, tasks: List[str], n: int) -> int:
        task_counts = Counter(tasks)
        max_freq = max(task_counts.values())
        num_max_freq_tasks = list(task_counts.values()).count(max_freq)
        min_itvs = (max_freq - 1) * (n + 1) + num_max_freq_tasks
        return max(len(tasks), min_itvs)    

151. 1531. String Compression II

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(2^N)
class Solution:
    def getLengthOfOptimalCompression(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        def dp(i, last, last_count, removal): 
            if removal < 0: return len(s)
            if i >= len(s): return 0
            if s[i] == last:
                incr = int(last_count in [1, 9, 99])
                return incr + dp(i + 1, last, last_count + 1, removal) 
                keep = 1 + dp(i + 1, s[i], 1, removal)
                delete = dp(i + 1, last, last_count, removal - 1)
            return min(keep, delete)
        return dp(0, "", 0, k)        

152. 353. Design Snake Game

  • Array / Queue + HashMap
  • Medium
  • O()
class SnakeGame:
    def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, food: List[List[int]]):
        self.width, self.height = width, height
        self.food, self.food_idx = food, 0
        self.body = deque([(0, 0)])
        self.body_lookup = {(0, 0)}
        self.game_over = False
    def _next_loc(loc, d):
        r, c = loc
        if d == "U": return r-1, c
        if d == "D": return r+1, c
        if d == "L": return r, c-1 
        if d == "R": return r, c+1
    def move(self, direction: str) -> int:
        nr, nc = self._next_loc(self.body[-1], direction)
        if nr < 0 or nr == self.height or nc < 0 or nc == self.width:
            self.game_over = True
            return -1

        if self.food_idx < len(self.food) and [nr, nc] == self.food[self.food_idx]: 
            self.food_idx += 1
            old_tail = self.body.popleft()

        if (nr, nc) in self.body_lookup: 
            self.game_over = True
            return -1
        self.body_lookup.add((nr, nc))
        self.body.append((nr, nc))
        return len(self.body) - 1

153. 708. Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def insert(self, head: 'Node', insertVal: int) -> 'Node':
        if not head: 
            nd = Node(insertVal)
            nd.next = nd
            return nd
        prev, curr = head, head.next
        while curr != head:
            if prev.val <= insertVal <= curr.val: break
            if insertVal >= prev.val > curr.val: break
            if insertVal <= curr.val < prev.val: break
            prev, curr = curr, curr.next
        prev.next = Node(insertVal, curr)
        return head

154. 524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(NX)
class Solution:
    def findLongestWord(self, s: str, d: List[str]) -> str:
        def is_subseq(w, s):
            j = 0
            for i, c in enumerate(s):
                if c == w[j]: j += 1
                if j == len(w): return True
            return False
        longest_word = ''
        for w in d:
            if is_subseq(w, s):
                longest_word = min(longest_word, w, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x))
        return longest_word

155. 1494. Parallel Courses II

  • DP + Bit Mask
  • Hard
  • O(N^4)
TopSort + Greedy PQ will fail this case

dp[m] := min semesters to reach state m.
dp[m | c] = min{dp[m | c], dp[m] + 1}, if we can reach m | c from m.
This allows us to get rid of enumerate n semesters.
Time complexity: O(2^n*2^n) <– This will be much smaller in practice.
and can be reduced to O(3^n).
Space complexity: O(2^n)
def bin_count(x):
    total = 0
    while x:
        x = x & (x - 1)
        total += 1
    return total

INT_MAX = 2 ** 32

class Solution:
    def minNumberOfSemesters(self, n, dependencies, k):
        deps = [0] * n  # bit mask for the prereqs for course i - 1
        for p, d in dependencies: deps[d - 1] |= 1 << p - 1

        total = 1 << n
        dp = [INT_MAX] * total
        dp[0] = 0 # base case

        for state in range(total):
            if dp[state] == INT_MAX: continue # state not reachable

            # all couses currently can be take
            mask = 0
            for i in range(n): # course
                not_taken = (state & (1 << i)) == 0
                prereq_ok = (state & deps[i]) == deps[i]
                if not_taken and prereq_ok: mask |= (1 << i)
            # if mask.bit_count() <= k:
            if bin_count(mask) <= k:
                # prunning, if can take all, take all
                dp[state | mask] = min(dp[state | mask], dp[state] + 1)
                # try all subsets of size K # this is bit magic!
                subset = mask
                while subset: 
                    # if subset.bin_count() <= k:
                    if bin_count(subset) <= k:
                        dp[state | subset] = min(dp[state | subset], dp[state] + 1)
                    subset = (subset - 1) & mask
            # if dp[-1] != INT_MAX: return dp[-1] # not working
        return dp[-1]

156. 10. Regular Expression Matching

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
        def dp(i, j):
            if j == len(p): return i == len(s)
            single_char_match = i < len(s) and p[j] in [s[i], '.']
            if j + 1 < len(p) and p[j + 1] == '*':  
                return dp(i, j + 2) or (single_char_match and dp(i + 1, j))
            return single_char_match and dp(i + 1, j + 1)
        return dp(0, 0)

    def isMatch(self, s, p):
        dp = [[False] * (len(p) + 1) for _ in range(len(s) + 1)]
        dp[-1][-1] = True
        for i in reversed(range(len(s) + 1)):
            for j in reversed(range(len(p))):
                single_char_match = i < len(s) and p[j] in [s[i], '.']
                if j + 1 < len(p) and p[j + 1] == '*':
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i][j+2] or (single_char_match and dp[i + 1][j])
                    dp[i][j] = single_char_match and dp[i+1][j+1]
        return dp[0][0]

157. 1166. Design File System

  • Trie
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self, val = None):
        self.val = val

class FileSystem:
    def __init__(self): self.root = TrieNode()

    def createPath(self, path: str, value: int) -> bool:
        node = self.root
        levels = path.split('/')
        parents, child = levels[:-1], levels[-1]
        for p in parents:
            if p and p not in node: return False
            node = node[p]
        if child in node: return False
        node = node[child]
        node.val = value
        return True

    def get(self, path: str) -> int:
        node = self.root
        for p in path.split('/'):
            if p not in node: return -1
            node = node[p]
        if node.val is None: return -1
        return node.val

158. 1631. Path With Minimum Effort

  • Priority Queue / Dijkstra / Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(MNlog(MN))

Could do binary search though. O(MN) BFS can verify whether there is a path with a given min effort. Apply binary search on range of possible effort.

class Solution:
    def minimumEffortPath(self, heights: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(heights), len(heights[0])
        efforts = [[2**32] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        efforts[0][0] = 0
        pq = [(0, 0, 0)]
        while pq:
            effort, r, c = heapq.heappop(pq)
            if (r, c) == (nrow - 1, ncol - 1): return effort
            for rr, cc in (r + 1, c), (r - 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1):
                if not (nrow > rr >= 0 <= cc < ncol): continue
                next_effort = max(effort, abs(heights[rr][cc] - heights[r][c]))
                if efforts[rr][cc] <= next_effort: continue
                efforts[rr][cc] = next_effort
                heapq.heappush(pq, (next_effort, rr, cc))          

159. 815. Bus Routes

  • BFS
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

BFS search, but trim a entire route per level.

class Solution:
    def numBusesToDestination(self, routes: List[List[int]], source: int, target: int) -> int:
        stop_to_route = defaultdict(set)
        for i, route in enumerate(routes):
            for stop in route:
        n = 0
        stop_visited = set()
        route_visited = set()
        queue = deque([source])
        while queue:
            new_queue = []
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                stop = queue.popleft()
                if stop == target: return n                
                for route_id in stop_to_route[stop]:
                    if route_id in route_visited: continue
                    for next_ in routes[route_id]:
                        if next_ in stop_visited: continue
            n += 1
        return -1

160. 428. Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)

BFS layer by layer, use null to indicate end of children for that node.

class Codec:
    def serialize(self, root: 'Node') -> str:
        if not root: return ''
        serialized = []
        queue = deque([root, None])
        while any(queue):
            node = queue.popleft()
            if not node: 
                queue.extend(node.children + [None])
        serialized = ','.join(map(str, serialized))
        return serialized

    def deserialize(self, data: str) -> 'Node':
        if not data: return None
        data = data.split(',')
        root = Node(int(data[0]), [])
        queue = deque([root])
        for val in data[2:]:
            node = Node(int(val), []) if val != 'null' else None
            if node:
        return root

161. 1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if grid[0][0]: return -1
        n = len(grid)
        queue = deque([[0, 0, 1]])
        visited = set()
        while queue:
            r, c, l = queue.popleft()
            if (r, c) in visited: continue
            if (r, c) == (n-1, n-1): return l
            visited.add((r, c))
            for dr, dc in product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=2):
                nr, nc = r + dr, c + dc
                if n > nr >= 0 <= nc < n and grid[nr][nc] == 0:
                    queue.append((nr, nc, l + 1))
        return -1  

162. 947. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column

  • Union Find
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def removeStones(self, stones: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = max(s[0] for s in stones) + 1, max(s[1] for s in stones) + 1
        parent = list(range(nrow + ncol))
        def find(i):
            if i != parent[i]: parent[i] = find(parent[i])
            return parent[i]

        for r, c in stones:
            r_comp_idx, c_comp_idx = find(r), find(nrow + c) # find
            parent[r_comp_idx] = c_comp_idx                  # union
        comp_sizes = Counter()
        for r, c in stones:
            comp_sizes[find(r)] += 1
        return sum([v - 1 for v in comp_sizes.values() if v > 1])

163. 1996. The Number of Weak Characters in the Game

  • Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Sort attack in descending order, within the same attack power sort by increasing defence. Iterate over and keep track of running maximum defence, if we see a new defence lower than running maximum, it has to come from a character with less attack, thus weaker.

class Solution:
    def numberOfWeakCharacters(self, properties: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        max_def = dict()
        for a, d in properties:
            max_def[a] = max(max_def.get(a, 0), d)

        sorted_attacks = sorted(max_def.keys())
        max_defence = max_def[sorted_attacks[-1]]
        suffix_max = dict()
        for a in reversed(sorted_attacks[:-1]):
            suffix_max[a] = max_defence
            max_defence = max(max_defence, max_def[a])

        total = 0
        for a, d in properties:
            total += suffix_max.get(a, 0) > d
        return total

    def numberOfWeakCharacters(self, properties: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        properties.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[0],x[1]))
        ans = 0
        curr_max = 0
        for _, d in properties:
            if d < curr_max:
                ans += 1
                curr_max = d
        return ans        

164. 161. One Edit Distance

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isOneEditDistance(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        ls, lt = len(s), len(t)
        if abs(ls - lt) > 1: return False

        def str_equal(idx1, idx2):
            while idx1 < ls and idx2 < lt:
                if s[idx1] != t[idx2]: return False
                idx1 += 1; idx2 += 1
            return True
        for i in range(min(ls, lt)):
            if s[i] != t[i]:
                if ls == lt: return str_equal(i + 1, i + 1)
                elif ls > lt: return str_equal(i + 1, i)
                else: return str_equal(i, i + 1)
        return ls != lt

165. 1074. Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target

  • Prefix Sum
  • Hard
  • O(NM^2)
class Solution:
    def numSubmatrixSumTarget(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])

        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(1, ncol)):
            matrix[r][c] += matrix[r][c-1]
        total = 0
        for y1, y2 in combinations_with_replacement(range(ncol), 2):
            accumulation = {0: 1}
            area = 0
            for x in range(nrow):
                area += matrix[x][y2]
                if y1 > 0: area -= matrix[x][y1-1]
                total += accumulation.get(area - target, 0)
                accumulation[area] = accumulation.get(area, 0) + 1
        return total

166. 1227. Airplane Seat Assignment Probability

  • Probability
  • Medium
  • O(1)
f(n) = 1/n                                 -> 1st person picks his own seat, all others including the nth person is going to get their own seats
    + 1/n * 0                              -> 1st person picks last one's seat, there's no chance the nth peroson is going to get his own seat
	+ (n-2)/n * (                          -> 1st person picks one of seat from 2nd to (n-1)th
        1/(n-2) * f(n-1) +                 -> 1st person picks 2nd seat, see explanation 1 below
        1/(n-2) * f(n-2) +                 -> 1st person picks 3rd seat see explanation 2 below
        1/(n-2) * f(2)                     -> 1st person pick (n-1)th's seat

somehow it is 1 if n == 1 and .5 for all n >= 2
class Solution:
    def nthPersonGetsNthSeat(self, n: int) -> float:
        if n <= 2: return 1 / n
        dp = [0] * (n + 1)
        dp[1] = 1
        dp[2] = 1 / 2
        accum = 1
        for i in range(3, n+1):
            accum += dp[i-1]
            dp[i] = accum / i
        return dp[n]

167. 1807. Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a String

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def evaluate(self, s: str, knowledge: List[List[str]]) -> str:
        knowledge = {k:v for k, v in knowledge}
        result = []
        stack = []
        for c in s:
            if c == "(":
                stack = []
            elif c == ")":
                result.append(knowledge.get("".join(stack), "?"))
                stack = []
        return "".join(result + stack)

168. 317. Shortest Distance from All Buildings

  • BFS
  • Hard
  • O((MN)^2)
class Solution:
    def shortestDistance(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])

        # distances[r][c] -> distances from [r, c] to all reachable buildings.
        distances = [[None] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]  

        def valid_loc(r, c): return nrow > r >= 0 <= c < ncol

        def get_neighbor(r, c): return (r - 1, c), (r + 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1)

        def bfs(r, c):
            visited = set()
            queue = deque([(r, c, 0)])
            while queue:
                r, c, d = queue.popleft()
                for nr, nc in get_neighbor(r, c):
                    if valid_loc(nr, nc) and grid[nr][nc] == 0 and (nr, nc) not in visited:
                        visited.add((nr, nc))
                        if not distances[nr][nc]: distances[nr][nc] = [d + 1]
                        else: distances[nr][nc].append(d + 1)
                        queue.append((nr, nc, d + 1))

        num_buildings = 0
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if grid[r][c] == 1:
                num_buildings += 1
                bfs(r, c)

        min_dist = float('inf')
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if grid[r][c] == 0:
                if distances[r][c] and len(distances[r][c]) == num_buildings:
                    min_dist = min(min_dist, sum(distances[r][c]))
        return min_dist if min_dist != float('inf') else -1

169. 1197. Minimum Knight Moves

  • BFS / DFS + Memoization
  • Medium
  • O(X + Y)

BFS is slow, but very reasonable. DFS / DP can work but need to proof the recursive relationship. Do a abs transformation on the target location so that they remain in the upper triangle of the first quarant. To jump to a position (x, y), the minimal step is either from (|x-1|, |y-2|) or (|x-2|, |y-1|)

class Solution:
    def minKnightMoves(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        x, y = sorted(map(abs, (x, y)))
        memo = {(0,0):0, (1,1):2, (1,0):3, (0,1):3}
        def dfs(x, y):
            if (x,y) not in memo:
                memo[(x,y)] = min(dfs(abs(x-1),abs(y-2)), dfs(abs(x-2),abs(y-1))) + 1
            return memo[(x,y)]
        return dfs(x, y)

170. 549. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        max_length = 1
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        inc_length = defaultdict(int)
        dec_length = defaultdict(int)
        while stack:
            node, backtrack = stack.pop()
            if not node: continue
            if backtrack == 0: stack.extend([(node, 1), (node.left, 0), (node.right, 0)])
                left_inc = left_dec = 1
                if node.left:
                    if node.val == node.left.val - 1: left_inc += inc_length[node.left]
                    if node.val == node.left.val + 1: left_dec += dec_length[node.left]                        

                right_inc = right_dec = 1
                if node.right:
                    if node.val == node.right.val - 1: right_inc += inc_length[node.right]
                    if node.val == node.right.val + 1: right_dec += dec_length[node.right]       

                max_length = max(max_length,  left_inc + right_dec - 1, left_dec + right_inc - 1)
                inc_length[node] = max(left_inc, right_inc)
                dec_length[node] = max(left_dec, right_dec)
        return max_length

171. 759. Employee Free Time

  • Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def employeeFreeTime(self, schedules: '[[Interval]]') -> '[Interval]':
        n = len(schedules)
        pq = [(schedule[0].start, schedule[0].end, i, 0) for i, schedule in enumerate(schedules)]

        prev_end = pq[0][0]
        result = []
        while pq:
            this_start, this_end, this_emp_id, schedule_idx = heapq.heappop(pq)
            if this_start > prev_end:
                result.append(Interval(start=prev_end, end=this_start))
                prev_end = this_end
                prev_end = max(prev_end, this_end)
            schedule_idx += 1
            if schedule_idx < len(schedules[this_emp_id]):
                next_itv = schedules[this_emp_id][schedule_idx]
                heapq.heappush(pq, (next_itv.start, next_itv.end, this_emp_id, schedule_idx))
        return result

172. 1255. Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(2^N)

TODO: use counter instead of the state array?

class State:
    def __init__(self, scores, seq=None):
        self.state = [0] * len(scores)
        self.scores = scores
        self.score = 0
        if seq:
            for c in seq: 
                i = ord(c) - ord('a')
                self.state[i] += 1
                self.score += self.scores[i]
    def __iadd__(self, other):
        for i in range(len(self.state)):
            self.state[i] += other.state[i]
        self.score += other.score
        return self
    def __isub__(self, other):
        for i in range(len(self.state)):
            self.state[i] -= other.state[i]
        self.score -= other.score
        return self
    def __le__(self, other):
        return all(self.state[i] <= other.state[i] for i in range(len(self.state)))

class Solution:
    def maxScoreWords(self, words: List[str], letters: List[str], scores: List[int]) -> int:
        word_to_state = {word: State(scores, word) for word in words}
        full_state = State(scores, letters)
        null_state = State(scores)
        self.max_score = 0
        def backtrack(state, i):
            if not state <= full_state: return
            self.max_score = max(self.max_score, state.score)        
            for j, word in enumerate(words[i:], i+1):
                state += word_to_state[word]
                backtrack(state, j)
                state -= word_to_state[word]
        backtrack(null_state, 0)
        return self.max_score

173. 210. Course Schedule II

  • Topological Sort
  • Medium
  • O(V + E)
class Solution:
    def findOrder(self, N: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        # graph processing
        out_edges = [[] for _ in range(N)]
        in_degrees = [0 for _ in range(N)]
        for course, prereq in  prerequisites:
            in_degrees[course] += 1
        # bfs search for feasibilty as well as order
        queue = [course for course, prereq in enumerate(in_degrees) if not prereq]
        queue = deque(queue)
        taken = []
        while queue:
            course = queue.popleft()
            for next_course in out_edges[course]:
                in_degrees[next_course] -= 1
                if in_degrees[next_course] == 0: queue.append(next_course)
        return taken if len(taken) == N else []

    def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:      
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
        for c, p in prerequisites:
        taken = set()
        prereq = set()
        order = deque()
        def dfs_has_cycle(course):
            if course in taken: return False
            if course in prereq: return True
            for next_course in adj_list[course]:
                if dfs_has_cycle(next_course): return True
            return False

        for course in range(numCourses):
            if dfs_has_cycle(course): return []
        return order        

174. 358. Rearrange String k Distance Apart

  • Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

Greedy. Always use characters with most remaining copies. Use a queue to store recently used characters and only push them back to priority queue when we can.

class Solution:
    def solution_1(self, s: str, k: int) -> str:
        if k == 0: return s
        pq = [(-counts, char) for char, counts in Counter(s).items()]
        result = []
        while pq:
            if len(pq) < k and pq[0][0] < -1: return ""
            temp = []
            for _ in range(min(k, len(pq))):
                neg_counts, char = heapq.heappop(pq)
                temp.append((neg_counts + 1, char))
            for neg_counts, char in temp:
                if neg_counts == 0: continue
                heapq.heappush(pq, (neg_counts, char))
        return "".join(result)

    def solution_2(self, s: str, k: int) -> str:
        if k == 0: return s
        pq = [(-counts, char, None) for char, counts in Counter(s).items()]
        dq = deque()
        result = []
        i = 0
        while pq:
            neg_counts, char, last_used_at = heapq.heappop(pq)
            neg_counts += 1
            if neg_counts < 0: dq.append((neg_counts, char, i))
            i += 1
            if i >= k and dq and i >= dq[0][2] + k: heapq.heappush(pq, dq.popleft())
        return "".join(result) if i == len(s) else ""    
    rearrangeString = solution_2

175. 1483. Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node

  • Binary Lifting
  • Hard
  • O(LogN) query -> trade space for speed
# brute force - Memory Limit Exceeded. O(N^2) space
class TreeAncestor:
    def __init__(self, n: int, parent: List[int]):
        self.n = n
        self.A = A = dict()
        # graph
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(n)]
        for c, p in enumerate(parent):
            if p == -1: continue
        # dfs
        def dfs(ancestors, node):
            A[node] = ancestors.copy()
            if not adj_list[node]: return
            for child in adj_list[node]:
                dfs(ancestors, child)
        dfs(deque(), 0)        
    def getKthAncestor(self, node: int, k: int) -> int:
        if len(self.A[node]) < k: return -1
        return self.A[node][k - 1]

# for each node only store 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th etc parent pointer
# walk up the tree following bits of k from most significant to least significant bit.
class TreeAncestor:
    def __init__(self, n: int, parent: List[int]):
        self.n = n
        self.A = A = dict()
        # graph
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(n)]
        for c, p in enumerate(parent):
            if p == -1: continue
        # dfs
        def dfs(ancestors, node):
            A[node] = []   # log_2(D) pointers
            i = 1
            while i < len(ancestors):
                i <<= 1             
            if not adj_list[node]: return
            for child in adj_list[node]:
                dfs(ancestors, child)
        dfs(deque([0]), 0)        
    def getKthAncestor(self, node: int, k: int) -> int:
        bin_k = bin(k)[2:]
        for i, bit in zip(reversed(range(len(bin_k))), bin_k):
            if bit == "0": continue
            if i >= len(self.A[node]): return -1
            node = self.A[node][i]
        return node

176. 542. 01 Matrix

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def updateMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])

        def neighbors(r, c):
            for rr, cc in ((r - 1, c), (r + 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1)):
                if 0 <= rr < nrow and 0 <= cc < ncol:
                    yield rr, cc

        q = collections.deque([((r, c), 0) 
                for r in range(nrow) 
                for c in range(ncol) 
                if matrix[r][c] == 0])
        seen = {x for x, _ in q}
        ans = [[0] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        while q:
            (r, c), dist = q.popleft()
            ans[r][c] = dist
            for nei in neighbors(r, c):
                if nei not in seen:
                    q.append((nei, dist + 1))
        return ans

177. 267. Palindrome Permutation II

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(N!)
class Solution:
    def generatePalindromes(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
        kv = Counter(s)
        mid = [k for k, v in kv.items() if v % 2]
        if len(mid) > 1: return []
        mid = '' if mid == [] else mid[0]
        half = ''.join([k * (v // 2) for k, v in kv.items()])
        half = [c for c in half]
        def backtrack(candidate):
            if len(candidate) == len(half):
                cur = ''.join(candidate)
                solution.append(cur + mid + cur[::-1])
            for i in range(len(half)):
                if visited[i] or (i > 0 and half[i] == half[i-1] and not visited[i-1]): continue
                visited[i] = True
                visited[i] = False
        solution = []
        visited = [False] * len(half)
        return solution        

178. 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

  • Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(logN)

first p1 numbers from nums1 and first p2 numbers from nums2 shoud make half of the total numbers. max of (nums1[p1-1], nums[p2-1]) should either be the median or one of the two numbers averaged to get the median. min of (nums1[p1], nums[p2]) may be one of the two numbers averaged to get the median. Above depends on odd or even total numbers. Special care when p1, p2 p1-1, p2-1 are boundries.

class Solution:
    def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> float:
        if len(nums2) < len(nums1): nums1, nums2 = nums2, nums1

        l1, l2 = len(nums1), len(nums2)
        half_size = (l1 + l2 + 1) // 2
        is_even = not ((l1 + l2) % 2)

        l, h = 0, len(nums1)
        while l <= h:
            p1 = (l + h) // 2
            p2 = half_size - p1

            max_left_1 = float("-inf") if p1 == 0 else nums1[p1 - 1]
            max_left_2 = float("-inf") if p2 == 0 else nums2[p2 - 1]
            min_right_1 = float("inf") if p1 == l1 else nums1[p1]
            min_right_2 = float("inf") if p2 == l2 else nums2[p2]

            max_left, min_right = max(max_left_1, max_left_2), min(min_right_1, min_right_2)

            if max_left <= min_right: return (max_left + min_right) / 2 if is_even else max_left
            elif max_left_1 > min_right_2: h = p1 - 1
            elif max_left_2 > min_right_1: l = p1 + 1

179. 1406. Stone Game III

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(NK)

DP[i] represent the maximum difference(alice’s score - bob’s score) if game starts with values[i:] and it is Alice’s term. DP[i] = max(sum(val[i:i+k]) - DP[i+k] for k in 1,2,3)

class Solution:
    def stoneGameIII(self, stoneValue: List[int]) -> str:
        n = len(stoneValue)
        INF = 2**32
        def dp(i):
            if i == n: return 0
            diff = -INF
            score = 0
            for j in range(i, min(i + 3, n)):
                score += stoneValue[j]
                diff = max(val, score - dp(j + 1))
            return diff

        diff = dp(0)
        if diff == 0: return "Tie"
        if diff > 0: return "Alice"
        return "Bob"

180. 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes

  • Binary Tree / Complete Binary Tree
  • Medium
  • O((logN) ^ 2)
class Solution:
    def countNodes(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        def depth(node):
            d = 0
            while node:
                d += 1
                node = node.left
            return d
        max_depth = depth(root)
        node, num_nodes = root, 0
        d = max_depth
        while node:
            if depth(node.right) == d - 1:
                num_nodes += 2 ** (d - 1)
                node = node.right
                num_nodes += 2 ** (d - 2)
                node = node.left
            d -= 1    
        return num_nodes

181. 753. Cracking the Safe

  • DFS
  • Hard
  • O(N2^K)

Find the shortest input password such that each possible n-length combination of digits [0..k-1] occurs exactly once as a substring. How do we proof it is the shortest?

class Solution:
    def crackSafe(self, n: int, k: int) -> str:
        total = k ** n
        def dfs(candidate, tried):
            if len(tried) == total: return candidate
            for i in range(k):
                state = candidate[-(n-1):] + str(i) if n != 1 else str(i)
                if state not in tried:
                    res = dfs(candidate + str(i), tried)
                    if res: return res
        return dfs("0" * n, set(["0" * n]))        

182. 834. Sum of Distances in Tree

  • Tree / DFS / Postorder -> Preorder
  • Hard
  • O(N)

If we pick a node as root. f(node) = sum of distances in tree rooted at node. s(node) = number of nodes in tree rooted at node. s(node) = sum(s(child)) + 1 f(node) = sum(f(child) + s(child)) Can solve for this selected root in O(N) time. If we apply this repeatedly will be O(N^2) time. Instead try figure out relationship to reuse the calculated quantities.

Consider node a and node a’s parent p(a). If we figured out f(p(a)). Can we calculate f(a)?

f(a) = f(p(a)) - s(a)  + (n - s(a))
                  ^           ^
                  |           |           
                  |           for the nodes not in a's subtree but in p(a)'s subtree, 
                  |           a is 1 distance greater than p(a) to them
                  for nodes in a's subtree, a is 1 distance closer to them than p(a) 

Thus two dfs, first time to get s(x) and f(0). Then from f(0) dfs to figure out all f(x)

class Solution:
    def sumOfDistancesInTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        adj_list = defaultdict(set)
        for a, b in edges:
        subtree_sum = [0] * n
        subtree_size = [1] * n
        stack = [(0, None, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, parent, post = stack.pop()
            if post == 0:
                stack.append((node, parent, 1))
                for child in adj_list[node]:
                    if child == parent: continue
                    stack.append((child, node, 0))
                subtree_size[node] = 1 + sum(
                    for child in adj_list[node] 
                    if child != parent
                subtree_sum[node] = sum(
                    subtree_sum[child] + subtree_size[child] 
                    for child in adj_list[node] 
                    if child != parent
        stack = [(0, None)]
        while stack:
            node, parent = stack.pop()
            for child in adj_list[node]:
                if child == parent: continue
                subtree_sum[child] = subtree_sum[node] - subtree_size[child] + n - subtree_size[child]
                stack.append((child, node))
        return subtree_sum

183. 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

  • Design / HashMap + List
  • Medium
  • O(1)
class RandomizedSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.m = dict()
        self.l = list()

    def insert(self, val: int) -> bool:
        if val in self.m: return False
        self.m[val] = len(self.l)
        return True

    def remove(self, val: int) -> bool:
        if val not in self.m: return False
        l, m = self.l, self.m
        l[m[val]] = l[-1]
        m[l[-1]] = m[val]
        return True

    def getRandom(self) -> int:
        return self.l[random.randint(0, len(self.l) - 1)]

184. 847. Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes

  • BFS / Bit Mask
  • Hard
  • O(2 ^ N * N^2)
class Solution:
    def shortestPathLength(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if len(graph) == 1: return 0
        n = len(graph)
        ending_mask = (1 << n) - 1
        queue = deque([(node, 1 << node) for node in range(n)])
        seen = set(queue)

        steps = 0
        while queue:
            for i in range(len(queue)):
                node, mask = queue.popleft()
                for neighbor in graph[node]:
                    next_mask = mask | (1 << neighbor)
                    if next_mask == ending_mask:
                        return 1 + steps
                    if (neighbor, next_mask) not in seen:
                        seen.add((neighbor, next_mask))
                        queue.append((neighbor, next_mask))
            steps += 1

185. 400. Nth Digit

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def findNthDigit(self, n: int) -> int:
        n_digits, start = 1, 1
        while n > n_digits * (start * 9):
            n -= n_digits * (start * 9)
            n_digits += 1
            start *= 10

        diff, digit = divmod(n - 1, n_digits)
        number = start + diff
        return int(str(number)[digit])

186. 362. Design Hit Counter

  • Binary Search?
  • Medium
  • O(logN) for search, O(1) insert
class HitCounter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.container = []

    def hit(self, timestamp: int) -> None:

    def getHits(self, timestamp: int) -> int:
        i = bisect_right(self.container, timestamp - 300)
        j = bisect_right(self.container, timestamp)
        return j - i

187. 722. Remove Comments

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def removeComments(self, source: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        res, buffer, block_comment_open = [], [], False
        for line in source:
            i = 0
            while i < len(line):
                char = line[i]
                if   line[i:i+2] == "//" and not block_comment_open:
                    i = len(line)
                elif line[i:i+2] == "/*" and not block_comment_open:
                    block_comment_open = True; i += 2
                elif line[i:i+2] == "*/" and block_comment_open:
                    block_comment_open = False; i += 2
                elif not block_comment_open:
                    buffer.append(char); i += 1
                    i += 1
            if buffer and not block_comment_open:
                buffer = []
        return res

188. 130. Surrounded Regions

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def solve(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
        if not board: return board
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        safe = set()
        def mark_safe(r, c):
            stack = [(r,c)]
            while stack:
                r, c = stack.pop()
                if (r, c) in safe: continue
                safe.add((r, c))
                for rr, cc in [(r-1,c), (r+1,c), (r,c-1), (r,c+1)]:
                    if 0 <= rr < nrow and 0 <= cc < ncol and board[rr][cc] == 'O':
                        stack.append((rr, cc))
        # marking
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), [0, ncol-1]):
            if board[r][c] == 'O' and (r, c) not in safe: mark_safe(r, c)
        for r, c in product([0, nrow - 1], range(1, ncol-1)):
            if board[r][c] == 'O' and (r, c) not in safe: mark_safe(r, c)
        # flipping
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if board[r][c] == 'O' and (r, c) not in safe: board[r][c] = 'X'

189. 1055. Shortest Way to Form String

  • HashMap / Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(M + NLogM)

Bruteforce is MN. Save char to list of sorted indices, then we can binary search.

class Solution:
    def shortestWay(self, source: str, target: str) -> int:
        char_locs = dict()
        for i, char in enumerate(source):
            char_locs.setdefault(char, []).append(i)
        i, num_rounds = 0, 1
        for char in target:
            if char not in char_locs:  return -1
            locs = char_locs[char]
            j = bisect.bisect_left(locs, i)
            if j == len(locs):
                num_rounds += 1
                i = locs[0] + 1
                i = locs[j] + 1
        return num_rounds

190. 1368. Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid

  • Deque / BFS / DFS
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

0-1 BFS with relaxation. Initialize costs for all loc as INF. Use a deque, vising nodes’ neighbors. updating the cost to visit for neighbor locations. if cost not increasing, put (cost, nr, nc) to left to continue touring, otherwise put (cost + 1, nr, nc) to right.

INF = 2 ** 32

class Solution:
    def minCost(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])

        def moves(r, c):
            for nr, nc, d in ((r,c+1,1),(r,c-1,2),(r+1,c,3),(r-1,c,4)):
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol:
                    yield nr, nc, int(d != grid[r][c])

        costs = [[INF] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        costs[0][0] = 0
        queue = deque([(0, 0, 0)])
        while queue:
            cost, r, c = queue.popleft()
            if (r, c) == (nrow - 1, ncol - 1): return cost
            if cost > costs[r][c]: continue
            for nr, nc, step_cost in moves(r, c):
                if cost + step_cost < costs[nr][nc]:
                    costs[nr][nc] = cost + step_cost
                    if step_cost: queue.append((cost + 1, nr, nc))
                    else:         queue.appendleft((cost, nr, nc))
        return -1        

191. 894. All Possible Full Binary Trees

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(2^N * N)
class Solution:
    def allPossibleFBT(self, n: int) -> List[Optional[TreeNode]]:
        if n % 2 == 0: return []
        # lenth of encoding to minimal number of nodes # for pruning
        mapping = {2 ** i - 1: 2 * i - 1 for i in range(n)}

        def backtrack(candidate, n_nodes):
            if n_nodes == n: return roots.append(deserialize(candidate))
            if n_nodes < mapping.get(len(candidate), 0): return
            for choice in [(0, 0), (None, None)]:
                if choice == (0, 0) and candidate[len(candidate) // 2] is None: continue # no parent node attachable
                backtrack(candidate, n_nodes + 2 * (choice == (0, 0)))
        def deserialize(serialization):
            root = TreeNode()
            tree = [root]
            for i, m in enumerate(serialization[1:], 1):
                node = TreeNode() if m == 0 else None
                par, right = divmod(i - 1, 2)
                if node:
                    if right: tree[par].right = node
                    else:     tree[par].left  = node
            return root
        roots = []
        backtrack([0], 1)
        return roots

192. 490. The Maze

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def hasPath(self, maze, start, destination):
        queue = deque([start])
        nrow, ncol = len(maze), len(maze[0])
        dirs = ((0,-1),(0,1),(-1,0),(1,0))
        while queue:
            r, c = queue.popleft()
            if [r, c] == destination: return True
            for dr, dc in dirs:
                nr, nc = r, c
                while 0 <= nr + dr < nrow and 0 <= nc + dc < ncol and maze[nr + dr][nc + dc] != 1:
                    nr += dr
                    nc += dc
                if maze[nr][nc] == 0:
                    maze[nr][nc] = 2
                    queue.append([nr, nc])
        return False

193. 399. Evaluate Division

  • DFS / Union Find(UF is better)
  • Medium
  • O((M+N)logN)
class Solution:
    def calcEquation(self, equations: List[List[str]], values: List[float], queries: List[List[str]]) -> List[float]:
        # build graph
        edges = defaultdict(defaultdict)
        for (num, denum), value in zip(equations, values):
            edges[num][denum] = value
            edges[denum][num] = 1 / value

        for num in edges.keys(): edges[num][num] = 1
        def dfs(current, target, used):
            if current not in edges: return -1
            if target in edges[current]: return edges[current][target]
            for next_ in filter(lambda x: x not in used, edges[current]):
                result = dfs(next_, target, used)
                if result != -1: return edges[current][next_] * result
            return -1
        return [dfs(*query, set()) for query in queries]
    def calcEquation(self, equations, values, queries):
        root = {}

        # xr = x/parent(x), pr = parent(x)/root(x), update xr to xr*pr = x/root(x)
        def find(x):
            p, xr = root.setdefault(x, (x, 1.0))
            if x != p:
                r, pr = find(p)
                root[x] = (r, xr*pr)
            return root[x]

        # if root(x) = root(y), equations "x / y" doable as (x/root(x)) / (y/root(y)) = xr / yr
        def union(x, y, ratio):
            px, xr, py, yr = *find(x), *find(y)
            if not ratio:
                return xr / yr if px == py else -1.0
            if px != py:
                root[px] = (py, yr/xr*ratio)

        for (x, y), v in zip(equations, values):
            union(x, y, v)
        return [union(x, y, 0) if x in root and y in root else -1.0 for x, y in queries]    

194. 1066. Campus Bikes II

  • Bit Mask / DP
  • Medium
  • O(N*2^N)
class Solution:
    def assignBikes(self, workers: List[List[int]], bikes: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        dist = [[0] * len(bikes) for _ in range(len(workers))]
        for i, p1 in enumerate(workers):
            for j, p2 in enumerate(bikes):
                dist[i][j] = abs(p2[0] - p1[0]) + abs(p2[1] - p1[1])

        INF = 2 ** 32
        dp = [[INF] * (1 << len(bikes)) for _ in range(len(workers) + 1)]
        dp[0][0] = 0
        for i in range(len(workers)):
            for j in range(len(bikes)):
                for bit in range((1<<len(bikes))):
                    if bit & 1 << j: continue
                    mask = bit | 1 << j
                    dp[i+1][mask] = min(
                        dp[i][bit] + dist[i][j]
        return min(dp[-1])

195. 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def searchRange(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        def binary_search_left(arr, t):
            l, h = 0, len(arr)
            while l < h:
                m = (h + l) // 2
                if arr[m] < t: l = m + 1
                else:          h = m
            return l
        def binary_search_right(arr, t):
            l, h = 0, len(arr)
            while l < h:
                m = (h + l) // 2
                if arr[m] <= t: l = m + 1
                else:           h = m
            return l - 1
        l, r = binary_search_left(nums, target), binary_search_right(nums, target)
        return [l, r] if r >= l else [-1, -1]

196. 64. Minimum Path Sum

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def minPathSum(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:        
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        dp = [[0] * ncol for _ in range(nrow)]
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if r == 0:   dp[r][c] = sum([grid[0][cc] for cc in range(c + 1)])
            elif c == 0: dp[r][c] = sum([grid[rr][0] for rr in range(r + 1)])
            else:        dp[r][c] = min(dp[r - 1][c] + grid[r][c], dp[r][c - 1] + grid[r][c])
        return dp[-1][-1]

197. 695. Max Area of Island

  • DFS / BFS / Union Find
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Find the size of the largest connected components

class Solution:
    def maxAreaOfIsland(self, grid):
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        def dfs(r, c):
            stack = [(r, c)]
            size = 0
            while stack:
                r, c = stack.pop()
                if (r, c) in visited: continue
                size += 1
                visited.add((r, c))
                for nr, nc in ((r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1)):
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc] == 1:
                        stack.append((nr, nc))
            return size
        max_size = 0
        visited = set()
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if (r, c) in visited or grid[r][c] == 0: continue
            max_size = max(max_size, dfs(r, c))
        return max_size

198. 1624. Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters

  • HashSet
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxLengthBetweenEqualCharacters(self, s: str) -> int:
        max_len = -1
        first = dict()
        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if c not in first: first[c] = i
            else:              max_len = max(max_len, i - first[c] - 1)
        return max_len

199. [1888]

200. 202. Happy Number

  • Two Pointers / Floyd’s algorithm’
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def isHappy(self, n: int) -> bool:
        def get_next(number):
            sum_squares = 0
            while number:
                number, digit = divmod(number, 10)
                sum_squares += digit ** 2
            return sum_squares

        slow = n
        fast = get_next(n)
        while fast != 1 and slow != fast:
            slow = get_next(slow)
            fast = get_next(get_next(fast))
        return fast == 1

201. 857. Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers

  • Greedy / Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

If we form a team, everyone will be paid at max(wage_i/quality_i for all i) within the team. Thus sort workers in increasing order of this ratio. Introduce worker to team means increasing ratio of the team. Be greedy and getting rid of worker with higest quality to see if it counters the rate increase and produce a lower overall team cost.

class MaxPQ:
    def __init__(self): self.container = []

    def __len__(self): return len(self.container)
    def push(self, x): heappush(self.container, -x)
    def pop(self):
        val = -self.container[0]
        return val

class Solution:
    def mincostToHireWorkers(self, quality, wage, K):
        :type quality: List[int]
        :type wage: List[int]
        :type K: int
        :rtype: float
        workers = sorted([[w/q, w, q] for (w, q) in zip(wage, quality)])
        min_costs = 2 ** 32
        team = MaxPQ()
        total_quality = 0
        for ratio, w, q in workers:
            total_quality += q
            if len(team) > K: total_quality -= team.pop()
            if len(team) == K: min_costs = min(min_costs, ratio * total_quality)
        return min_costs

202. 1044. Longest Duplicate Substring

  • Rolling Hash / Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def longestDupSubstring(self, S: str) -> str:
        D = [ord(c) - ord('a') for c in S]
        P = 26
        MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
        def rolling_hash(L):
            # initial window
            h = 0
            for c in D[:L]: h = (h * P + c) % MOD
            seen = defaultdict(list)
            PP = P ** L % MOD
            # sliding window
            for r, c in enumerate(D[L:], L):
                l = r - L + 1
                # update hash
                #  shift left    emit the old left    adding the new right    
                h = (h * P    -   D[r - L] * PP     +   c) % MOD
                # collision detection
                if h in seen: 
                    if any(S[ll:ll+L] == S[l:l+L] for ll in seen[h]): return l
            return False
        # use binary search to find the max length of duplicated windows
        l, h = 0, len(S)
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) >> 1
            if rolling_hash(m) != False: 
                l = m + 1
                h = m
        start = rolling_hash(l-1)
        return S[start: start + l - 1]

203. 721. Accounts Merge

  • DFS / UnionFind
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Find connected components. Sorted component to the name.

class UnionFind(object):
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.ids = list(range(n))
    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.ids[i]:
            self.ids[i] = self.ids[self.ids[i]]
            i = self.ids[i]
        return i
    def union(self, p, q):
        p, q = self.find(p), self.find(q)
        self.ids[p] = self.ids[q]

class Solution:
    def accountsMerge(self, accounts: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
        # email to name mapping
        email_to_name = dict()
        for account in accounts:
            name = account[0]
            for email in account[1:]:
                email_to_name[email] = name
        # get email to int id mapping
        email_to_ids = {email: idx for idx, email in enumerate(email_to_name.keys())}
        n = len(email_to_ids)
        # union the nodes
        uf = UnionFind(n)
        for account in accounts:
            for email in account[2:]:
                uf.union(email_to_ids[account[1]], email_to_ids[email])
        # gather the connected components
        clusters = defaultdict(list)
        for email in email_to_name:
        # construct merged accounts
        result = []
        for emails in clusters.values():
            result.append([email_to_name[emails[0]]] + sorted(emails))
        return result

class Solution:
    def accountsMerge(self, accounts: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
        email_to_name = dict()
        adj_list = dict()
        for account in accounts:
            name = account[0]
            e1 = account[1]
            adj_list.setdefault(e1, set())
            email_to_name[e1] = name
            for e2 in account[2:]:
                adj_list.setdefault(e2, set()).add(e1)
                email_to_name[e2] = name
        componenets = dict()
        visited = set()
        for email in adj_list:
            if email in visited: continue
            stack = [email]
            component = set()
            while stack:
                e1 = stack.pop()
                for e2 in adj_list[e1]:
                    if e2 in component: continue
            componenets[e1] = sorted(component)
        results = []
        for email, sorted_emails in componenets.items():
            result = [email_to_name[email]] + sorted_emails
        return results        

204. 1325. Delete Leaves With a Given Value

  • Postorder traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Do postorder travgersal because if we delete a leaf node, it’s parent can become a leaf node itself. Build the parent pointers incase we need to delete node from its parent.

class Solution:
    def removeLeafNodes(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], target: int) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        sentinel = TreeNode(val=None, left=root)
        parents = dict()
        stack = [(sentinel, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if post:
                if not (node.left or node.right) and node.val == target:
                    parent = parents[node]
                    if parent.left == node: parent.left = None
                    if parent.right == node: parent.right = None
                stack.append((node, 1))
                for child in node.left, node.right:
                    if not child: continue
                    parents[child] = node
                    stack.append((child, 0))
        return sentinel.left

205. 968. Binary Tree Cameras

  • Greedy / Postorder traversal
  • Hard
  • O(N)

For a leaf node, it is always better to use a camera at it’s parent node to cover it. Thus greedy from bottom up.

class Solution:
    def minCameraCover(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        covered = {None}
        num_camera = 0
        stack = [(root, None, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, parent, post = stack.pop()
            if node is None: continue
            if post:
                if (parent is None and node not in covered) or \
                   (node.left not in covered or node.right not in covered):
                    num_camera += 1
                    covered.update([node, parent, node.left, node.right])
                stack.extend([(node, parent, 1), (node.left, node, 0), (node.right, node, 0)])
        return num_camera

206. 1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling

  • DP + Binary Search / Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)

map distinct event end time to integer 1 to n. dp[i] is the maximum profit including event ended on i_to_time[i].

dp[i] = max(dp[j] + profit_of_event_i) where j is the indices in i_to_time such that i_to_time[j] is the largest time before this event ended on i started.

dp here is a monotonic stack, with key be profit! We can apply binary_search(dp, start_time)

INF = 2 ** 32 

class Solution:
    def solution_dp(self, startTime, endTime, profit):
        jobs = sorted([(e,s,p) for s, e, p in zip(startTime, endTime, profit)])
        dp = [[0, 0]]  # end time and max_profit 
        for e, s, p in jobs:            
            prev = bisect.bisect_right(dp, [s, INF]) - 1
            if dp[prev][1] + p > dp[-1][1]:
                dp.append([e, dp[prev][1] + p])
        return dp[-1][1]

    def solution_pq(self, startTime, endTime, profit):
        jobs = sorted([(s,e,p) for s, e, p in zip(startTime, endTime, profit)])
        pq = []
        max_profit = 0
        for s, e, p in jobs:
            while pq and s >= pq[0][0]:
                max_profit = max(max_profit, pq[0][1])
            heapq.heappush(pq, (e, p + max_profit))
        return max([q[1] for q in pq], default=max_profit)

    jobScheduling = solution_dp

207. 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def bfs(self, root):
        max_width = 0
        queue = deque([(root, 1)])  # node, idx
        while queue:
            level_width = queue[-1][1] - queue[0][1] + 1
            max_width = max(max_width, level_width)
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                node, idx = queue.popleft()
                if node.left: queue.append((node.left, 2 * idx))
                if node.right: queue.append((node.right, 2 * idx + 1))
        return max_width

208. 427. Construct Quad Tree

  • Recurssion
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def construct(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> 'Node':
        def build(r1, c1, r2, c2, g):
            if r1 > r2 or c1 > c2: return None
            isLeaf = all(g[i][j] == g[r1][c1] for i in range(r1, r2+1) for j in range(c1, c2+1))
            if isLeaf: return Node(g[r1][c1], True, None, None, None, None)
            rowMid, colMid = (r1 + r2) // 2, (c1 + c2) // 2
            return Node(
                build(r1, c1, rowMid, colMid, g),           # top left 
                build(r1, colMid + 1, rowMid, c2, g),       # top right
                build(rowMid + 1, c1, r2, colMid, g),       # bottom left 
                build(rowMid + 1, colMid + 1, r2, c2, g)    # bottom right
        return build(0, 0, len(grid)-1, len(grid[0]) - 1, grid)

209. 389. Find the Difference

  • Bit
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def findTheDifference(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
        # return (Counter(t) - Counter(s)).popitem()[0]
        bits = 0
        for c in s: bits ^= ord(c)
        for c in t: bits ^= ord(c)
        return chr(bits)

210. 375. Guess Number Higher or Lower II

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def getMoneyAmount(self, n: int) -> int:
        # dp = defaultdict(int)
        # for lo in range(n, 0, -1):
        #     for hi in range(lo + 1, n+1):
        #         if lo == hi:
        #             dp[(lo, hi)] = 0
        #         else:
        #             dp[(lo, hi)] = min(x + max(dp[(lo, x-1)], dp[(x+1,hi)]) for x in range(lo, hi))        
        # return dp[(1, n)]

        INT_MAX = 2 ** 32
        def min_money(lo, hi):
            if lo >= hi: return 0
            if hi == lo + 1: return lo
            best = INT_MAX
            for mid in range(lo + 1, hi):
                left = min_money(lo, mid - 1)
                right = min_money(mid + 1, hi)
                money = mid + max(left, right)
                best = min(best, money)
            return best
        return min_money(1, n)

211. 951. Flip Equivalent Binary Trees

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def flipEquiv(self, root1: Optional[TreeNode], root2: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        if root1 is None and root2 is None: return True
        if root1 is None or root2 is None: return False
        if root1.val != root2.val: return False        
        return (self.flipEquiv(root1.left, root2.left) and self.flipEquiv(root1.right, root2.right)) or \
               (self.flipEquiv(root1.left, root2.right) and self.flipEquiv(root1.right, root2.left))

    def flipEquiv(self, root1: Optional[TreeNode], root2: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        def canonical_preorder(root):
            stack = [root]
            order = []
            while stack:
                node = stack.pop()
                if node is None: 
                L = -1 if node.left is None else node.left.val
                R = -1 if node.right is None else node.right.val
                if L < R: stack.extend([node.left, node.right])
                else: stack.extend([node.right, node.left])

            return order
        o1, o2 = map(canonical_preorder, (root1, root2))
        return o1 == o2

212. 221. Maximal Square

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

dp(i, j) is the length of the side with bottom right corner at M[r, c] dp[r][c] = min(dp[r-1][c], dp[r][c-1], dp[r-1][c-1]) + 1

class Solution:
    def maximalSquare(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        dp = [[0] * (ncol + 1) for _ in range(nrow + 1)]
        maximum = 0
        for r in range(1, nrow + 1):
            for c in range(1, ncol + 1):
                if matrix[r-1][c-1] == '1':
                    dp[r][c] = min(dp[r-1][c], dp[r][c-1], dp[r-1][c-1]) + 1 
                    maximum = max(maximum, dp[r][c])
        return maximum ** 2

213. 360. Sort Transformed Array

  • Binary Search / Array / Math
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def sortTransformedArray(self, nums: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int) -> List[int]:
        if not nums: return

        def f(x): return a * x ** 2 + b * x + c

        n = len(nums)
        if a == 0:
            if b > 0: return [f(x) for x in nums]
            if b < 0: return [f(x) for x in reversed(nums)]
            else:     return [c] * n

        # find mid point
        p = - b / (2 * a)
        l, h = 0, n - 1
        while l < h:
            mid = (l + h) // 2
            if nums[mid] > p: h = mid
            else:             l = mid + 1
        loc = l

        output = deque()
        if a > 0:  l1, l2 = nums[:loc][::-1], nums[loc:]
        else:      l1, l2 = nums[:loc], nums[loc:][::-1]

        l1 = deque([f(x) for x in l1])
        l2 = deque([f(x) for x in l2])

        while l1 and l2:
            if l1[0] < l2[0]: output.append(l1.popleft())
            else:             output.append(l2.popleft())
        return output + l1 + l2

214. 849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Find the maximum distance among(neightboring 1, left boundry and left most 1, right boundry and right most 1)

class Solution:
    def maxDistToClosest(self, seats: List[int]) -> int:
        max_dist, last, n = 0, -1, len(seats)
        for curr, seat in enumerate(seats):
            if not seat: continue
            dist = curr if last < 0 else (curr - last) / 2
            max_dist = max(max_dist, dist)
            last = curr
        max_dist = max(max_dist, n - last - 1)
        return int(max_dist)

215. 261. Graph Valid Tree

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Should be a connected graph with all nodes in a single component and without any circle.

class Solution:
    def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        adj_lists = [set() for _ in range(n)]
        for a, b in edges:
        stack = [0]
        visited = set()
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if node in visited: return False
            for nei in adj_lists[node]:
        return len(visited) == n

216. 767. Reorganize String

  • Greedy / Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def reorganizeString(self, S: str) -> str:
        pq = [(-cnt, ch) for ch, cnt in Counter(S).items()]
        if -pq[0][0] > (len(S) + 1) / 2: return ""
        ans = []
        while len(pq) >= 2:
            nct1, ch1 = heapq.heappop(pq)
            nct2, ch2 = heapq.heappop(pq)
            ans.extend([ch1, ch2])
            if nct1 != -1: heapq.heappush(pq, (nct1 + 1, ch1))
            if nct2 != -1: heapq.heappush(pq, (nct2 + 1, ch2))
        return "".join(ans) + (pq[0][1] if pq else "")

217. 37. Sudoku Solver

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(9^81)
class Solution:
    def solveSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        digits = set('123456789')
        not_visited = [(r, c) for r in range(9) for c in range(9) if board[r][c] == '.']

        def valid_choices(r, c):
            row = board[r]
            col = [board[i][c] for i in range(9)]
            square = [board[i][j] for i in range(r // 3 * 3, r // 3 * 3 + 3)
                                  for j in range(c // 3 * 3, c // 3 * 3 + 3)]
            choices = digits.difference(row).difference(col).difference(square)
            return choices

        def backtrack(board, not_visited):
            if not not_visited: return True
            (r, c) = not_visited.pop()
            for digit in valid_choices(r, c):
                board[r][c] = digit
                if backtrack(board, not_visited): return True
                board[r][c] = '.'
            not_visited.append((r, c))
            return False

        backtrack(board, not_visited)

218. 250. Count Univalue Subtrees

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def countUnivalSubtrees(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        def dfs(node):
            if node is None: return True, 0
            l_is_uni, l_count,  = dfs(node.left)
            r_is_uni, r_count = dfs(node.right)

            l_is_valid = node.left is None or (l_is_uni and node.val == node.left.val)
            r_is_valid = node.right is None or (r_is_uni and node.val == node.right.val)

            if l_is_valid and r_is_valid: return True, l_count + r_count + 1
            return False, l_count + r_count
        _, count = dfs(root)
        return count

219. 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

  • Recurrsion
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root, p, q) -> 'TreeNode':
        def dfs(node):
            if node in (None, p, q): return node
            l, r = dfs(node.left), dfs(node.right)
            return node if l and r else l or r
        return dfs(root)

220. 1042. Flower Planting With No Adjacent

  • Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def gardenNoAdj(self, n: int, paths: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        # graph, adj lists
        adj_lists = [[] for _ in range(n + 1)]
        for f, t in paths:
#         def dfs(state, i):
#             if i == n + 1: return state[1:]
#             neighbors = set([state[nei] for nei in adj_lists[i] if state[nei] != 0])
#             for choice in set(range(1, n+1)).difference(neighbors):
#                 state[i] = choice
#                 result = dfs(state, i + 1)
#                 if result: return result
#                 state[i] = 0
#             return 
#         return dfs([0] * (n + 1), 1)

        # greedy        
        state = [0] * (n + 1)
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            used = set()
            neighbors = set([state[nei] for nei in adj_lists[i] if state[nei] != 0])
            options = set(range(1, 5)).difference(neighbors)
            state[i] = options.pop()
        return state[1:]

221. 731. My Calendar II

  • SortedList
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class MyCalendarTwo(SortedList):
    def book(self, start, end):
        self.update([(start, 1), (end, -1)])
        bookings = 0
        for time, event in self:  # N
            bookings += event
            if bookings == 3:
                self.remove((start, 1))  # logM
                self.remove((end, -1))
                return False
        return True

222. 218. The Skyline Problem

  • Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)
class Maxpq:
    def __init__(self):
        self.container = []
    def front(self):
        if not self.container: return 0, 2**32
        t = self.container[0]
        return (-t[0], t[1])
    def push(self, t):
        heapq.heappush(self.container, (-t[0], t[1]))
    def pop(self):

class Solution:
    def getSkyline(self, buildings: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        events = []
        closing_events = set()
        for l, r, h in buildings:
            events.append((l, h, r))
            closing_events.add((r, 0, 0))
        events += list(closing_events)
        events.sort(key=lambda x: [x[0], -x[1]])
        skyline, pq = [], Maxpq()
        for x, h, r in events:
            # make sure tallest building is still valid
            while x >= pq.front()[1]: pq.pop()
            if h: pq.push((h, r))
            if not skyline or skyline[-1][1] != pq.front()[0]:
                skyline.append([x, pq.front()[0]])
        return skyline

223. 312. Burst Balloons

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N^3)
class Solution:
    def maxCoins(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        nums = [1] + nums + [1]
        n = len(nums)
        dp = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
        for l in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
            for r in range(l + 2, n):
                dp[l][r] = max(nums[l] * nums[i] * nums[r] + dp[l][i] + dp[i][r] 
                               for i in range(l + 1, r))
        return dp[0][-1]

224. 324. Wiggle Sort II

  • Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def wiggleSort(self, nums: List[int]) -> None:
        n = len(nums)
        m = (n + 1) // 2
        mid = nlargest(m, nums)[~0] # use quickselect for linear time median finding

        to_idx = lambda i: (1 + 2 * i) % (n | 1)
        def swap(i, j): nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
        # no virtual index
        r, l = n - 1 if n & 1 else n - 2, 1
        k = 0
        while k < n:
            if nums[k] < mid and (k < r or k & 1):                      # even positions
                swap(k, r)
                r -= 2
            elif nums[k] > mid and (l < k or not(k & 1)):
                swap(k, l)
                l += 2
                k += 1
        # # virtual index
        # i, j, k = 0, n-1, 0
        # while k <= j:
        #     print(i, k, j, to_idx(i), to_idx(k), to_idx(j))
        #     if nums[to_idx(k)] > mid:
        #         swap(to_idx(k), to_idx(i))
        #         i+=1
        #         k+=1
        #     elif nums[to_idx(k)] < mid:
        #         swap(to_idx(k), to_idx(j))
        #         j-=1
        #     else:
        #         k+=1                

225. 71. Simplify Path

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def simplifyPath(self, path: str) -> str:
        stack = []
        for p in path.split("/"):
            if p == "..":
                if stack: 
            elif p and p != '.':
        return '/' + '/'.join(stack)

226. 286. Walls and Gates

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)

Instead find closest gate to each room, do the opposite, from gate visit and mark room.

class Solution:
    def wallsAndGates(self, rooms: List[List[int]]) -> None:
        INF = 2147483647
        nrow, ncol = len(rooms), len(rooms[0])
        queue = deque([[r, c, 0] for r in range(nrow) for c in range(ncol) if rooms[r][c] == 0])
        while queue:
            r, c, d = queue.popleft()
            for nr, nc in ((r+1,c),(r-1,c),(r,c+1),(r,c-1)):
                if not (nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and rooms[nr][nc] > d + 1): continue
                rooms[nr][nc] = d + 1
                queue.append((nr, nc, d + 1))

227. 241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N * 2^N)
class Solution:
    def diffWaysToCompute(self, expression: str) -> List[int]:
        nums, ops = [], []
        num = 0
        for c in expression:
            if c.isdigit(): num = 10 * num + int(c)
                num = 0
        def top_down(l, r):
            if l == r:  return [nums[l]]

            result = []
            for k in range(l, r):
                    eval(f"l_val {ops[k]} r_val")
                    for l_val, r_val in product(
                        top_down(l, k),
                        top_down(k + 1, r)                                            
            return result
        total = top_down(0, len(nums) - 1)
        return total

228. 1352. Product of the Last K Numbers

  • Prefix Sum
  • Medium
  • O(1)
class ProductOfNumbers:
    def __init__(self):
        self.prefix_prods = [1]

    def add(self, num: int) -> None:
        if num == 0: self.prefix_prods = [1]
        else: self.prefix_prods.append(self.prefix_prods[-1] * num)

    def getProduct(self, k):
        if k >= len(self.prefix_prods): return 0
        return self.prefix_prods[-1] // self.prefix_prods[~k]

229. 1504. Count Submatrices With All Ones

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(MN)


class Solution:
    def numSubmat(self, mat: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(mat), len(mat[0])
        for r, c in product(range(1, nrow), range(ncol)):
            if mat[r][c]: mat[r][c] += mat[r-1][c] 
        ans = 0
        for row in mat:
            stack = []
            cnt = 0
            for c in range(ncol):
                while stack and row[stack[-1]] > row[c]: 
                    j = stack.pop()                    
                    k = stack[-1] if stack else -1     
                    cnt -= (row[j] - row[c]) * (j - k) 

                cnt += row[c]
                ans += cnt

        return ans

230. 1162. As Far from Land as Possible

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def maxDistance(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        queue = deque()
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if grid[r][c] == 1:
                queue.append((r, c))
        if not queue or len(queue) == nrow * ncol: return -1
        dist = 0
        while queue:
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                r, c = queue.popleft()
                for nr, nc in (r-1, c), (r+1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1):
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc] == 0:
                        queue.append((nr, nc))
                        grid[nr][nc] = 1
            dist += 1
        return dist - 1

231. 23. Merge k Sorted Lists

  • Merge Sort / Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(NlogK)
class PQNode:
    def __init__(self, node): self.node = node
    def __lt__(self, other):  return self.node.val < other.node.val

class Solution:
    def mergeKLists(self, lists: List[Optional[ListNode]]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
        pq = [PQNode(head) for head in lists if head is not None]
        curr = sentinel = ListNode()
        while pq:
            nd = heapq.heappop(pq)
            curr.next, curr = nd.node, nd.node
            if nd.node.next: heapq.heappush(pq, PQNode(nd.node.next))
        return sentinel.next

class Solution:
    def mergeKLists(self, lists: List[ListNode]) -> ListNode:
        if not lists: return 
        def merge(l1, l2):
            ret = curr = ListNode(None)
            while l1 and l2:
                if l1.val < l2.val:  curr.next, l1 = l1, l1.next
                else:                curr.next, l2 = l2, l2.next
                curr = curr.next
            curr.next = l1 if l1 else l2
            return ret.next
        lists = collections.deque(lists)
        while len(lists) > 1:
            l1 = lists.popleft()
            l2 = lists.popleft()
            l3 = merge(l1, l2)
        return lists.pop()

232. 1570. Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors

  • Design
  • Medium
  • O(N) Construct, O(L) compute

Use key, value pair for sparse vector.

class SparseVector:
    def __init__(self, nums: List[int]):
        self.indices = []
        self.values = []
        for idx, num in enumerate(nums):
            if num == 0: continue
    def __len__(self): return len(self.indices)
    # Return the dotProduct of two sparse vectors
    def dotProduct(self, vec: SparseVector) -> int:
        product = 0
        l1, l2 = 0, 0
        while l1 < len(self) and l2 < len(vec):
            if self.indices[l1] == vec.indices[l2]:
                product += self.values[l1] * vec.values[l2]
                l1 += 1
                l2 += 1
            elif self.indices[l1] < vec.indices[l2]:
                l1 += 1
            elif self.indices[l1] > vec.indices[l2]:
                l2 += 1
        return product

233. 43. Multiply Strings

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def multiply(self, num1: str, num2: str) -> str:
        if num1 == '0' or num2 == '0': return '0'

        stoi = {s:i for i, s in enumerate('0123456789')}
        itos = {i:s for i, s in enumerate('0123456789')}
        def int(x): return stoi[x]            
        def str(x): return itos[x]
        l1, l2 = len(num1), len(num2)
        results = [0] * (l1 + l2)

        for i, d1 in enumerate(map(int, reversed(num1))):
            for j, d2 in enumerate(map(int, reversed(num2))):
                carry, reminder = divmod(d1 * d2, 10)            
                results[i + j] += reminder
                results[i + j + 1] += carry

        for i, d in enumerate(results):
            carry, reminder = divmod(d, 10)
            results[i] = reminder
            if carry: results[i + 1] += carry

        return ''.join(map(str, reversed(results))).lstrip('0')

234. 337. House Robber III

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Postorder traversal, as we need to figure out the maximum value from subtrees rooted at each children under two conditions: 1. the node is robbed 2. the node is not robbed

class Solution:
    def rob(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        values = {None: (0, 0)}
        stack = [(root, False)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if node is None: continue
            if post: 
                values[node] = (
                    node.val + values[node.left][1] + values[node.right][1], 
                    max(values[node.left]) + max(values[node.right])
                stack.extend([(node, True), (node.left, False), (node.right, False)])
        return max(values[root])

235. 41. First Missing Positive

  • Two Pointers
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def firstMissingPositive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        # partition, move positive numbers before non-positive numbers
        l, r = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while l < r:
            if nums[l] <= 0: 
                nums[l], nums[r] = nums[r], nums[l]
                r -= 1
                l += 1
        # edge case - no number or no postive number at all
        if not nums or (r == 0 and nums[0] <= 0): return 1 
        # make sure r points to last postive number. 
        if nums[r] <= 0: r -= 1 
        # if there is no missing positive number nums[0:r) should be 1 to r + 1 (shuffled)
        # 2nd pass: mark existing postive numbers that are <= num_max
        num_max = r + 1
        for i in range(r + 1):
            num = abs(nums[i])
            if num > num_max: continue
            nums[num - 1] = -abs(nums[num - 1])
        # 3rd pass: find the first missing positive number
        for i in range(r + 1):
            if nums[i] >= 0: 
                return i + 1
        return num_max + 1 

236. 677. Map Sum Pairs

  • Trie
  • Medium
  • O(L^2)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
        self.val = 0

class MapSum:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()
        self.map = defaultdict(int)

    def insert(self, key: str, val: int) -> None:
        delta = val - self.map[key]
        self.map[key] = val
        node = self.root
        for char in key: 
            node = node[char]
            node.val += delta
    def sum(self, prefix: str) -> int:
        node = self.root
        for char in prefix: 
            if char not in node: return 0
            node = node[char]
        return node.val

237. 1101. The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends

  • Union Find
  • Medium
  • O(E)
class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.parents = list(range(n))
        self.sizes = [1] * n
        self.n_components = n

    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return False
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    
        self.n_components -= 1
        return True

class Solution:
    def earliestAcq(self, logs: List[List[int]], n: int) -> int:
        uf = UnionFind(n)
        for timestamp, a, b in logs:
            uf.union(a, b)
            if uf.n_components == 1: return timestamp
        return -1

238. 295. Find Median from Data Stream

  • Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(loN)
class MedianFinder:    
    def __init__(self):
        """ initialize your data structure here. """
        self.max_heap = PQ("max") # smaller half
        self.min_heap = PQ("min") # larger  half

    def addNum(self, num: int) -> None:
        if len(self.max_heap) == 0 or self.max_heap.peek() >= num:

        #balancing max and min heap
        if len(self.max_heap) < len(self.min_heap):
        elif len(self.max_heap) - len(self.min_heap) == 2:

    def findMedian(self) -> float:
        if len(self.max_heap) > len(self.min_heap):
            return self.max_heap.peek()
            return (self.min_heap.peek() + self.max_heap.peek()) / 2

239. 551. Student Attendance Record I

  • String
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def checkRecord(self, s: str) -> bool:
        a_count = l_strike = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(s):
            a_count += v == 'A'
            if a_count >= 2: return False
            l_strike = l_strike + 1 if v == 'L' else 0
            if l_strike == 3: return False
        return True

240. 686. Repeated String Match

  • KMP
  • Medium
  • O(N)
def kmp_table(s):
    m = len(s)
    table, j = [0, 0], 0
    for i in range(1, m):
        while j > 0 and s[i] != s[j]:  j = table[j]
        if s[i] == s[j]:               j += 1
    return table

class Solution:
    def repeatedStringMatch(self, a: str, b: str) -> int:
        table = kmp_table(b)
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < len(a):
            while j < len(b) and a[(i+j) % len(a)] == b[j]: j+= 1
            if j == len(b): return (i + j - 1) // len(a) + 1
            j = table[j]
            i += max(1, j - table[j])
        return -1

241. 965. Univalued Binary Tree

  • Tree
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isUnivalTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        val = root.val
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if not node: continue
            if node.val != val: return False
            stack.extend([node.left, node.right])
        return True

242. 1252. Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix

  • Counting
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def oddCells(self, m: int, n: int, indices: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        total = 0        
        row_incs, col_incs = [0] * m, [0] * n
        for r, c in indices:
            row_incs[r] ^= 1
            col_incs[c] ^= 1
        for r in range(m):
            for c in range(n):
                total += (row_incs[r] + col_incs[c]) & 1
        return total

243. 2131. Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words

  • HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N)

For a given parlindrome, we can always plug in a “XX” in the center to extend the length by two. Iterrate over the pairs, keep track of freq for “XY” and check whether we have “YX” to match it. Also keep track of “XX” case.

class Solution:
    def longestPalindrome(self, words):
        m = defaultdict(int)
        unpaired = ans = 0
        for w in words:
            if w[0] == w[1]:
                if m[w] > 0:
                    unpaired -= 1
                    m[w] -= 1
                    ans += 4
                    m[w] += 1
                    unpaired += 1
                if m[w[::-1]] > 0:  # w[::-1] -> reversed w
                    ans += 4
                    m[w[::-1]] -= 1
                    m[w] += 1
        if unpaired > 0: 
            ans += 2
        return ans

244. 57. Insert Interval

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def insert(self, intervals: List[List[int]], newInterval: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not intervals: return [newInterval]
        if not newInterval: return intervals
        nl, nr = newInterval
        n = len(intervals)

        if intervals[-1][1] < nl: return intervals + [newInterval]
        if intervals[0][0] > nr: return [newInterval] + intervals

        def intersect(l1, r1, l2, r2):
            l = max(l1, l2)
            r = min(r1, r2)
            return l <= r

        output, l, r = [], None, None
        for i, itv in enumerate(intervals):
            il, ir = itv
            if intersect(il, ir, nl, nr):
                if l is None: l = min(il, nl)
                if r is None: r = max(ir, nr)
                l, r = min(l, il), max(r, ir)
                if r is not None:
                    output.append([l, r])
                    l, r = None, None
                if i and intervals[i - 1][1] < nl and nr < il:
        if r is not None: 
            output.append([l, r])
        return output

245. 1673. Find the Most Competitive Subsequence

  • Greedy Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def mostCompetitive(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
        n = len(nums)
        stack = []
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
                            # swap in num is better  # still has enough to for length k 
            while stack and num < stack[-1] and len(stack) + (n - i) > k: 
            if len(stack) < k:
        return stack

246. 719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance

  • Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def smallestDistancePair(self, nums, k):
        def possible(guess):
            count, l = 0, 0 
            for r, x in enumerate(nums):
                while x - nums[l] > guess:
                    l += 1
                count += r - l
            return count >= k

        lo, hi = 0, nums[-1] - nums[0]
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            if possible(mid): hi = mid
            else: lo = mid + 1
        return lo

247. 460. LFU Cache

  • Design / HashMap / Doubly Linked List
  • Hard
  • O(1)
class LFUCache:
    def __init__(self, capacity: int):
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.freq_to_key = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        self.key_to_freq = defaultdict(int)
        self.min_freq = 1
    def get(self, key: int) -> int:
        if key not in self.key_to_freq: return -1
        freq = self.key_to_freq[key]
        self.key_to_freq[key] = freq + 1
        value = self.freq_to_key[freq][key]
        del self.freq_to_key[freq][key]
        self.freq_to_key[freq+1][key] = value
        if self.min_freq == freq and not self.freq_to_key[freq]: self.min_freq += 1
        return value
    def put(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
        if key in self.key_to_freq:
            self.freq_to_key[self.key_to_freq[key]][key] = value
        self.capacity -= 1
        self.key_to_freq[key] = 1
        self.freq_to_key[1][key] = value
        if self.capacity < 0:
            self.capacity += 1
            k, v = self.freq_to_key[self.min_freq].popitem(False)
            del self.key_to_freq[k]
        self.min_freq = 1

248. 1049. Last Stone Weight II

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N*Sum(stones))

Equivlant to find the partition such that two sum are close to each other as much as possible.

class Solution:
    def lastStoneWeightII(self, stones: List[int]) -> int:
        dp = {0}
        total = sum(stones)
        for a in stones:
            dp |= {a + i for i in dp}
        return min(abs(total - i - i) for i in dp)

249. 205. Isomorphic Strings

  • HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isIsomorphic(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        m = dict()
        for sc, tc in zip(s, t):
            if m.get(sc, tc) != tc: return False
            m[sc] = tc
        return len(s) == len(t) and max(Counter(m.values()).values()) == 1

250. 752. Open the Lock

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(N^2 * 10^N)
class Solution:
    def openLock(self, deadends: List[str], target: str) -> int:     
        if target in deadends or "0000" in deadends: return -1
        def get_nei(n):
            if n == "0": return "19"
            if n == "9": return "08"
            return f"{int(n)+1}{int(n)-1}"
        def get_next(state):
            for i in range(4):
                for n in get_nei(state[i]):
                    new_state = state[:i] + n + state[i+1:]
                    yield new_state
        seen = set()
        queue = deque(["0000"])
        k = 0
        while queue:
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                state = queue.popleft()
                if state == target: return k
                for new_state in get_next(state):
                    if new_state in seen or new_state in deadends: continue
            k += 1
        return -1

251. 889. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Follow preorder and postorder at the same time to create nodes. Use a stack to keep track of nodes. Attach newly created nodes to top of stack to maintain pre-order. Pop nodes off the stack when it matches the postorder node value to maintain post-order

class Solution:
    def constructFromPrePost(self, preorder: List[int], postorder: List[int]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        stack = []
        j = 0
        for v in preorder:
            node = TreeNode(v)
            if stack:
                while stack[-1].val == postorder[j]:
                    j += 1
                if not stack[-1].left:
                    stack[-1].left = node
                    stack[-1].right = node
        return stack[0]

252. 1095. Find in Mountain Array

  • Binary Search
  • Hard
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def findInMountainArray(self, target: int, arr: 'MountainArray') -> int:
        n = arr.length()
        lo, hi = 0, n - 1
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1            
            if arr.get(mid) < arr.get(mid + 1): lo = pivot = mid + 1
            else:                               hi = mid

        lo, hi = 0, pivot
        while lo <= hi:
            mid_num = arr.get(mid := (lo + hi) >> 1)
            if mid_num == target:  return mid
            elif mid_num > target: hi = mid - 1
            else:                  lo = mid + 1
        lo, hi = pivot, n - 1
        while lo <= hi:
            mid_num = arr.get(mid := (lo + hi) >> 1)
            if mid_num == target:  return mid
            elif mid_num > target: lo = mid + 1
            else:                  hi = mid - 1
        return - 1        

253. 459. Repeated Substring Pattern

  • String / KMP
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def repeatedSubstringPattern(self, s: str) -> bool:
        # return s in (s[1:] + s[:-1])
        n = len(s)
        table, j = [0, 0], 0
        for i in range(1, n):
            while j > 0 and s[i] != s[j]:  j = table[j]
            if s[i] == s[j]:               j += 1
        return table[-1] and table[-1] % (n - table[-1]) == 0

254. 1366. Rank Teams by Votes

  • Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def rankTeams(self, votes: List[str]) -> str:  
        count = {v: [0] * len(votes[0]) + [v] for v in votes[0]}
        for vote in votes:
            for i, v in enumerate(vote):
                count[v][i] -= 1
        return ''.join(sorted(votes[0], key=count.get))
        count = {v: [0] * len(votes[0]) + [ord('z') - ord(v)] for v in votes[0]}
        for vote in votes:
            for i, v in enumerate(vote):
                count[v][i] += 1
        return ''.join(sorted(votes[0], key=count.get, reverse=True))

255. 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def increasingTriplet(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        third = second = float('inf')
        for num in nums:
            if num > second: return True
            if num < third:  third = num
            elif third < num < second: second = num
        return False

256. 437. Path Sum III

  • Prefix Sum on Tree / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def pathSum(self, root: TreeNode, target: int) -> bool:
        if not root: return 0
        self.total = 0
        prefix_sum = defaultdict(int)
        prefix_sum[0] = 1

        def dfs(node, accum):
            self.total += prefix_sum.get(accum - target, 0)
            prefix_sum[accum] += 1
            for child in node.left, node.right:
                if child is None: continue
                dfs(child, accum + child.val)
            prefix_sum[accum] -= 1                
        dfs(root, root.val)
        return self.total

257. 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops

  • Graph / DP
  • Hard
  • O(KE)

DP with expansion on middle city.

f(i,j) the cheapest price to fly from src to city j with i flights.
f(K+1,dst) is our solution
relation f(i,j) = min(f(i-1,k) + price from k to j for all k) # , f(i-1,j))
base case f(0,j) = INF if j != src else 0
          f(i,src) = 0
class Solution:
    def findCheapestPrice(self, n: int, flights: List[List[int]], src: int, dst: int, K: int) -> int:
        INF = float('inf')
        dp = [[INF] * n for _ in range(K+2)]
        for i in range(K+2): 
            dp[i][src] = 0
        for i in range(1, K+2):
            for u, v, w in flights:
                dp[i][v] = min(dp[i-1][u] + w , dp[i][v])
        return dp[-1][dst] if dp[-1][dst] != INF else -1

258. 278. First Bad Version

  • Binary Search
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def firstBadVersion(self, n):
        lo, hi = 1, n
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if isBadVersion(mid):
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        return lo  # if not isBadVersion lo = mid + 1 -> lo will be first bad version

259. 743. Network Delay Time

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(V+E)
MAX = 2 ** 32

class Solution:
    def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
        adj_list = defaultdict(list)
        for u, v, w in times:
            adj_list[u].append((v, w))
        max_time = 0
        time_to_node = dict()
        queue = deque([(k, 0)])
        while queue:
            u, t = queue.popleft()
            if time_to_node.get(u, MAX) <= t: continue
            time_to_node[u] = t
            for v, w in adj_list[u]:
                queue.append((v, t + w)) 
        if len(time_to_node) < n: return -1
        return max(time_to_node.values())

260. 313. Super Ugly Number

  • Tabulation
  • Medium
  • O(NM))
class Solution:
    def nthSuperUglyNumber(self, n: int, primes: List[int]) -> int:
        nums = [1] * n
        factors = primes
        heads = [[0, factor] for factor in factors]
        for i in range(1, n):
            nums[i] = min(nums[i] * factor for i, factor in heads)
            for head in heads:
                if nums[head[0]] * head[1] == nums[i]: head[0] += 1
        return nums[-1]

261. 1770. Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(M^2)
class Solution:
    def maximumScore(self, nums: List[int], multipliers: List[int]) -> int:
        n, m = len(nums), len(multipliers)
#         @cache
#         def dp(l, r):
#             i = l + n - r - 1
#             if i == m: return 0
#             s1 = dp(l + 1, r) + multipliers[i] * nums[l]
#             s2 = dp(l, r - 1) + multipliers[i] * nums[r]
#             return max(s1, s2)
#         return dp(0, n - 1)
        dp = [[0] * m for _ in range(m+1)]
        for l in reversed(range(m)):
            for r in range(l, m): 
                i = l + m - r - 1
                dp[l][r] = max(
                    dp[l+1][r] + multipliers[i] * nums[l], 
                    dp[l][r-1] + multipliers[i] * nums[r-m+n] 
        return dp[0][-1]            

262. 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N)
class Solution:
    def letterCombinations(self, digits: str) -> List[str]:
        if digits == "": return []
        mapping = {
            "0": "",
            "1": "",
            "2": "abc",
            "3": "def",
            "4": "ghi", 
            "5": "jkl", 
            "6": "mno",
            "7": "pqrs",
            "8": "tuv",
            "9": "wxyz"
        digits = list(digits)
        results = []
        def backtrack(candidate, i):
            if i == len(digits): 
            for d in mapping[digits[i]]:
                backtrack(candidate, i + 1)
        backtrack([], 0)
        return results

263. 702. Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def search(self, reader, target):
        if reader.get(0) == target: return 0
        lo, hi = 0, 1
        while reader.get(hi) < target:
            lo, hi = hi, hi << 1
        # binary search
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if num := reader.get(mid) >= target:
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        num = reader.get(lo)
        return lo if num == target else -1

264. 983. Minimum Cost For Tickets

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def mincostTickets(self, days: List[int], costs: List[int]) -> int:
        dp = [0] * (days[-1] + 1)
        days = set(days)
        for i in range(1, len(dp)):
            if i in days:
                dp[i] = min(
                    dp[max(i-1, 0)] + costs[0],
                    dp[max(i-7, 0)] + costs[1],
                    dp[max(i-30, 0)] + costs[2]
                dp[i] = dp[i-1]
        return dp[-1]

265. 91. Decode Ways

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)

dp[i] is number of ways to decode s[:i] # right exclusive.

class Solution:
    def numDecodings(self, s: str) -> int:
        if not s or s[0]=='0': return 0
        n = len(s)

        dp = [0 for _ in range(n + 1)] 
        dp[0: 2] = [1, 1]

        for i in range(2, n + 1): 
            if s[i - 1] > '0':              dp[i] += dp[i - 1]
            if '10' <= s[i - 2: i] <= '26': dp[i] += dp[i - 2]
        return dp[-1]

266. 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe

  • HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class TicTacToe:
    def __init__(self, n: int):
        Initialize your data structure here.
        self.count = Counter()
        self.n = n

    def move(self, row: int, col: int, player: int) -> int:
        Player {player} makes a move at ({row}, {col}).
        @param row The row of the board.
        @param col The column of the board.
        @param player The player, can be either 1 or 2.
        @return The current winning condition, can be either:
                0: No one wins.
                1: Player 1 wins.
                2: Player 2 wins.
        for i, x in enumerate((row, col, row + col, row - col)):
            self.count[i, x, player] += 1
            if self.count[i, x, player] == self.n: return player
        return 0

267. 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self

  • Sorting
  • Hard
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def countSmaller(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        A = SortedList()
        result = deque()
        for num in reversed(nums):
        return result

268. 368. Largest Divisible Subset

  • DP / Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

f(i) the max (size) subset with nums[i] be the largest number in set f(i) = max(f(j) for j in 0 .. i-1 if nums[i] % nums[j]) + 1 1D dp with back track, O(N^2) time O(N) space

class Solution:
    def largestDivisibleSubset(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(nums)
        dp = [0] * n
        # find the the number with most divisible nums, index and number of divisible numbers
        max_i, max_n = 0, 0
        for i in range(n):
            dp[i] = max(dp[j] for j in range(i+1) if nums[i] % nums[j] == 0) + 1   
            if dp[i] > max_n: 
                max_i, max_n = i, dp[i]
        # backtrack to build the sequence
        subset = []
        n = max_n
        for i in reversed(range(max_i +1)):
            if dp[i] == n and nums[max_i] % nums[i] == 0:
                max_i = i
                n -= 1
        return subset

269. 7. Reverse Integer

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(N)
INT_MIN = -2 ** 31
INT_MAX = 2 ** 31 - 1

class Solution:
    def reverse(self, x: int) -> int:
        if x == INT_MIN: return 0
        is_negative = x < 0
        if is_negative: x = 0 - x
        y = 0
        while x:
            x, d = divmod(x, 10)
            if y > INT_MAX / 10: return 0
            y = 10 * y + d
        return y if not is_negative else - y

270. 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array

  • Binary Search
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def peakIndexInMountainArray(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
        l, h = 0, len(arr) - 1
        while l < h:
            mid = (l + h) >> 1
            if arr[mid] > arr[mid + 1]:
                h = mid
                l = mid + 1
        return l

271. 93. Restore IP Addresses

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(N * 2^N)
class Solution:
    def restoreIpAddresses(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
        def valid_ip(candidate):
            if len(candidate) != 4: return
            result = []
            for section in candidate:
                section_str = ''.join(section)
                section_int = int(section_str)
                if section_int > 255: return
                if section_int == 0 and section_str != "0": return
                if section_int != 0 and section_str[0] == "0": return 
            return ".".join(result)
        digits = list(s)
        ips = []        
        def backtrack(candidate, i):
            if i == len(s):
                ip = valid_ip(candidate)
                if ip: ips.append(ip)
            backtrack(candidate, i + 1)
            backtrack(candidate, i + 1)
        backtrack([[digits[0]]], 1)
        return ips

272. 1446. Consecutive Characters

  • Array
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxPower(self, s: str) -> int:
        strike, power, curr = 0, 0, ''
        for c in s:
            if c == curr:
                strike += 1
            power = max(power, strike)
            curr = c
            strike = 1
        power = max(power, strike)
        return power

    def maxPower(self, s: str) -> int:
        strike, power, curr = 1, 1, s[0]
        for c in s[1:]:
            if c == curr:
                strike += 1
                power = max(power, strike)
                curr = c
                strike = 1
        return power

273. 856. Score of Parentheses

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def scoreOfParentheses(self, S: str) -> int:
        mapping = {
            '((': '2*(',
            '()': '1',
            ')(': '+',
            '))': ')'
        return eval(''.join([mapping[pair] for pair in map(lambda x:''.join(x), zip(S, S[1:]))]))

    def scoreOfParentheses(self, S: str) -> int:
        stack, cur = [], 0
        for i in S:
            if i == '(':
                cur = 0
                cur += stack.pop() + max(cur, 1)
        return cur

274. 140. Word Break II

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(2^N)

class Solution:
    def wordBreak(self, s: str, wordDict: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        n = len(s)
        wordDict = set(wordDict)

        result = []
        def backtrack(candidate, i):
            if i == len(s): return result.append(" ".join(candidate))
            for word in wordDict:
                if s[i: i+len(word)] == word:
                    backtrack(candidate, i + len(word))
        backtrack([], 0)
        return result

275. 632. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists

  • Priority Queue
  • Hard
  • O(KNlogK)
class Solution:
    def smallestRange(self, nums: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        K = len(nums)
        pq = []
        r = nums[0][0]
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            num, index = nums[i][0], 0
            heappush(pq, (num, index, i))
            r = max(r, num)
        left, right = pq[0][0], r
        min_window_size = right - left
        while len(pq) == K:
            l = pq[0][0]
            window_size = r - l
            if window_size < min_window_size: min_window_size, left, right = window_size, l, r
            num, index, list_id = heappop(pq)
            if index + 1 < len(nums[list_id]):
                r = max(r, nums[list_id][index + 1])
                heappush(pq, (nums[list_id][index + 1], index + 1, list_id))
        return left, right

276. 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence

  • HashSet
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        unique_nums = set(nums)
        max_length = 0
        for num in unique_nums:
            if num - 1 not in unique_nums:
                i = num
                length = 1
                while i + 1 in unique_nums:
                    i += 1
                    length += 1
                max_length = max(max_length, length)
        return max_length

277. 807. Max Increase to Keep City Skyline

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def maxIncreaseKeepingSkyline(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        rmax = list(map(max, grid))
        cmax = list(map(max, zip(*grid)))
        total = 0
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            total += min(rmax[r], cmax[c]) - grid[r][c]
        return total

278. 1092. Shortest Common Supersequence

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Find LCS between two sequence, and expand from that.

def find_lcs(s1, s2):
    l1, l2 = len(s1), len(s2)
    dp = [[""] * (l2 + 1) for _ in range(l1 + 1)]
    for i, j in product(range(1, l1+1), range(1, l2+1)):
        if s1[i-1] == s2[j-1]:
            dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + s1[i-1]
            dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1], key=len)
    return dp[-1][-1]

def form(lcs, s1, s2):
    scs = []
    i, j = 0, 0
    for c in lcs:
        while s1[i] != c:
            i += 1
        while s2[j] != c:
            j += 1
        i += 1
        j += 1
    return "".join(scs)

class Solution:
    def shortestCommonSupersequence(self, str1: str, str2: str) -> str:
        lcs = find_lcs(str1, str2)
        return form(lcs, str1, str2)

279. 720. Longest Word in Dictionary

  • Trie
  • Medium
  • O(NW)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_factory = TrieNode
        self.terminal = False

class Trie:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()
        self.root.terminal = True
    def insert(self, word):
        node = self.root
        for char in word: node = node[char]
        node.terminal = True

class Solution:
    def longestWord(self, words: List[str]) -> str:
        trie = Trie()
        for word in words: trie.insert(word)
        candidate, l = [], 0
        tour = deque([(trie.root, [''])])
        while tour:
            node, path = tour.pop()
            if not node.terminal: continue
            if len(path) >= l:
                candidate = path
                l = len(path)
            for char in string.ascii_lowercase:
                if char in node:
                    tour.append((node[char], path + [char]))
        return ''.join(candidate)

280. 616. Add Bold Tag in String

  • Substring Match
  • Medium
  • O(MNL)
class Solution:
    def addBoldTag(self, s: str, words: List[str]) -> str:
        if not words: return s
        n = len(s)
        mark = [False] * n
        max_wl = max(map(len, words))
        for i in range(n):
            for word in words:
                if s[i:].startswith(word):
                    mark[i: i + len(word)] = [True] * len(word)

        ps = []
        for i, char in enumerate(s):
            if mark[i] and (i == 0 or not mark[i - 1]): ps.append('<b>')
            if mark[i] and (i == n - 1 or not mark[i + 1]): ps.append('</b>')

        return "".join(ps)

281. 1436. Destination City

  • Set
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def destCity(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> str:
        return set([d for s, d in paths]).difference([s for s, d in paths]).pop()

282. 1910. Remove All Occurrences of a Substring

  • KMP
  • Medium
  • O(M + N)

Build KMP table, when we remove an occurrence of pattern, we move the matching to previous match position in pattern before the start of this occurrence. Use two stacks, one to keep track of characters encountered. One to mark the most current consecutive match.

def lps(p):
    m = len(p)
    lps = [0, 0]
    j = 0 
    for i in range(1, m): 
        while j and p[i] != p[j]: j = lps[j]
        if p[i] == p[j]: j += 1
    return lps

class Solution:
    def removeOccurrences(self, s: str, p: str) -> str:
        table = lps(p)
        stack = []
        matched = [0]
        for i in range(len(s)):
            j = matched[-1]
            while j and s[i] != p[j]: j = table[j]
            if s[i] == p[j]:
                matched.append(j + 1)
            if matched[-1] == len(p):
                for _ in range(len(p)):
        return ''.join(stack)

283. 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence

  • DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        max_length = 1
        stack = [(root, 1)]
        while stack:
            node, length = stack.pop()
            for child in node.left, node.right:
                if not child: continue
                new_length = 1 + length * (node.val + 1 == child.val)
                stack.append((child, new_length))
                max_length = max(max_length, new_length)
        return max_length

284. 1312. Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N^2)

Instead of finding insertions, find maximum length palindrome subsequence, and make up the rest.

class Solution:
    def minInsertions(self, s: str) -> int:
        n = len(s)
        dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(n + 1)]
        for l, char_l in enumerate(s):
            for r, char_r in enumerate(s[::-1]):
                if char_l == char_r:
                    dp[l + 1][r + 1] = dp[l][r] + 1 
                    dp[l + 1][r + 1] = max(dp[l][r + 1], dp[l + 1][r])
        return n - dp[n][n]

285. 8. String to Integer (atoi)

  • Array / Math
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def myAtoi(self, s: str) -> int:
        if not s: return 0

        stoi = {s:i for i, s in enumerate('0123456789')}
        int_min, int_max = -2147483648, 2147483647
        int_max_str = '2147483647'

        # extra spaces
        s = s.strip()
        if not s: return 0

        # figure out sign
        i = 0
        n = len(s)
        is_negative = s[i] == '-'
        if s[i] in {'-', '+'}: i += 1

        # ignoring leading 0
        while i < n and s[i] == '0': i += 1
        # ignoring trailing non digits
        j = i
        while j < n and s[j] in stoi: j += 1
        # now we have the number
        number_str = s[i: j]

        def _is_greater(s1, s2):
            if len(s1) > len(s2): return True
            if len(s1) < len(s2): return False
            return s1 > s2

        def _int(s):
            num = 0
            for digit in s: num = 10 * num + stoi[digit]
            return num

        if _is_greater(number_str, int_max_str):
            return int_min if is_negative else int_max
        number = _int(number_str)
        return -number if is_negative else number        

286. 433. Minimum Genetic Mutation

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def minMutation(self, start: str, end: str, bank: List[str]) -> int:
        bank = set(bank)
        if end not in bank: return -1
        def diff_by_one(a, b):
            if len(a) != len(b): return False
            count = 0
            for c1, c2 in zip(a, b): count += c1 != c2
            return count == 1
        seen = set()
        steps = 0
        queue = deque([start])
        while queue:
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                parent = queue.popleft()
                if parent == end: return steps
                if parent in seen: continue
                for child in bank:
                    if diff_by_one(parent, child):
            steps += 1
        return -1

287. 827. Making A Large Island

  • DFS / Union Find
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Find components, keep track of component membership and reverse mapping as well as size of components. Go through matrix again, find neighbouring unique components for each “0” loc, update running maximum.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, nrow, ncol):
        self.parents = list(range(nrow * ncol))
        self.sizes = [0] * (nrow * ncol)
        self.nrow = nrow
        self.ncol = ncol
    def to_key(self, loc):
        r, c = loc
        return r * self.ncol + c

    def insert(self, i):
        i = self.to_key(i)
        if self.sizes[i] == 0:
            self.sizes[i] = 1
    def find(self, i):
        if not isinstance(i, int): i = self.to_key(i)
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p = self.find(p)
        root_q = self.find(q)
        if root_p == root_q: return
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    

class Solution:
    def largestIsland(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:        
        nrows, ncols = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        def get_neighbors(r, c):
            for nr, nc in [(r - 1, c), (r + 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1)]:
                if nrows > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncols:
                    yield nr, nc
        uf = UnionFind(nrows, ncols)
        for r, c in product(range(nrows), range(ncols)):
            if not grid[r][c]: continue
            uf.insert((r, c))
            for nr, nc in get_neighbors(r, c):
                if not grid[nr][nc]: continue
                uf.union((r,c), (nr, nc))

        max_size = max(uf.sizes)
        for r, c in product(range(nrows), range(ncols)):
            if grid[r][c]: continue
            neighbor_info = dict()
            for loc in get_neighbors(r, c):
                if uf.sizes[uf.find(loc)] == 0: continue
                island_id = uf.find(loc)                        
                neighbor_info[island_id] = uf.sizes[island_id]
            max_size = max(max_size, 1 + sum(neighbor_info.values(), 0))
        return max_size

288. 42. Trapping Rain Water

  • Two Pointers / Sweep Line
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Scan simutenausly form both side to the center, maintain a horizontal level, such that any pit below that level line will be fill. The level will be updated with level = max(level, min(h[l], h[r])), thus it never goes down, and only goes up if both side is at least that high, guarantee the above. Always move the shorter side towards center.

class Solution:
    def trap(self, heights: List[int]) -> int:        
        accum = level = 0
        l, r = 0, len(heights) - 1
        while l <= r :
            level = max(min(heights[l], heights[r]), level)    
            if heights[l] < heights[r]:
                accum += level - heights[l]
                l += 1
                accum += level - heights[r]
                r -= 1
        return accum

289. 77. Combinations

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N)
class Solution:
    def combine(self, n: int, k: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        result = []
        def backtrack(candidate, i):
            if len(candidate) == k: 
            for j in range(i, n+1):
                backtrack(candidate, j+1)
        backtrack([], 1)
        return result

290. 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

  • Sliding Window / HashSet
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:
        window = set()
        l = 0
        max_size = 0
        for r, char in enumerate(s):
            while char in window:
                l += 1
            max_size = max(max_size, r - l + 1)
        return max_size

291. 2. Add Two Numbers

  • Linked list
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        # init
        carry = 0
        ret = curr = ListNode(None)
        # loop
        lists = [l1, l2]
        while lists or carry: # still work to do
            # get digits
            next_lists = []
            for lst in lists:
                carry += lst.val
                if lst.next: next_lists.append(lst.next)
            # do math
            carry, val = divmod(carry, 10)
            # create & link nodes
            curr.next = ListNode(val)
            curr = curr.next
            lists = next_lists
        return ret.next

292. 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

  • Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def characterReplacement(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        l = 0
        counts = Counter()
        max_freq = 0
        for r, char in enumerate(s):
            counts[char] += 1
            max_freq = max(max_freq, counts[char])
            if r - l + 1 > max_freq + k:
                counts[s[l]] -= 1
                l += 1
        return len(s) - l

293. 72. Edit Distance

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(MN)
f(i, j) = edit distance s[:i] and t[:j].
           1. f(i-1, j) + 1   delete
f(i, j) =  2. f(i, j-1) + 1   insert
           3. f(i-1,j-1)      s[i] == t[j] do nothing
           4. f(i-1,j-1) + 1  s[i] != t[j] replace s[i]
class Solution:
    def top_down(self, word1: str, word2: str) -> int:
        n, m = len(word1), len(word2)
        def f(i, j):
            if i == 0: return j
            if j == 0: return i
            return min(
                f(i,j-1) + 1,
                f(i-1,j) + 1,
                f(i-1,j-1) + int(word1[i-1] != word2[j-1])
        return f(n, m)
    def bottom_up(self, word1, word2):
        n1, n2 = len(word1), len(word2)
        dp = list(range(n2+1))
        for r, char1 in enumerate(word1, 1):
            ndp = [r] + [0] * n2
            for c, char2 in enumerate(word2, 1):
                ndp[c] = min(
                    dp[c] + 1,
                    ndp[c-1] + 1,
                    dp[c-1] + int(char1 != char2)
            dp = ndp
        return dp[-1]
    minDistance = bottom_up

294. 582. Kill Process

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Create parent pid to children pids mapping. Then run DFS/BFS from given pid.

class Solution:
    def killProcess(self, pid: List[int], ppid: List[int], kill: int) -> List[int]:
        children = defaultdict(list)
        for c_id, p_id in zip(pid, ppid): children[p_id].append(c_id)
        killed = []
        stack = [kill]
        while stack:
            p_id = stack.pop()
        return killed

295. 1730. Shortest Path to Get Food

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def getFood(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        people = None
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                if grid[r][c] == '*': 
                    people = (r, c)
            if people: break
        queue = deque([people])
        n_steps = 0
        seen = set([people])
        while queue:
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                r, c = queue.popleft()
                if grid[r][c] == "#": return n_steps
                for nr, nc in (r-1,c), (r+1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1):
                    if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc] !="X" and (nr, nc) not in seen:
                        queue.append((nr, nc))
                        seen.add((nr, nc))
            n_steps += 1
        return -1

296. 918. Maximum Sum Circular Subarray

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxSubarraySumCircular(self, A: List[int]) -> int:
        curr_min = 0
        curr_max = 0
        max_sum = float('-inf')
        min_sum = float('inf')
        total = 0
        for num in A:
            curr_min = min(curr_min + num, num)
            min_sum = min(min_sum, curr_min)
            curr_max = max(curr_max + num, num)
            max_sum = max(max_sum, curr_max)
            total += num
        if max_sum > 0 and (max_sum > (total - min_sum)):
            print(A, total, min_sum, max_sum)            
        return max(max_sum, total - min_sum) if max_sum > 0 else max_sum

297. 525. Contiguous Array

  • Prefix Sum
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def findMaxLength(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        prefix_sum = {0:-1}
        accum = 0
        max_length = 0
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            accum += 1 if num == 1 else -1
            prefix_sum.setdefault(accum, i)
            max_length = max(max_length, i - prefix_sum[accum])
        return max_length

298. 997. Find the Town Judge

  • Graph
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Everybody trusts: in degree = n-1 Trusts no one: out degree = 0

class Solution:
    def findJudge(self, n: int, trust: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if n == 1: return 1
        in_degrees = Counter((b for _, b in trust))
        out_degrees = Counter((a for a, _ in trust))
        candidate = [p for p, t in in_degrees.items() if t == n -1]
        for p in candidate:
            if out_degrees.get(p, 0) == 0: return p
        return -1

299. 463. Island Perimeter

  • Counting
  • Easy
  • O(MN)

Brute froce will be go through cell by cell, for each cell check four neighbors, only add if the side hits boundry or water. Better counting is just that only do so for left and top, as bottom and right is checked by cell below’s top check and cell to the right’s left check.

class Solution:
    def islandPerimeter(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        nrow, ncol = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        perimeter = 0
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if not grid[r][c]: continue
            perimeter += 4
            for nr, nc in [(r-1,c),(r,c-1)]:
                if nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol and grid[nr][nc]:
                    perimeter -= 2
        return perimeter

300. 207. Course Schedule

  • Cycle Detection
  • Medium
  • O(V + E)
class Solution:
    def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        adj_list = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
        for c, p in prerequisites:
        taken = set()
        prereq = set()

        def dfs_has_cycle(course):         
            if course in taken: return False
            if course in prereq: return True
            for next_course in adj_list[course]:
                if dfs_has_cycle(next_course): return True
            return False
        for course in range(numCourses):
            if dfs_has_cycle(course): return False
        return True

301. 92. Reverse Linked List II

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def reverseBetween(self, head: ListNode, m: int, n: int) -> ListNode:
        if not head: return None

        prev, curr = None, head
        while m > 1:
            prev, curr = curr, curr.next
            m, n = m - 1, n - 1

        tail, last = curr, prev

        while n:
            prev, curr.next, curr = curr, prev, curr.next
            n -= 1

        if last: last.next = prev
        else:    head = prev
        tail.next = curr
        return head        

302. 545. Boundary of Binary Tree

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Find left boundry, right boundry and leaves, union them in order.

class Solution:
    def boundaryOfBinaryTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
        left_sides = [root]
        node = root.left
        while node:
            node = node.left or node.right
        right_sides = [root]
        node = root.right
        while node:
            node = node.right or node.left
        leaves = []
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if not node.left and not node.right: leaves.append(node)
            stack.extend([child for child in [node.right, node.left] if child])
        added = set()
        boundries = []
        for node in left_sides: 
        for node in leaves:
            if node not in added:
        for node in reversed(right_sides):
            if node not in added:
        return boundries

303. 925. Long Pressed Name

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isLongPressedName(self, name: str, typed: str) -> bool:
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < len(name) and j < len(typed):
            if name[i] == typed[j]:
                i += 1
                j += 1
            elif i and typed[j] == name[i-1]:
                j += 1
                return False
        if i == len(name):
            while j < len(typed):
                if typed[j] != name[-1]: return False
                j += 1
        return i == len(name) and j == len(typed)

304. 1202. Smallest String With Swaps

  • Sorting / Connected components
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)

Find components of locations within each, locations can be reordered aribitrarily, sort within each components.

class Solution:
    def smallestStringWithSwaps(self, s: str, pairs: List[List[int]]) -> str:
        s = list(s)
        n = len(s)
        # graph in adj list
        adj_list = defaultdict(list)
        for f, t in pairs:
        # components finding - dfs
        visited = set()
        for i in range(n):
            if i in visited: continue
            stack = [i]
            component = set()
            while stack:
                loc = stack.pop()
                for next_ in adj_list[loc]:
                    if next_ in component: continue
            for char, loc in zip(sorted(s[i] for i in component), sorted(component)):
                s[loc] = char
        return "".join(s)

305. 66. Plus One

  • Math / Array
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def plusOne(self, digits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        carry = 1
        for i in reversed(range(len(digits))):
            carry, digits[i] = divmod(digits[i] + carry, 10)
        if carry: return [1] + digits
        return digits

306. 239. Sliding Window Maximum

  • Sliding Window / Monotonic Deque
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Use a deque to keep track of the indices of strickly decreasing items in the window. Once a new element enter the window from the right, anything smaller than it becomes irrelavant to window maximum. Keep track of indices instead of actual value, thus we can check using i - k to see if leftmost element should be poped to matain window valid.

class Solution:
    def solution_pq(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
        result, pq = [], []
        for r, num in enumerate(nums):
            heapq.heappush(pq, (-num, r))
            while pq and pq[0][1] <= r - k: heapq.heappop(pq)
            if r >= k - 1: result.append(-pq[0][0])
        return result
    def solution_mono_queue(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
        result, dq = [], deque()
        for i, n in enumerate(nums):
            while deque and nums[dq[~0]] < n:  dq.pop()
            if dq[0] == i - k:  dq.popleft()
            if i >= k - 1: result.append(nums[dq[0]])
        return result   

307. 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class BSTIterator:
    def __init__(self, root: TreeNode):
        self.root = root

    def _reset(self):
        self.node = self.root
        self.stack = []
    def __iter__(self):
        return self
    def __next__(self) -> int:
        """ Return the next smallest number """
        while self.node:
            self.node = self.node.left
        self.node = self.stack.pop()
        ret_val = self.node.val
        self.node = self.node.right
        return ret_val
    next = __next__

    def hasNext(self) -> bool:
        """ Return whether we have a next smallest number """
        return self.stack or self.node

308. 1122. Relative Sort Array

  • Sorting
  • Easy
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def relativeSortArray(self, A, B):
        k = {b: i for i, b in enumerate(B)}
        return sorted(A, key=lambda a: k.get(a, len(B) + a))

309. 785. Is Graph Bipartite?

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isBipartite(self, graph):
        assignments = dict()  # node -> group
        for node in range(len(graph)):
            if not graph[node] or node in assignments: continue
            assignments[node] = 0
            to_visit = deque([node])
            while to_visit:
                # nd = to_visit.popleft()  # bfs
                nd = to_visit.pop()  #dfs
                group = assignments[nd]
                for neighbor in graph[nd]:
                    if neighbor not in assignments:
                        assignments[neighbor] = 1 - group
                    if assignments[neighbor] == group:
                        return False
        return True

310. 246. Strobogrammatic Number

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isStrobogrammatic(self, num: str) -> bool:
        if len(num) == 1: return num in "018"
        mapping = {
        l, r = 0, len(num) - 1
        while l <= r:
            if num[l] not in mapping or num[r] not in mapping: return False
            if mapping[num[l]] != num[r]: return False
            l += 1
            r -= 1
        return True

311. 162. Find Peak Element

  • Binary Search
  • Meidum
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def findPeakElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l, h = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if nums[m] >= nums[m + 1]: 
                h = m
                l = m + 1
        return l

312. 1200. Minimum Absolute Difference

  • Sort
  • Easy
  • O(NlogN) / O(Range)
class Solution:
    def minimumAbsDifference(self, arr: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
#         arr.sort()
#         min_abs_diff = arr[-1] - arr[0]
#         for prev, curr in pairwise(arr):
#             diff = curr - prev
#             min_abs_diff = min(min_abs_diff, diff)
#         result = []
#         for prev, curr in pairwise(arr):
#             if curr - prev == min_abs_diff:
#                 result.append((prev, curr))

#         return result        
        # Counting sort
        min_x, max_x = min(arr), max(arr)
        buckets = [0] * (max_x - min_x + 1)
        for num in arr: buckets[num - min_x] = 1
        min_abs_diff = max_x - min_x
        sentinel = 0
        while buckets[sentinel] == 0: sentinel += 1
        prev, curr = sentinel, sentinel + 1
        while curr < len(buckets):
            while curr < len(buckets) and buckets[curr] ==  0: curr += 1
            min_abs_diff = min(min_abs_diff, curr - prev)
            prev = curr
            curr += 1
        results = []
        prev, curr = sentinel, sentinel + 1
        while curr < len(buckets):
            while curr < len(buckets) and buckets[curr] ==  0: curr += 1
            if curr < len(buckets) and curr - prev == min_abs_diff:
                results.append([prev + min_x, curr + min_x])
            min_abs_diff = min(min_abs_diff, curr - prev)
            prev = curr
            curr += 1
        return results     

313. 259. 3Sum Smaller

  • Two Pointers / Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def threeSumSmaller(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
        if not nums or len(nums) < 3: return 0
        n = len(nums)
        solutions = 0
        for i, num1 in enumerate(nums[:-2]):
            j, k = i + 1, n - 1
            while j < k:
                num2, num3 = nums[j], nums[k]
                if num1 + num2 + num3 < target:
                    solutions += k - j
                    j += 1
                    k -= 1                    
        return solutions

314. 1335. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N^2D)

Expansion on the job choosed each day.

class Solution:
    def minDifficulty(self, jobDifficulty: List[int], d: int) -> int:
        n = len(jobDifficulty)
        if n < d: return -1

        def dfs(i, d):
            if d == 1: return max(jobDifficulty[i:])
            res, running_max = 2 ** 32, 0
            for j in range(i, n - d + 1):
                running_max = max(running_max, jobDifficulty[j])
                res = min(res, running_max + dfs(j + 1, d - 1))
            return res
        return dfs(0, d)        

315. 2089. Find Target Indices After Sorting Array

  • Counting
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def targetIndices(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        num_smaller, num_equal = 0, 0
        for num in nums:
            num_smaller += num < target
            num_equal += num == target
        return list(range(num_smaller, num_smaller + num_equal))

316. 115. Distinct Subsequences

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def numDistinct(self, s: str, t: str) -> int:
        dp = [[0] * (len(s) + 1) for _ in range(len(t) + 1)]
        dp[0] = [1] * (len(s) + 1)
        for i in range(1, len(t) + 1):
            for j in range(i, len(s) + 1):
                dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-1] + int(bool(t[i-1] == s[j-1])) * dp[i-1][j-1]
        return dp[-1][-1]

317. 14. Longest Common Prefix

  • Sweep Line
  • Easy
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
        res = []
        for chars in zip(*strs):
            if len(set(chars)) != 1: break
        return "".join(res)

318. 226. Invert Binary Tree

  • Tree / DFS
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def invertTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not root: return root
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            node.left, node.right = node.right, node.left
            for child in (node.left, node.right):
                if not child: continue
        return root        

319. 1636. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency

  • Sort
  • Easy
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def frequencySort(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        num_freq = Counter(nums)
        # return sorted(nums, key=lambda x: (num_freq[x], -x))        
        freq_to_nums = dict()
        for num, freq in num_freq.items():
            freq_to_nums.setdefault(freq, list()).append(num)
        result = []
        for freq in sorted(freq_to_nums.keys()):
            for val in sorted(freq_to_nums[freq], reverse=True):
                result += [val] * freq
        return result

320. 18. 4Sum

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N^3)
class Solution:
    def fourSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[List[int]]:   
        def two_sum(nums, target):
            n = len(nums)
            l, r = 0, n - 1
            pairs = []
            while l < r:
                s = nums[l] + nums[r]
                if s > target or (r < n - 1 and nums[r] == nums[r + 1]):
                    r -= 1
                elif s < target or (l > 0 and nums[l] == nums[l - 1]):
                    l += 1
                    pairs.append([nums[l], nums[r]])
                    l += 1
                    r -= 1
            return pairs
        def k_sum(nums, target, k):
            if len(nums) == 0: return []
            if nums[0] > target / k or nums[~0] < target / k: return []           
            result = []
            if k == 2: return two_sum(nums, target)
            for i, num in enumerate(nums):
                if i == 0 or nums[i - 1] != num:
                    for pair in k_sum(nums[i + 1:], target - num, k - 1):
                        result.append([num] + pair)
            return result
        return k_sum(0, target, 4)

321. 198. House Robber

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)

DP[i] is the maximum value obtained with first i houses. DP[i] = max(DP[i-1], DP[i-2] + value at house i])

def dp_1(nums):
    dp = [0] * (len(nums) + 2) # left pad by two for easy indexing
    for i in range(2, n + 2):
        dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], dp[i-2]+ nums[i - 2])
    return max(dp)

# reduce above to constant space, since we only need previous two values from 1D DP array. 
def dp_2(nums):
    maximum = -2 ** 32
    rest, rob = 0, 0
    for num in nums:
        rest, rob = rob, max(rest + num, rob)
        maximum = max(maximum, rob)
    return maximum

class Solution:
    def rob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if not nums: return 0
        return dp_2(nums)

322. 979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree

  • Postorder Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def distributeCoins(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        cost = 0
        states = {None: [0, 0]}
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if not post:
                stack.append((node, 1))
                stack.extend([(child, 0) for child in [node.left, node.right] if child])
            l_extra, l_lack = states[node.left]
            r_extra, r_lack = states[node.right]
            total_coins = node.val + l_extra + r_extra
            total_need = l_lack + r_lack + 1
            cost += l_extra + r_extra + l_lack + r_lack
            extra = max(0, total_coins - total_need)
            lack = max(0, total_need - total_coins)
            states[node] = (extra, lack)
            for child in node.left, node.right:
                if child: states.pop(child)
        return cost

323. 1472. Design Browser History

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(1) Operations.
class BrowserHistory:
    def __init__(self, homepage: str):
        self.urls = [homepage]
        self.i = self.top = 0 
    def visit(self, url: str) -> None:
        if self.i + 1 == len(self.urls):
            self.urls[self.i+1] = url
        self.i += 1
        self.top = self.i

    def back(self, steps: int) -> str:
        self.i = max(0, self.i - steps)
        return self.urls[self.i]

    def forward(self, steps: int) -> str:
        self.i = min(self.top, self.i + steps)        
        return self.urls[self.i]

324. 135. Candy

  • Array
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    # def candy(self, ratings: List[int]) -> int:
        # c,d=0,1
        # candies=[1]*len(ratings)
        # for i in range(len(ratings)-1):        #iterating left->right and updating candies
        #     if ratings[c]<ratings[d] and candies[d]<=candies[c]:
        #         candies[d]=candies[c]+1
        #     c+=1
        #     d+=1
        # c,d=-1,-2
        # for i in range(len(ratings)-1):         #iterating right->left and updating candies
        #     if ratings[c]<ratings[d] and candies[d]<=candies[c]:
        #         candies[d]=candies[c]+1
        #     c-=1
        #     d-=1
        # return sum(candies)
    def candy(self, ratings):
        if not ratings: return 0
        rst = 1
        up = 1
        down = peak = 0
        for i in range(1, len(ratings)):
            # if rising, then update up/peak and clear down
            if ratings[i] > ratings[i - 1]:
                up += 1
                peak = up
                down = 0
                rst += up
            # if equal, then add 1 and clear up/down/peak
            elif ratings[i] == ratings[i - 1]:
                up = 1
                down = 0
                peak = 0
                rst += 1
            # if declining, then update down and clear up
                up = 1
                down += 1
                rst += down
                # if peak is not large enough, then we need to make peak larger
                if peak <= down:
                    rst += 1
        return rst        

325. 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def bfs(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not root: return []
        queue = deque([root])
        level = 0
        results = []
        while queue:
            level_nodes = deque()
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                node = queue.popleft()
                if level & 1: level_nodes.appendleft(node.val)
                else: level_nodes.append(node.val)
                for child in [node.left, node.right]:
                    if not child: continue
            level += 1
        return results
    def dfs(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not root: return []
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        results = []
        while stack:
            node, level = stack.pop()
            if level >= len(results): results.append(deque())
            if level & 1: results[level].appendleft(node.val)
            else: results[level].append(node.val)
            for child in [node.right, node.left]:
                if not child: continue
                stack.append([child, level + 1])
        return results
    zigzagLevelOrder = dfs # dfs

326. 540. Single Element in a Sorted Array

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def singleNonDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l, h = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            n = m - 1 if m & 1 else m + 1
            if nums[m] == nums[n]: 
                l = m + 1
                h = m
        return nums[l]

327. 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

  • Tree
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxPathSum(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        max_path_sum = root.val
        path_sum = {None: 0}
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, backtrack = stack.pop()
            if node is None: continue
            if backtrack:
                l, r = path_sum[node.left], path_sum[node.right]
                path_sum[node] = max(node.val, l + node.val, r + node.val, 0)
                max_path_sum = max(max_path_sum, l + r + node.val)
                stack.extend([(node, 1), (node.left, 0), (node.right, 0)])
        return max_path_sum

328. 415. Add Strings

  • Math
  • Easy
  • O(N)
def zip_longest(i1, i2, filler='0'):
    while i1 or i2:
        val1 = next(i1, None)
        val2 = next(i2, None)
        if val1 is None and val2 is None: return
        if val1 is None: val1 = filler
        if val2 is None: val2 = filler
        yield val1, val2    

class Solution:
    def addStrings(self, num1: str, num2: str) -> str:
        if len(num1) < len(num2): num1, num2 = num2, num1
        total, carry = deque([]), 0
        for d1, d2 in zip_longest(reversed(num1), reversed(num2), '0'):
            carry, d = divmod(int(d1) + int(d2) + carry, 10)
        if carry: total.appendleft(1)
        return ''.join(map(str, total))

329. 53. Maximum Subarray

  • Greedy
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxSubArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        window_sum = nums[0]
        max_sum = nums[0]
        for num in nums[1:]:
            if num > window_sum + num:  window_sum = 0
            window_sum += num
            max_sum = max(max_sum, window_sum)
        return max_sum

330. 398. Random Pick Index

  • Probability
  • Medium
  • O(1)
class Solution:
    def __init__(self, nums: List[int]):
        self.nums = nums

    def pick(self, target: int) -> int:
        ret = None
        cnt = 0
        for idx, num in enumerate(self.nums):
            if num == target:
                if random.randint(0, cnt) == cnt:
                    ret = idx
                cnt += 1
        return ret

331. 367. Valid Perfect Square

  • Binary Search / Newton’s Method
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def isPerfectSquare(self, num: int) -> bool:
#         l, h = 1, num
#         while l < h:
#             m = (l + h) // 2
#             if m * m >= num:
#                 h = m
#             else:
#                 l = m + 1
#         return l * l == num
        h = lambda x: - (x**2 - num) // (2*x)
        x = num
        while x * x > num: x += h(x)
        return x * x == num

332. 44. Wildcard Matching

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(MN)

Greedy match, when encounter *, keep track of its location in p and use it to match only one char in s. Continue matching, when match fails, try to backtrack to most recent star in p, use it to match this char in s. Then resume from there.

class Solution:
    def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
        pi = si = 0
        p_star = s_star = -1
        while si < len(s):
            if pi < len(p) and p[pi] in ['?', s[si]]:  # match single
                pi += 1; si += 1
            elif pi < len(p) and p[pi] == '*':         # use star and continue
                p_star = pi; s_star = si                     
                pi += 1
            elif p_star == -1:                         # not match, no star to backtrack to 
                return False
            else:                                      # not match, backtrack to most recent *
                pi = p_star + 1                   
                si = s_star + 1
                s_star = si 
        return all(x == '*' for x in p[pi:])

333. 1167. Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks

  • Greedy / Priority Queue
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def connectSticks(self, sticks: List[int]) -> int:
        total = 0
        while len(sticks) >= 2:
            s1, s2 = heappop(sticks), heappop(sticks)
            total += s1 + s2
            heappush(sticks, s1 + s2)
        return total

334. 217. Contains Duplicate

  • HashSet
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def containsDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        return len(set(nums)) < len(nums)

335. 9. Palindrome Number

  • Math
  • Easy
  • O(N) number of digits in number
class Solution:
    def isPalindrome(self, x: int) -> bool:
        if x < 0 or (x % 10 == 0 and x != 0): return False
        y = 0
        while x > y:
            x, d = divmod(x, 10)
            y = y * 10 + d
        return y == x or y // 10 == x

336. 29. Divide Two Integers

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def divide(self, dividend: int, divisor: int) -> int:
        INT_MIN = -2**31
        INT_MAX = 2**30 + (2**30 - 1)

        if dividend == INT_MIN and divisor==-1: return INT_MAX
        if dividend == INT_MIN and divisor==1: return INT_MIN
        negative = (dividend < 0) ^ (divisor < 0)
        dividend = -dividend if dividend > 0 else dividend
        divisor = -divisor if divisor > 0 else divisor
        quotient, i, accum = 0, 1, divisor
        while accum >= INT_MIN >> 1 and dividend <= accum + accum:
            i <<= 1
            accum += accum
        while dividend <= divisor:
            if dividend <= accum:
                dividend -= accum
                quotient += i
            accum >>= 1
            i >>= 1
        return -quotient if negative else quotient

337. 658. Find K Closest Elements

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
// f(i) = abs(arr[i] - x)   vs i
// g(i) = f(i) <= f(i+k)  
//   k == 5
//  00 1 11111  
// f(i)
// ^*               *
// | *            *
// | |*_________*
// |          *|
// |    *   *
// |      *
// ------------------> i
class Solution:
    def findClosestElements(self, arr: List[int], k: int, x: int) -> List[int]:
        lo, hi = 0, len(arr) - k
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if x - arr[mid] > arr[mid + k] - x: lo = mid + 1
            else:                               hi = mid
        return arr[lo:lo+k]

338. 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

  • Quickselect
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def solution_priority_queue(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        pq = []
        for num in nums:
            if len(pq) < k:   heappush(pq, num)
            elif num > pq[0]: heapreplace(pq, num)
        return pq[0]
    def solution_quick_select(self, arr, k):
        if k == 1:  return max(arr)
        def swap(i, j): arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

        def partition(arr, l, h):
            if l >= h: return
            p = random.randint(l, h)
            p_val = arr[p]
            swap(l, p)
            i, j = l, h
            while i < j:
                while i < h and arr[i] <= p_val: i += 1
                while j > l and arr[j] >= p_val: j -= 1
                if j > i and arr[j] < arr[i]: swap(i, j)
            swap(j, l)
            return j

        n = len(arr)
        l, h, j = 0, n - 1, None
        t = len(arr) - k
        while j != t:
            j = partition(arr, l, h)
            if arr[j] == arr[-k]: break
            if j > t: l, h = 0, j
            if j < t: l, h = j, n - 1
        return arr[-k]        
    findKthLargest = solution_quick_select

339. 450. Delete Node in a BST

  • Binary Search Tree
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def iterative(self, root, key):
        parent, node = None, root
        # find node to delete
        while node and node.val != key:
            parent = node
            node = node.left if node.val > key else node.right

        if not node: return root # not found do nothing
        if not parent: return self.reform(node.left, node.right) 
        if parent.left == node: parent.left = self.reform(node.left, node.right)
        if parent.right == node: parent.right = self.reform(node.left, node.right)
        return root      
    def recursive(self, root, key):
        if not root: return root
        if root.val == key: return self.reform(root.left, root.right)
        if root.val > key: root.left = self.recursive(root.left, key)
        if root.val < key: root.right = self.recursive(root.right, key)
        return root
    def reform(self, left, right):
        if not left: return right
        if not right: return left
        # promote right child as new root
        # push left subtree to be the left child of the smallest from right subtree
        node = right
        while node.left: node = node.left
        node.left = left
        return right

    deleteNode = recursive # recursive

340. 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons

  • Sorting
  • Medium
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def findMinArrowShots(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        points.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        total = 1
        c = points[0][1]
        for s, e in points:
            if s > c:
                total += 1
                c = e
        return total
  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(N * 4 ^ L)
class Solution:
    def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool:
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        n = len(word)
        def backtrack(r, c, i):
            if i == n: return True
            if 0 <= r < nrow and 0 <= c < ncol and board[r][c] == word[i]: 
                char = board[r][c]
                board[r][c] = ''
                for rr, cc in [(r-1, c), (r+1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1)]:
                    if backtrack(rr, cc, i+1): return True
                board[r][c] = char
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                if backtrack(r, c, 0): return True
        return False

342. 684. Redundant Connection

  • Union Find
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Go throught the edges, if two nodes are already in the seame connected components, the edge is redundent.

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.parents = list(range(n))
        self.sizes = [1] * n

    def find(self, i):
        while i != self.parents[i]:
            self.parents[i] = self.find(self.parents[i])  
            i = self.parents[i]
        return i

    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p, root_q = map(self.find, (p, q))
        if root_p == root_q: return False
        small, big = sorted([root_p, root_q], key=lambda x: self.sizes[x])
        self.parents[small] = big
        self.sizes[big] += self.sizes[small]    
        return True

class Solution:
    def findRedundantConnection(self, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(edges) + 1
        uf = UnionFind(n)
        for edge in edges:
            if (uf.union(edge[0], edge[1])): continue
            return edge

343. 11. Container With Most Water

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxArea(self, height: List[int]) -> int:
        max_area, l, r = 0, 0, len(height) - 1
        while l < r:
            max_area = max(max_area, min(height[l], height[r]) * (r- l))
            if height[l] < height[r]: l += 1
            else:                     r -= 1
        return max_area

344. 220. Contains Duplicate III

  • Bucket Sort
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def containsNearbyAlmostDuplicate(self, nums: List[int], k: int, t: int) -> bool:
        def get_id(x, w = t + 1): return (x + 1) // w - 1 if x < 0 else x // w
        if t < 0: return False
        buckets = dict()
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            bucket_id = get_id(num)
            if bucket_id in buckets: return True
            if (bucket_id - 1) in buckets and abs(num - buckets[bucket_id - 1]) < t + 1: return True
            if (bucket_id + 1) in buckets and abs(num - buckets[bucket_id + 1]) < t + 1: return True
            buckets[bucket_id] = num
            if i >= k: buckets.pop(get_id(nums[i - k]))
        return False

345. 530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST

  • Inorder Traversal
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def getMinimumDifference(self, root):
        prev = None
        min_diff = 2 ** 32
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if post:
                if prev:
                    min_diff = min(min_diff, node.val - prev.val)
                prev = node
                if node.right: stack.append((node.right, 0))
                stack.append((node, 1))
                if node.left:  stack.append((node.left, 0))
        return min_diff                

346. 131. Palindrome Partitioning

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N * N)
class Solution:
    def partition(self, s):        
        n = len(s)
        def is_palindrome(i, j): 
            # return s[i:j] == x[i:j][::-1]
            while i < j:
                if s[i] != s[j]: return False
                i += 1; j -= 1
            return True
        results = []
        def backtrack(candidate, i):
            if i == len(s): return results.append(candidate.copy())
            for j in range(i+1, n+1):
                if is_palindrome(i, j-1):
                    backtrack(candidate, j)
        backtrack([], 0)
        return results

347. 228. Summary Ranges

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def summaryRanges(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[str]:
        result = []
        if not nums: return result
        def add_range(n1, n2):
            if n1 != n2: result.append(f"{n1}->{n2}")
            else: result.append(str(n1))
        l = 0
        for r, (prev, curr) in enumerate(pairwise(nums), 1):
            if prev + 1 != curr: 
                add_range(nums[l], prev)
                l = r
        add_range(nums[l], nums[len(nums) - 1])
        return result

348. 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Use sign of the elements at index i to mark even or odd number of times number i appeared.

class Solution:
    def findDuplicates(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        dups = []
        for num in nums:
            if nums[abs(num) - 1] < 0: dups.append(abs(num))
            else: nums[abs(num) - 1] *= -1
        return dups

349. 1650. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III

  • Tree
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def lowestCommonAncestor(self, p: 'Node', q: 'Node') -> 'Node':
        p_parents = set([p])
        q_parents = set([q])
        while True:
            if p in q_parents: return p
            if q in p_parents: return q
            if p.parent:
                p = p.parent
            if q.parent:
                q = q.parent

350. 16. 3Sum Closest

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def threeSumClosest(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
        n = len(nums)
        result = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[-1]
        for i in range(n - 2):
            j, k = i + 1, n - 1
            while j < k:
                total = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k]
                if total == target: return total
                if abs(total - target) < abs(result - target): result = total
                if total < target: j += 1
                else:              k -= 1
        return result

351. 67. Add Binary

  • Math
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def addBinary(self, a: str, b: str) -> str:
        if len(a) < len(b): a, b = b, a
        total, carry = deque([]), 0
        for d1, d2 in zip_longest(reversed(a), reversed(b), fillvalue="0"):
            carry, d = divmod(int(d1) + int(d2) + carry, 2)
        if carry: total.appendleft(1)
        return ''.join(map(str, total))

352. 1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String

  • Stack
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def removeDuplicates(self, s: str) -> str:
        stack = []
        for c in s:
            if stack and stack[-1] == c:
        return "".join(stack)

353. 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words

  • String HashMap
  • Hard
  • O(NK)
class Solution:
    def findSubstring(self, s: str, words: List[str]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(words)
        wl = len(words[0])
        total = n * wl
        if len(s) < total: return []
        words_freq = dict()
        for word in words:
            words_freq.setdefault(word, 0)
            words_freq[word] += 1
        def verify(i):
            freqs =  words_freq.copy()
            for _ in range(n):
                seq = s[i: i + wl]
                if seq not in freqs: return False
                if freqs[seq] == 0: return False
                freqs[seq] -= 1
                i += wl
            return True
        result = []
        for i in range(len(s) - total + 1):
            if verify(i):
        return result

354. 392. Is Subsequence

  • Greedy
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isSubsequence(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        i = 0
        n = len(t)
        for char in s:
            while i < n and t[i] != char: i += 1
            i += 1
            if i > n: return False
        return True

355. 1971. Find if Path Exists in Graph

  • Graph Search
  • Easy
  • O(V + E)
class Solution:
    def validPath(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], source: int, destination: int) -> bool:
        adj_lists = [[] for _ in range(n)]
        for f, t in edges:
        visited = set()
        stack = [source]
        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if node == destination: return True
            for neighbor in adj_lists[node]:
                if neighbor in visited: continue
        return False

356. 1859. Sorting the Sentence

  • String
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def sortSentence(self, s: str) -> str:
        result = [""] * 10
        for token in s.split():
            word, index = token[:-1], token[-1]
            result[int(index)] = word
        return " ".join(result).strip()

357. 76. Minimum Window Substring

  • Sliding Window / HashMap
  • Hard
  • O(N)

Brute force HashMap will be O(MN). Use a window to keep track of unmatched char frequencies in the window. Use a single counter to indicate whether the window is valid or not.

INF = 2 ** 32

class CharCounter(Counter):
    def __ge__(self, other):
        for k in other:
            if self.get(k, 0) < other.get(k):
                return False
        return True

class Solution:
    def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
        target = CharCounter(t)
        l = 0
        min_size, min_l, min_r = INF, None, None
        window = CharCounter()
        for r, c in enumerate(s):
            while window >= target:
                if r - l + 1 < min_size:
                    min_size, min_l, min_r = r - l + 1, l, r
                l += 1
        return "" if min_l is None else s[min_l:min_r+ 1]

class Solution:
    def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
        min_size, min_l, min_r = INF, None, None
        target = Counter(t)
        to_match = len(target)
        l = 0
        for r, c in enumerate(s):
            if c not in target: continue
            target[c] -= 1
            if target[c] == 0: to_match -= 1
            while to_match == 0:
                if s[l] in target:
                    if target[s[l]] == 0: break
                    target[s[l]] += 1
                l += 1
            if to_match == 0 and r - l + 1 < min_size:
                min_size, min_l, min_r = r - l + 1, l, r
        return "" if min_l is None else s[min_l:min_r+ 1]

358. 310. Minimum Height Trees

  • Topological Sort
  • Medium
  • O(V + E)

BFS from leaf and up

class Solution:
    def findMinHeightTrees(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        if n <= 2: return list(range(n))
        adj_list = defaultdict(set)
        for (n1, n2) in edges:
        level = deque([node for node in adj_list if len(adj_list[node]) == 1])
        while n > 2:
            nodes_this_level = len(level)
            n -= nodes_this_level
            for i in range(nodes_this_level):
                node = level.popleft()
                for next_ in adj_list[node]:
                    if len(adj_list[next_]) == 1: level.append(next_)
        return level

359. 387. First Unique Character in a String

  • HashSet / HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def firstUniqChar(self, s: str) -> int:
        seen = set()
        char_loc = dict()
        for loc, c in enumerate(s):
            if c in seen:  
                char_loc.pop(c, None)
            char_loc[c] = loc
        return -1 if not char_loc else next(iter(char_loc.values()))

360. 133. Clone Graph

  • BFS / DFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def cloneGraph(self, node: 'Node') -> 'Node':
        if not node: return 
        dq = deque([node])
        mapping = dict()
        while dq:  # Visit all the node
            nd = dq.popleft()  # bfs
            # nd = deque.pop()  # dfs
            if nd not in mapping: mapping[nd] = Node(nd.val)
            for nei in nd.neighbors:  # visit all the edges for the node
                if nei not in mapping:
                    mapping[nei] = Node(nei.val)
        return mapping[node]

361. 316. Remove Duplicate Letters

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def removeDuplicateLetters(self, s: str) -> str:
        last = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(s)}
        stack, used = list(), set()
        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if c in used: continue
            #    not empty & insert c reduce lexi & not the last one
            while stack and stack[-1] > c and i < last[stack[-1]]:
        return "".join(stack)

362. 332. Reconstruct Itinerary

  • Topological Sort
  • Hard
  • O(ElogE)

No one should expect Hierholzer’s Algorithm knowledge needed….

class Solution:
    def findItinerary(self, tickets: List[List[str]]) -> List[str]:
        flights = defaultdict(deque)
        for f, t in sorted(tickets): # ElogE
        itn, stack = deque([]), ['JFK'] # flights will be empty total time is E
        while stack:
            while flights[stack[-1]]:
        return itn

363. 249. Group Shifted Strings

  • Hash
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def groupStrings(self, strings: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        def hash(s):
            return tuple([(ord(c) - ord(s[0])) % 26 for c in s])
        groupby = defaultdict(list)
        for s in strings: 
        return list(groupby.values())

364. 532. K-diff Pairs in an Array

  • HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def findPairs(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        freqs = Counter(nums)
        total = 0
        for num in freqs:
            if (k == 0 and freqs[num] > 1) or (k > 0 and num + k in freqs):
                total += 1
        return total

365. 977. Squares of a Sorted Array

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Fill a result array from right to left. Compare values from both sides of the original arry., put the larger square to result array and advance.

class Solution:
    def sortedSquares(self, A: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(A)
        l, r = 0, n - 1
        result = [0] * n
        k = n - 1
        while l <= r:
            if abs(A[l]) > abs(A[r]):
                result[k] = A[l] ** 2
                l += 1
                k -= 1
                result[k] = A[r] ** 2
                r -= 1
                k -= 1
        return result

366. 461. Hamming Distance

  • Bit
  • O(N)
  • Easy
class Solution:
    def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        total = 0
        while x or y:
            total += (x & 1) ^ (y & 1)
            x >>= 1
            y >>= 1
        return total

    def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        xor = x ^ y
        distance = 0
        while xor:
            distance += 1
            xor &= (xor - 1)
        return distance    

367. 50. Pow(x, n)

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def myPow(self, x: float, n: int) -> float:
        if n < 0:
            x = 1 / x
            n = - n
        accum, p = 1, x
        while n:
            if n & 1: accum *= p
            p *= p
            n >>= 1
        return accum

368. 560. Subarray Sum Equals K

  • Prefix Sum
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def subarraySum(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        total, accum = 0, 0
        prefix_sums = {0: 1}
        for num in nums:
            accum += num
            total += prefix_sums.get(accum - k, 0)
            prefix_sums[accum] = prefix_sums.get(accum, 0) + 1
        return total

369. 322. Coin Change

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(NK)
class Solution:
    def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:
        min_coin = min(coins)
        dp = [0] + [float('inf')] * amount
        for amt in range(amount + 1):
            if amt < min_coin: continue
            dp[amt] = min({dp[amt - c] for c in coins if amt >= c}) + 1
        return dp[amount] if dp[amount] != float('inf') else -1

370. 155. Min Stack

  • Design
  • Easy
  • O(1) push, pop and get min

Store tuple (val, min_val) on a regular stack.

class MinStack:
    def __init__(self):
        self.arr = []        

    def push(self, x: int) -> None:
        if self.is_empty(): return self.arr.append((x, x))
        new_min = min(self.getMin(), x)
        self.arr.append((x, new_min))

    def pop(self) -> None:

    def top(self) -> int:
        if self.is_empty(): return
        return self.arr[-1][0]

    def getMin(self) -> int:
        if self.is_empty(): return
        return self.arr[-1][1]

    def is_empty(self):
        return not self.arr

371. 1207. Unique Number of Occurrences

  • HashMap / HashSet
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def uniqueOccurrences(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:
        vc = Counter(arr)
        return len(vc) == len(set(vc.values()))

372. 54. Spiral Matrix

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def spiralOrder(self, matrix):
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        res = []
        if len(matrix) == 0: return res
        r_lo, r_hi = 0, nrow - 1
        c_lo, c_hi = 0, ncol - 1

        while r_lo <= r_hi and c_lo <= c_hi:
            res += [matrix[r_lo][col] for col in range(c_lo, c_hi + 1)]
            r_lo += 1

            res += [matrix[row][c_hi] for row in range(r_lo, r_hi + 1)]
            c_hi -= 1
            if (r_lo <= r_hi):
                res += [matrix[r_hi][col] for col in range(c_hi, c_lo - 1, -1)]
                r_hi -= 1
            if (c_lo <= c_hi):
                res += [matrix[row][c_lo] for row in range(r_hi, r_lo - 1, -1)]
                c_lo += 1
        return res

373. 49. Group Anagrams

  • Hash
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def groupAnagrams(self, strs):
        def count_hash(s):
            counts = [0] * 26
            for c in s:
                counts[ord(c) - ord('a')] += 1
            return tuple(counts)
        groups = defaultdict(list)        
        for s in strs:
        return list(groups.values())

374. 724. Find Pivot Index

  • Prefix Sum
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def pivotIndex(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if not nums: return -1
        total = sum(nums)
        accum = 0
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            if (total - num) / 2 == accum: return i
            accum += num
        return -1             

375. 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

  • Recurrsion
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head):
        def count_nodes(node):
            n = 0
            while node:
                node = node.next
                n += 1
            return n
        n = count_nodes(head)

        self.curr = head
        def make_tree(l, r):
            if l > r: return None 
            m = (l + r) // 2
            left = make_tree(l, m - 1)
            node = TreeNode(self.curr.val)
            self.curr = self.curr.next
            node.left = left
            node.right = make_tree(m + 1, r)
            return node
        return make_tree(0, n - 1)

376. 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

  • Greedy / Kadane
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
        prev_min_price = prices[0]
        max_profit = 0
        for price in prices[1:]:
            max_profit = max(max_profit, price - prev_min_price)
            prev_min_price = min(prev_min_price, price)
        return max_profit

377. 636. Exclusive Time of Functions

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def exclusiveTime(self, n: int, logs: List[str]) -> List[int]:
        ftimes = [0] * n
        stack = []  # the ids of function calls
        prev_start_time = 0
        for log in logs:
            fid, typ, ftime = log.split(':')
            fid, ftime = int(fid), int(ftime)
            if typ == 'start':
                if stack:
                    ftimes[stack[-1]] += ftime - prev_start_time
                prev_start_time = ftime
                ftimes[stack.pop()] += ftime - prev_start_time + 1
                prev_start_time = ftime + 1
        return ftimes

378. 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

  • Trie
  • Medium
  • O(M)
class TrieNode(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        self.terminal = False
        self.default_factory = TrieNode

class Trie:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()

    def insert(self, word: str) -> None:
        node = self.root
        for char in word: node = node[char]
        node.terminal = True

    def search(self, word: str) -> bool:
        node = self.root
        for char in word:
            if char not in node: return False
            node = node[char]
        return node.terminal

    def startsWith(self, prefix: str) -> bool:
        node = self.root
        for char in prefix:
            if char not in node: return False
            node = node[char]
        return True

379. 1539. Kth Missing Positive Number

  • Binary Search
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def findKthPositive(self, arr: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        l, r = 0, len(arr) - 1
        while l <= r:
            m = (l + r) // 2
            if arr[m] - m - 1 < k:
                l = m + 1
                r = m - 1
        return l + k

380. 766. Toeplitz Matrix

  • Array
  • Easy
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def isToeplitzMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        for r, c in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)):
            if r == 0 or c == 0: continue
            if matrix[r][c] != matrix[r-1][c-1]: return False
        return True

381. 168. Excel Sheet Column Title

  • Math
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def convertToTitle(self, columnNumber: int) -> str:
        title = deque()
        quotient = columnNumber
        while quotient:
            quotient -= 1
            quotient, remainder = divmod(quotient, 26)
            title.appendleft(chr(remainder + ord('A')))
        return ''.join(title)

382. 543. Diameter of Binary Tree

  • Postorder Tree traversal
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Compute depths for each node, and find the max obtained by sum of depths from both sides.

class Solution:
    def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        max_dim = 0
        depths = {None: 0}
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if not node: continue
            if post:
                l, r = depths[node.left], depths[node.right]
                depths[node] = max(l, r) + 1
                max_dim = max(max_dim, l + r)
                stack.extend([(node, 1), (node.left, 0), (node.right, 0)]) 
        return max_dim

383. 219. Contains Duplicate II

  • HashMap / HashSet
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Don’t need remember the last location of elements, can use window size to make sure <= K distance away.

class Solution:
    def containsNearbyDuplicate(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> bool:
        # INF = 2 ** 32
        # last_loc = dict()
        # for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        #     if last_loc.get(num, -INF) + k >= i:  return True
        #     last_loc[num] = i
        # return False
        window = set()
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            if num in window: return True
            if len(window) > k: window.remove(nums[i-k])
        return False

384. 151. Reverse Words in a String

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def reverseWords(self, s: str) -> str:
        S = list(s)
        n = len(S)
        l = r = 0
        while S[r] == " ": r += 1
        while r < n:
            ws = 0
            while r < n and S[r] != " ":
                r += 1
                ws += 1
            ll, rr = l, r - 1
            m = min(ws, (r - l) >> 1)
            while m:
                S[ll], S[rr] = S[rr], S[ll]
                ll += 1
                rr -= 1
                m -= 1
            l += ws + 1
            while r < n and S[r] == " ": r += 1
        while S and S[-1] == " ": S.pop()
        l, r = 0, len(S) - 1
        while l < r:
            S[l], S[r] = S[r], S[l]
            r -= 1
            l += 1
        return "".join(S)

385. 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

  • Tree
  • Hard
  • O(N)
# 1byte for flag indicating type of node
# 4byte for the node value
# [1byte flag][4byte data]

# 0x0 -> Null
# 0x1 -> Node
# 0x2 -> has left
# 0x4 -> has right

# Flag
# '000' -> null
# '001' -> node with no childrens
# '101' -> node with only right child
# '011' -> node with only left child
# '111' -> node with two childrens

class Codec:
    def encode_flag(node):
        flag = 0x0
        if node:
            flag |= 0x1
            if node.left: flag |= 0x2
            if node.right: flag |= 0x4
        return flag
    def serialize(self, root):
        # result = []
        # def encode(node):
        #     if not node: return result.append('null')
        #     result.append(str(node.val))
        #     encode(node.left)
        #     encode(node.right)
        # encode(root)
        # s = ','.join(result)
        out = io.BytesIO()
        def encode(node):
            flag = self.encode_flag(node)
            out.write(flag.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
            if not node: return
            out.write(node.val.to_bytes(4, 'little', signed=True))
            if node.left: encode(node.left)
            if node.right: encode(node.right)
        s = out.read()
        return s

    def deserialize(self, data):
        # deque = collections.deque(data.split(','))
        # def decode():
        #     node_str = deque.popleft()
        #     if node_str == 'null': return None
        #     node = TreeNode(int(node_str))
        #     node.left = decode()
        #     node.right = decode()
        #     return node
        stream = io.BytesIO(data)
        def decode():
            flag = int.from_bytes(stream.read(1), 'little')
            if ~flag & 0x1: return None
            node = TreeNode(int.from_bytes(stream.read(4), 'little', signed=True))
            node.left = None if ~flag & 0x2 else decode()
            node.right = None if ~flag & 0x4 else decode()
            return node
        root = decode()
        return root

387. 5. Longest Palindromic Substring

  • Array / Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

Manacher’s algorithm is O(N)

class Solution:
    def longestPalindrome(self, s: str) -> str:
        max_length, max_l, max_r = 0, None, None        
        for i in range(len(s)):
            l, r, length = i-1, i+1, 1
            while 0 <= l < r < len(s) and s[l] == s[r]:
                length += 2; l -= 1; r += 1
            if length > max_length:
                max_length, max_l, max_r = length, l+1, r-1
            l, r, length = i, i + 1, 0
            while 0 <= l < r < len(s) and s[l] == s[r]:
                length += 2; l -= 1; r += 1

            if length > max_length:
                max_length, max_l, max_r = length, l+1, r-1            
        return s[max_l: max_r + 1]

388. 27. Remove Element

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)


class Solution:
    def removeElement(self, nums: List[int], val: int) -> int:
        slow = 0
        for fast in range(len(nums)):
            if nums[fast] == val: continue
            nums[slow] = nums[fast]
            slow += 1
        return slow

389. 70. Climbing Stairs

  • DP
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def climbStairs(self, n: int) -> int:
        if n <= 3: return n
        prev, curr = 1, 1
        for _ in range(2, n + 1): prev, curr = curr, prev + curr
        return curr

390. 498. Diagonal Traverse

  • Math
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def findDiagonalOrder(self, matrix):
        nrow, ncol = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        r, c, d = 0, 0, 1
        result = []
        while len(result) < nrow * ncol:
            nr, nc = r - d, c + d
            if not (nrow > nr >= 0 <= nc < ncol):
                if d == 1:
                    if nc == ncol: r += 1
                    else:          c += 1
                    if nr == nrow: c += 1
                    else:          r += 1
                d = -d
                r, c = nr, nc
        return result

391. 146. LRU Cache

  • Linked HashMap / OrderedDict
  • Medium
  • O(1)

Doubly linked list allow O(1) delete (given reference to node) and O(1) add to end. HashMap to allow O(1) access to the nodes in the doubly linked list.

class LRUCache(OrderedDict):
    def __init__(self, capacity: int):
        self.capacity = capacity

    def get(self, key: int) -> int:
        if key not in self: return -1
        return self[key]

    def put(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
        if key not in self and len(self) == self.capacity : super().popitem(last=False)
        self[key] = value
class LRUCache {
    int _capacity;
    list<pair<int, int>> l;
    unordered_map<int, list<pair<int, int>>::iterator> m;
    LRUCache(int capacity) { _capacity = capacity; }
    int get(int key) {
        if (not m.count(key)) return -1;
        l.splice(l.begin(), l, m[key]);
        return m[key]->second;
    void put(int key, int value) {
        if (l.size() == _capacity and not m.count(key)) {
        if (m.count(key)) l.erase(m[key]);
        l.push_front({key, value});
        m[key] = l.begin();

392. 98. Validate Binary Search Tree

  • Inorder Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)

inorder traversal of BST is non decreasing.

class Solution:
    def isValidBST(self, root: TreeNode) -> bool:
        stack, prev, node = [], float('-inf'), root
        while stack or node:
            while node:
                node = node.left
            node = stack.pop()
            if prev >= node.val: return False
            prev = node.val
            node = node.right
        return True

393. 35. Search Insert Position

  • Binary Search
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def searchInsert(self, arr: List[int], t: int) -> int:
        lo, hi = 0, len(arr)
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (hi + lo) // 2
            if arr[mid] >= t:
                hi = mid              # new search space [lo, mid)
                lo = mid + 1          # new search space [mid + 1, hi)
        return lo

394. 22. Generate Parentheses

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N * N)
class Solution:
    def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
        solutions = set()
        def backtrack(s, lp, rp):
            if lp + rp == 2 * n: return solutions.add("".join(s))
            if lp < n:  backtrack(s + ['('], lp + 1, rp)
            if rp < lp: backtrack(s + [')'], lp, rp + 1)
        backtrack([], 0, 0)
        return solutions

395. 349. Intersection of Two Arrays

  • Set
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def intersection(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        return list(set(num for num in nums1 if num in nums2))

396. 15. 3Sum

  • Two Pointers / HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)
class Solution:
    def threeSum(self, nums):
        n = len(nums)
        def find_two_sum(target, i):
            j = i + 1
            k = n - 1
            pairs = []
            while j < k:
                if nums[j] + nums[k] == target:
                    pairs.append((j, k))
                    j += 1
                    k -= 1
                elif nums[j] + nums[k] > target:
                    k -=1
                    j += 1
            return pairs
        result = set()
        for i, num1 in enumerate(nums):
            if i and num1 == nums[i-1]: continue
            pairs = find_two_sum(-num1, i)
            for j, k in pairs:
        return result
    def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        results = set()
        examed_first = set()
        seen = dict()
        for i, num1 in enumerate(nums):
            if num1 in examed_first: continue
            for num2 in nums[i+1:]:
                target = - (num1 + num2)
                if target in seen and seen[target] == i:
                    results.add(tuple(sorted([num1, num2, target])))
                seen[num2] = i
        return results

397. 260. Single Number III

  • Bit
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def singleNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        mixed = reduce(xor, nums)
        lsb = mixed & -mixed
        x = reduce(xor, filter(partial(and_, lsb), nums))
        return [x, mixed ^ x]

398. 408. Valid Word Abbreviation

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def validWordAbbreviation(self, word: str, abbr: str) -> bool:
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < len(word) and j < len(abbr):
            if word[i] == abbr[j]: 
                i += 1
                j += 1
            elif abbr[j].isdigit():
                if abbr[j] == '0': return False
                d = 0
                while j < len(abbr) and abbr[j].isdigit():
                    d = 10 * d + int(abbr[j])
                    j += 1
                i += d
                return False
        return i == len(word) and j == len(abbr)

399. 1011. Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(Nlog(M))
class Solution:
    def shipWithinDays(self, weights: List[int], D: int) -> int:
        def can_finish(capacity):
            loaded, days = 0, 0
            for weight in weights:
                if loaded + weight > capacity:
                    days += 1
                    loaded = 0
                loaded += weight
            return days < D
        lo, hi = max(weights), sum(weights)
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if can_finish(mid):
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        return lo

400. 1528. Shuffle String

  • Sorting
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def restoreString(self, s: str, indices: List[int]) -> str:
        # result = [''] * len(s)
        # for i, char in zip(indices, s):
        #     result[i] = char
        # return ''.join(result)
        S = list(s)
        n = len(s)
        for i in range(n):
            while indices[i] != i:
                S[i], S[indices[i]] = S[indices[i]], S[i]
                curr = indices[i]
                indices[i], indices[curr] = indices[indices[i]], indices[i]
        return "".join(S)

401. 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III

  • Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Slide window through the arry, keep track of window size with at most k 0s in the window.

class Solution:
    def longestOnes(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        max_length = count = 0
        l = 0
        for r, num in enumerate(nums):
            count += int(num == 0)
            while count == k + 1:
                count -= int(nums[l] == 0)
                l += 1
            max_length = max(max_length, r - l + 1)
        return max_length

402. 138. Copy List with Random Pointer

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Three pass no aux array.

class Solution:
    def copyRandomList(self, head: 'Node') -> 'Node':
        # Insert each node's copy right after it, already copy .label
        node = head
        while node:
            copy = Node(node.val)
            copy.next, node.next, node = node.next, copy, node.next
        # Set each copy's .random
        node = head
        while node:
            node.next.random = None if not node.random else node.random.next
            node = node.next.next

        # Separate the copied list from the original, (re)setting every .next
        node = head
        ret = copy = None if not head else head.next
        while node:
            node.next = copy.next
            node = node.next
            copy.next = None if not node else node.next
            copy = copy.next
        return ret

403. 1929. Concatenation of Array

  • Joke
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def getConcatenation(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        return [n for _ in range(2) for n in nums]

404. 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def buildTree(self, inorder: List[int], postorder: List[int]) -> TreeNode:
        prev = root = TreeNode(postorder[-1])
        i = 0
        stack = [root]
        for val in reversed(postorder[:-1]):
            curr = TreeNode(val)
            if prev.val == inorder[~i]: # did we just processed the rightmost leaf for current subtree?
                # backtrack to the node to which we should attach new node as left child
                while stack and stack[-1].val == inorder[~i]:
                    i += 1
                    prev = stack.pop()
                prev.left = curr
                prev.right = curr
            prev = curr
        return root

405. 707. Design Linked List

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(1) / O(N)
class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class MyLinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.size = 0
        self.sentinel = ListNode(None)  

    def get(self, index: int) -> int:
        if index < 0 or index >= self.size: return -1
        curr = self.sentinel
        for _ in range(index + 1): curr = curr.next
        return curr.val

    def addAtIndex(self, index: int, val: int):
        if index > self.size: return
        if index < 0: index = 0
        self.size += 1
        pred = self.sentinel
        for _ in range(index): pred = pred.next
        to_add = ListNode(val)
        to_add.next = pred.next
        pred.next = to_add

    def deleteAtIndex(self, index: int):
        if index < 0 or index >= self.size: return
        self.size -= 1
        pred = self.sentinel
        for _ in range(index): pred = pred.next
        # delete pred.next 
        pred.next = pred.next.next
    def addAtHead(self, val: int): self.addAtIndex(0, val)
    def addAtTail(self, val: int): self.addAtIndex(self.size, val)

406. 763. Partition Labels

  • Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(N)

One path to scan and record last location for each character. Second path to greedily partition array. For each character we see update the optential partition point as max(pp, last_loc[char]) when the current index is the pp, do a partition.

class Solution:
    def partitionLabels(self, S: str) -> List[int]:
        last_pos = {char:idx for idx, char in enumerate(S)}
        l, r = 0, 0
        partitions = []
        for i, char in enumerate(S):
            r = max(r, last_pos[char])
            if i == r:
                partitions.append(i - l + 1)
                l = i + 1
        return partitions

407. 377. Combination Sum IV

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def combinationSum4(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
        dp = [0 for i in range(target+1)]
        dp[0] = 1
        for comb_sum in range(target+1):
            for num in nums:
                if comb_sum - num >= 0: dp[comb_sum] += dp[comb_sum-num]
        return dp[target]

408. 231. Power of Two

  • Bit / Math
  • Easy
  • O(1)

number that is power of two only have one 1 bit.

class Solution:
    def isPowerOfTwo(self, n: int) -> bool:
        if n == 0: return False
        return n & (n - 1) == 0

409. 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

  • Tree Traversal
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def buildTree(self, preorder: List[int], inorder: List[int]) -> TreeNode:
        root = last = TreeNode(preorder[0])
        stack = [root]
        i = 0        
        for val in preorder[1:]:
            new = TreeNode(val)
            if last.val == inorder[i]:
                while stack and stack[-1].val == inorder[i]:
                    last = stack.pop()
                    i += 1
                last.right = new
                last.left = new
            last = new
        return root

410. 46. Permutations

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N * N)
class Solution:
    def permute(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        n = len(nums)
        permutations = []
        def backtrack(i):
            if i == n: permutations.append(nums.copy())
            for j in range(i, n):
                nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
                backtrack(i + 1)
                nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
        return permutations

411. 110. Balanced Binary Tree

  • Postorder traversal
  • Easy
  • O()
class Solution:
    def isBalanced(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        heights = {None: 0}
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            node, post = stack.pop()
            if node is None: continue
            if post:
                l, r = heights[node.left], heights[node.right]
                if r > l + 1 or l > r + 1: return False
                heights[node] = max(l, r) + 1
                stack.extend([(node, 1), (node.left, 0), (node.right, 0)])
        return True

412. 252. Meeting Rooms

  • Sorting
  • Easy
  • O(NlogN)
class Solution:
    def canAttendMeetings(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        for i in range(1, len(intervals)):
            if intervals[i-1][1] > intervals[i][0]: return False
        return True

413. 238. Product of Array Except Self

  • Prefix Prod
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def productExceptSelf(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(nums)
        output = [1] * n
        accum_l = accum_r = 1
        for i in range(n):
            output[i] *= accum_l
            output[~i] *= accum_r
            accum_l *= nums[i]
            accum_r *= nums[~i]
        return output

414. 51. N-Queens

  • Backtrack
  • Hard
  • O(N!)
class Solution:
    def solveNQueens(self, n):
        rows = ["." * c + "Q" + "." * (n - c - 1) for c in range(n)]
        queens = [None] * n
        columns = [0] * n
        main_diag, off_diag = [0] * (2 * n), [0] * (2 * n)
        def add_queen(r, c):
            queens[r] = c
            main_diag[r + c] = 1
            off_diag[r - c + n] = 1
            columns[c] = 1
        def remove_queen(r, c):
            queens[r] = None
            main_diag[r + c] = 0
            off_diag[r - c + n] = 0
            columns[c] = 0
        def valid(r, c):
            if columns[c]: return False
            if main_diag[r + c]: return False
            if off_diag[r - c + n]: return False
            return True
        def form_board(queens):
            board = [rows[c] for c in queens]
            return board.copy()

        def backtrack(queens, r):
            if r == n: return solution.append(form_board(queens))
            for c in range(n):
                if not valid(r, c): continue
                add_queen(r, c)
                backtrack(queens, r + 1)
                remove_queen(r, c)                

        solution = []            
        backtrack(queens, 0)
        return solution

415. 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, numbers, target):
        l, r = 0, len(numbers)-1
        while l < r:
            total = numbers[l] + numbers[r]
            if total == target: return [l + 1, r + 1]
            if total > target:  r -= 1
            else:               l += 1
        return [-1, -1]

416. 279. Perfect Squares

  • DP / BFS / Math
  • Medium
  • O(n^2)
INT_MAX = 2 ** 32

class Solution:
    def numSquares(self, n: int) -> int:
        squares = [i ** 2 for i in range(1, int(n ** .5) + 1)]
        # level = [n]
        # count = 0
        # while level:
        #     next_level = set()
        #     for remainder in level:
        #         if remainder == 0: return count
        #         for square in squares:
        #             if remainder < square: break
        #             next_level.add(remainder - square)
        #     count += 1
        #     level = next_level
        # return count
        dp = [INT_MAX] * (n + 1)
        dp[0] = 0
        for i in range(n + 1):
            for square in squares:
                if i < square: continue
                dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - square] + 1)
        return dp[-1]

417. 45. Jump Game II

  • Greedy / Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Go through locations, keep track of the farthest location we can jump to as well as the previous location we jumped to.
Only jump when it is neccessary, ie when previous jumped location is smaller than current location.

class Solution:
    def jump(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        prev, nxt, num_steps = 0, 0, 0
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            if i > prev:
                prev = nxt
                num_steps += 1
            nxt = max(nxt, i + num)
        return num_steps

418. 905. Sort Array By Parity

  • Array / Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)


class Solution:
    def sortArrayByParity(self, A: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        i, j = 0, len(A) - 1
        while i < j:
            while i < len(A) and not A[i] % 2: i += 1
            while j >= 0 and A[j] % 2: j -= 1
            if i < j: A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
        return A

419. 986. Interval List Intersections

  • Two Pointers / Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def intervalIntersection(self, firstList: List[List[int]], secondList: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        def intersection(itv1, itv2):
            l = max(itv1[0], itv2[0])
            r = min(itv1[1], itv2[1])
            if l <= r:  return [l, r]
            return []
        intersections = []
        n_itv1, n_itv2 = len(firstList), len(secondList)
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < n_itv1 and j < n_itv2:
            itv = intersection(firstList[i], secondList[j])
            if itv:  intersections.append(itv)
            if firstList[i][1] < secondList[j][1]: i += 1
            else:                                  j += 1
        return intersections

420. 973. K Closest Points to Origin

  • Quick Select
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def kClosest(self, points: List[List[int]], K: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        pq = []
        dist = lambda x: - (x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2)
        for p in points:
            d = dist(p)
            if len(pq) < K:     heapq.heappush(pq, (d, p))
            elif d < -pq[0][0]: heapq.heapreplace(pq, (d, p))
        return [t[1] for t in pq]

    def kClosest(self, points: List[List[int]], K: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        def dist(x, y): return x ** 2 + y ** 2            
        def swap(i, j): points[i], points[j] = points[j], points[i]
        def partition(l, r):
            m = (l + r) >> 1
            pivot = dist(*points[m])
            swap(l, m)
            i, j = l, r
            while i < j:
                while i < r and dist(*points[i]) <= pivot: i += 1
                while j > l and dist(*points[j]) >= pivot: j -= 1
                if i < j and dist(*points[i]) > dist(*points[j]): swap(i, j)
            swap(j, l)
            return j
        def sort(l, r, k):
            m = partition(l, r)
            d = m - l + 1
            if d == k: return
            elif d < k: sort(m + 1, r, k - d)
            else: sort(l, m - 1, k)
        sort(0, len(points) - 1, K)
        return points[:K]

421. 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def removeDuplicates(self, nums):
        i = 0
        k = 1
        for n in nums:
            if i < k or n > nums[i - k]:
                nums[i] = n
                i += 1
        return i

422. 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II

  • BFS
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def connect(self, root):
        queue = deque([root]) if root else []
        while queue:
            n = len(queue)
            for i in range(n):
                node = queue.popleft()
                if i != n - 1: node.next = queue[0]
                for child in [node.left, node.right]:
                    if not child: continue
        return root

423. 518. Coin Change 2

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(NM)
f(amt, options) = f(amt, options.popfront()) + f(amt - options[0], options)
f(0, xx) = 1
f(amt >0, {}) = 0
f(amt <0, xx) = 0
class Solution:    
    def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
#         @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
#         def make_change(amount, i):
#             if amount == 0: return 1
#             if i == len(coins) or amount < 0: return 0
#             return make_change(amount, i+1) + make_change(amount - coins[i], i)
#         return make_change(amount, 0)
        dp = [1] + [0] * amount
        for coin in coins:
            for i in range(amount+1):
                if i + coin > amount: break
                dp[i+coin] += dp[i]
        return dp[-1]        

424. 257. Binary Tree Paths

  • Tree Traversal
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def binaryTreePaths(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[str]:
        result = []
        def dfs(path, node):
            if node.left is None and node.right is None:
                result.append('->'.join(map(str, path)))
            for child in node.left, node.right:
                if child is None: continue
                dfs(path, child)
        dfs([root.val], root)
        return result

425. 797. All Paths From Source to Target

  • Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N * N)
class Solution:
    def allPathsSourceTarget(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        n = len(graph) - 1
        paths = []
        def backtrack(path):
            if path[-1] == n: 
            for nei in graph[path[-1]]:
        return paths

426. 523. Continuous Subarray Sum

  • Prefix Sum / HashMap
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution(object):
    def checkSubarraySum(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> bool:
        total = 0
        memo = {0: -1}
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            total += num
            reminder = total % k
            if reminder not in memo: memo[reminder] = i
            elif i - memo[reminder] >= 2: return True
        return False

427. 383. Ransom Note

  • HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def canConstruct(self, ransomNote, magazine):
        m = dict()
        for c in ransomNote: m[c] = m.get(c, 0) + 1
        for c in magazine:   m[c] = m.get(c, 0) - 1
        return all(v <= 0 for v in m.values())

428. 1512. Number of Good Pairs

  • HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def numIdenticalPairs(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        freq = dict()
        total = 0
        for num in nums:
            total += freq.setdefault(num, 0)
            freq[num] += 1
        return total

429. 32. Longest Valid Parentheses

  • DP
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def longestValidParentheses(self, s: str) -> int:
        n = len(s)
        dp = [0] * n
        for i in range(1, n):
            if s[i] == ')':
                if s[i - 1] == '(':
                    dp[i] = dp[i - 2] + 2
                elif i - dp[i - 1] - 1 >= 0 and s[i - dp[i - 1] - 1] == '(':
                    dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + dp[i - dp[i - 1] - 2] + 2
        return max(dp) if dp else 0    

430. 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists

  • Two Pointers / Linked List
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def mergeTwoLists(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        ret = curr = ListNode(None)
        while l1 and l2:
            if l1.val < l2.val: curr.next, l1 = l1, l1.next
            else:               curr.next, l2 = l2, l2.next
            curr = curr.next
        curr.next = l1 if l1 else l2
        return ret.next

431. 647. Palindromic Substrings

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

Diagnol expand.

class Solution:
    def countSubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
        total = 0
        n = len(s)

        dp = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
        # single
        for i in range(n):
            dp[i][i] = 1; total += 1
        # pair
        for i in range(n-1):
            if s[i] == s[i + 1]:
                dp[i][i+1] += 1; total += 1
        for length in range(3, n+1): # increasing window size
            for l in range(n):
                r = l + length - 1
                if r >= n: break
                if s[l] == s[r]:
                    dp[l][r] = dp[l+1][r-1]; total += dp[l][r]
        return total

    def countSubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
        ans = 0
        for i in range(len(s)):
            for j in range(2):
                left = i
                right = left + j

                while left >= 0 and right < len(s) and s[left] == s[right]:
                    ans += 1
                    left -= 1
                    right += 1
        return ans

432. 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N^2)

let dp[i][j] indicate whether we can use nums[:i] to sum up to j.

class Solution:
    def canPartition(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        s = sum(nums)
        if s % 2: return False
        s //= 2
        n = len(nums)
        dp = [[True] + [False] * s for _ in range(n)]  # dp[i][j] can I subset sum to j with nums[:i] (inclusive)
        if nums[0] <= s: dp[0][nums[0]] = True

        for i, num in enumerate(nums[1:], 1):
            for j in range(1, s + 1):
                if dp[i - 1][j]:    dp[i][j] = True                        # did not take num
                elif j >= num:      dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - num]          # take num
        return dp[-1][-1]

433. 212. Word Search II

  • Backtrack / Trie
  • Hard
  • O(2^N)
class Trie:
    class TrieNode(defaultdict):
        def __init__(self):
            self.word = ""
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Trie.TrieNode()
    def insert(self, word):
        node = self.root
        for char in word: node = node[char]
        node.word = word

class Solution:
    def findWords(self, board: List[List[str]], words: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        nrow, ncol = len(board), len(board[0])
        trie = Trie()
        for word in words: trie.insert(word)
        crossed = set()
        def backtrack(node, r, c):
            if node.word: crossed.add(node.word)
            if 0 <= r < nrow and 0 <= c < ncol and board[r][c] in node:
                char = board[r][c]
                board[r][c] = 'X'
                for rr, cc in [(r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1)]:
                    backtrack(node[char], rr, cc)
                board[r][c] = char
        for r in range(nrow):
            for c in range(ncol):
                backtrack(trie.root, r, c)
        return crossed

434. 113. Path Sum II

  • Tree
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def pathSum(self, root: TreeNode, target: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not root: return []
        solutions = []
        stack = [(root, [root.val], root.val)]
        while stack:
            node, vals, path_sum = stack.pop()
            if not (node.left or node.right) and path_sum == target: solutions.append(vals)
            if node.left: stack.append((node.left, vals + [node.left.val], path_sum + node.left.val))
            if node.right: stack.append((node.right, vals + [node.right.val], path_sum + node.right.val))
        return solutions

435. 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)

The array consists of two sorted part. / / / / / l r Compare nums[mid] with nums[l] (or nums[h]) tell us which part mid is in. Then since each part is sorted, figure out how to bisect based of target, nums[mid] and nums[l] or nums[h]

class Solution:
    def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
        l, h = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while l <= h:
            mid = (l + h) >> 1
            if nums[mid] == target: return mid
            elif nums[mid] >= nums[l]:
                if nums[l] <= target < nums[mid]:
                    h = mid - 1
                    l = mid + 1
                if nums[mid] < target <= nums[h]:
                    l = mid + 1
                    h = mid - 1
        return -1

436. 63. Unique Paths II

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def uniquePathsWithObstacles(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        target = (m-1, n-1)
        dp = [0] * n
        dp[0] = int(grid[0][0] == 0)
        for c in range(1, n):
            dp[c] = int(dp[c-1] == 1 and grid[0][c] == 0)
        for r in range(1, m):
            dp[0] = int(dp[0] == 1 and grid[r][0] == 0)
            for c in range(1, n):
                dp[c] = dp[c] + dp[c-1] if grid[r][c] == 0 else 0
        return dp[-1]

437. 347. Top K Frequent Elements

  • Counting / Sorting
  • Medium
  • NlogN if heap, O(N) if quickselect, O(range) if bucket
class Solution:
    def topKFrequent(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
        freq_counts = Counter(nums)
        buckets = defaultdict(set)
        for elem, freq in freq_counts.items():
        topk = []
        for freq in range(len(nums), -1, -1):
            if freq in buckets: topk.extend(buckets[freq])
            if len(topk) >= k: break
        return topk[:k]
class Solution:
    def topKFrequent(self, nums, k):
        freq_nums = [(f, v) for v, f in Counter(nums).items()]
        return [v for _, v in nlargest(k, freq_nums)]

438. 287. Find the Duplicate Number

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Floyd’s algorithm for cycle detection.

 0 1 2 3 4 1

0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
     ^              |
class Solution:
    def findDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        slow, fast = nums[0], nums[0]
        while True:
            slow, fast = nums[slow], nums[nums[fast]]
            if slow == fast: break
        slow = nums[0]
        while slow != fast:
            slow, fast = nums[slow], nums[fast]
        return slow

439. 227. Basic Calculator II

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Two types of operators, */ has precedence over +- thus we are actually evaluating */ first in one pass, then evaluate +- in a second pass. First pass: when operator is +-, put +-operand on stack. When operator is */, replace stack[-1] with stac[-1] */ operand. Second pass: sum the stack.

class Solution:
    def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:
        operators = set("+-*/")
        operand, operator = 0, "+"
        stack = []
        def operation():
            if operator == "+": stack.append(operand)
            if operator == "-": stack.append(-operand)
            if operator == "*": stack.append(stack.pop() * operand)
            if operator == "/": stack.append(int(stack.pop() / operand))
        for c in s:
            if c.isdigit(): 
                operand = operand * 10 + int(c)
            if c in operators:
                operand, operator = 0, c
        return sum(stack)

440. 338. Counting Bits

  • DP / Bit
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Count number by number, bit by bit is NlogN.

DP(x) = DP(x & (x - 1)) + 1 x & (x - 1) is to clear the last set bit, that is, x is one bit more than x & (x - 1) thus dp relationship.

class Solution:
    def countBits(self, num: int) -> List[int]:
        dp = [0] * (num + 1)
        for i in range(1, num + 1):
            dp[i] = dp[i & (i - 1)] + 1
        return dp

441. 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

  • Stack
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def largestRectangleArea(self, heights: List[int]) -> int:
        stack = [-1]
        max_area = 0
        for i, height in enumerate(heights):
            while stack and heights[stack[-1]] > height:
                h = heights[stack.pop()]
                w = i - stack[-1] - 1
                max_area = max(max_area, h * w)
        return max_area

442. 143. Reorder List

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def reorderList(self, head: ListNode) -> None:
        if not head: return head
        def get_middle(head): 
            # return (n + 1) // 2 th node 
            slow, fast = head, head
            while fast and fast.next:
                slow = slow.next
                fast = fast.next.next
            return slow
        def reverse(head):
            prev, curr = None, head
            while curr: curr.next, prev, curr = prev, curr, curr.next
            return prev
        def merge_2_list(l1, l2):
            curr = ListNode(None)
            while l1 and l2:
                curr.next, curr, l1 = l1, l1, l1.next                
                curr.next, curr, l2 = l2, l2, l2.next
            if l1: curr.next = l1
        # split
        l1_tail = get_middle(head)
        l2_head = l1_tail.next            
        l1_tail.next = None
        # reverse
        l2_head = reverse(l2_head)
        # merge
        merge_2_list(head, l2_head)

443. 169. Majority Element

  • Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm
  • Easy
  • O(N)

If for the current candidate in the prefix is not the majority, get rid of the prefix. Since in prefix we just got rid off, the most freq element only 1/2 votes. In the suffix, the true majority candidate is guaranteed to prevail.

class Solution:
    def majorityElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        count = 0
        for num in nums:
            if count == 0: candidate = num
            count += 1 if candidate == num else -1
        return candidate

444. 55. Jump Game

  • Greedy / Sweep Line
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Go throught the locations, use a variable to keep track the farthest location we can jump to. As long as current location is less than that, we can try update the fartherst and move on.

class Solution:
    def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        m = nums[0]        
        for i, step in enumerate(nums):
            if i <= m: # reachable
                m = max(m, i + step)
            else: # non reachable
                return False
            if m >= len(nums) - 1: return True
        return True

446. 1920. Build Array from Permutation

  • Array Cycle
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def buildArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(nums)
        for i in range(n):
            if nums[i] <= 0: continue
            slow, fast = i, i
            cnt = 1
            while nums[slow] != nums[nums[fast]]:
                slow = nums[slow]
                fast = nums[nums[fast]]
                cnt += 1
            it = i
            last = nums[it]
            for _ in range(cnt - 1):
                nums[it], it = -nums[nums[it]], nums[it]
            nums[it] = -last
        for i in range(n):
            nums[i] = -nums[i]
        return nums

447. 100. Same Tree

  • Tree Traversal
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isSameTree(self, p: Optional[TreeNode], q: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        stack = [(p, q)]
        while stack:
            n1, n2 = stack.pop()
            if n1 is None and n2 is None: continue
            if n1 is None or n2 is None: return False
            if n1.val != n2.val: return False
            stack.append([n1.left, n2.left])
            stack.append([n1.right, n2.right])
        return True

448. 28. Implement strStr()

  • KMP / Rabin-Karp
  • Easy
  • O(N)
def table(p):
    m = len(p)
    lps = [0, 0]
    j = 0 
    for i in range(1, m): 
        while j and p[i] != p[j]: j = lps[j]
        if p[i] == p[j]: j += 1
    return lps    
def match(s, p):
    n, m = len(s), len(p)
    lps = table(p)
    ans = []
    j = 0
    for i in range(n):
        while j and s[i] != p[j]: j = lps[j]  # don't match, use lps table to jump back
        if s[i] == p[j]: j += 1
        if j == m: return i - m + 1
    return -1

class Solution:
    def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str) -> int:
        if needle == '': return 0
        return match(haystack, needle)

449. 78. Subsets

  • Bit / Backtrack
  • Medium
  • O(2^N)

Use bit mask from [0, 1 « n) as recipe for creating subsets.

class Solution:
    def subsets(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        subsets = []
        for i in range(1 << len(nums)):
            subset = []
            for j, num in enumerate(nums):
                if i & (1 << j): subset.append(num)
        return subsets

450. 733. Flood Fill

  • DFS
  • Easy
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, new_color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        nrow, ncol = len(image), len(image[0])
        old_color = image[sr][sc]
        if old_color == new_color: return image

        def get_neighbor(r, c):
            for nr, nc in [(r, c + 1), (r, c - 1), (r - 1, c), (r + 1, c)]:
                if nrow > r >= 0 <= c < ncol:
                    yield nr, nc

        stack = [(sr, sc)]
        while stack:
            r, c = stack.pop()
            image[r][c] = new_color
            for nr, nc in get_neighbor(r, c):
                if image[nr][nc] == old_color:
                    stack.append((nr, nc))
        return image

451. 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group

  • Linked List
  • Hard
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:
        if not head: return head
        def has_k_nodes(curr, k):
            while curr and k:
                curr = curr.next
                k -= 1
            return k == 0
        def reverse_k_nodes(curr, k):
            tail = curr
            prev = None
            for i in range(k): curr.next, prev, curr = prev, curr, curr.next
            return curr, prev, tail
        sentinel = prev = ListNode(None)
        sentinel.next = curr = head
        while has_k_nodes(curr, k):
            next_curr, new_head, new_tail = reverse_k_nodes(curr, k)
            prev.next = new_head
            new_tail.next = next_curr
            prev = curr
            curr = next_curr
        prev.next = curr
        return sentinel.next

452. 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum

  • Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def minSubArrayLen(self, s: int, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l = window_sum = 0
        min_size = INT_MAX = 2 ** 32
        for r, num in enumerate(nums):
            window_sum += num
            while l <= r and window_sum >= s:
                min_size = min(min_size, r - l + 1)
                window_sum -= nums[l]
                l += 1
        return min_size if min_size != INT_MAX else 0

453. 1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:    
    def solution_stack_and_set(self, s):
        stack = [] # keep track of unclosed open parentheses
        to_delete = set() # keep track of indices to delete
        for i, char in enumerate(s):
            if char == '(':
            if char == ')':
                if not stack:
        return ''.join([char for i, char in enumerate(s) if i not in to_delete])
    def solution_set_only(self, s):
        unclosed = 0
        num_closed = 0
        to_delete = set()
        for i, char in enumerate(s):
            if char == '(': 
                unclosed += 1
            if char == ')':
                if unclosed:
                    unclosed -= 1
                    num_closed += 1
        for i, char in enumerate(s):
            if char == '(':
                if num_closed:
                    num_closed -= 1
        return ''.join(char for i, char in enumerate(s) if i not in to_delete)
    minRemoveToMakeValid = solution_set_only # solution_stack_and_set

454. 213. House Robber II

  • DP
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Decompose into two house robber I problem. Each one exclude either tail or head where the circle meet.

class Solution:
    def rob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(nums)
        if n == 1: return nums[0]
        def rob_1(i, j):
            if i == j: return 0
            maximum = -2 ** 32
            pp, p = 0, 0
            for num in nums[i: j]:
                pp, p = p, max(pp + num, p)
                maximum = max(maximum, p)
            return maximum
        return max(rob_1(1, n), rob_1(0, n-1))

455. 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

  • Array
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def findDisappearedNumbers(self, nums):
#         seen = [0] * len(nums)
#         for num in nums:
#             seen[num - 1] -= 1
#         return [i for i, c in enumerate(seen, 1) if c == 0]
#         for num in nums:
#             nums[abs(num) - 1] = - abs(nums[abs(num) - 1])
#         return [i for i, num in enumerate(nums, 1) if num > 0]
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            while i != nums[i] - 1 and nums[nums[i] - 1] != nums[i]:
                nums[nums[i] - 1], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[nums[i] - 1]
        results = [i for i, c in enumerate(nums, 1) if i != c]
        return results

456. 438. Find All Anagrams in a String

  • Sliding Window
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]:
        n = len(p)
        solution = []
        # edge case
        if len(s) < len(p): return solution
        # target
        req_freq = Counter(p)
        # initial window
        window = Counter(filter(lambda x: x in req_freq, s[:n]))
        to_match = len(req_freq)
        for char in req_freq: to_match -= window[char] == req_freq[char]
        if not to_match: solution.append(0)
        # sliding window
        for i, (in_char, out_char) in enumerate(zip(s[n:], s), n):
            # if in_char in req_freq: 
            #     if window[in_char] == req_freq[in_char]: to_match += 1
            #     if window[in_char] + 1 == req_freq[in_char]: to_match -= 1
            #     window.update(in_char)
            # if out_char in req_freq: 
            #     if window[out_char] == req_freq[out_char]: to_match += 1
            #     if window[out_char] - 1 == req_freq[out_char]: to_match -= 1
            #     window.subtract(out_char)
            # if not to_match: solution.append(i - n + 1)

            # NK but much simpler
            if in_char in req_freq: window[in_char] += 1
            if out_char in req_freq: window[out_char] -= 1
            if window == req_freq: solution.append(i - n + 1)

        return solution

457. 12. Integer to Roman

  • Loop?
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
        numbers = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1]
        symbols = ['M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I']
        n = len(numbers)
        result = []
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            while i < n and num < numbers[i]: i += 1
            while i < n and num >= numbers[i]:
                num -= numbers[i]
        return "".join(result)

458. 189. Rotate Array

  • Array
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Reverse whole then parts. Or swap until cycle.

class Solution:
    # from nums = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6   k = 2 
    # to          5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4
    def solution_reverse(self, nums, k):
        # 1 2 3 4 5 6
        # 6 5 4 3 2 1  reverse all
        # 5 6 4 3 2 1  reverse up to k
        # 5 6 1 2 3 4  revsere from k + 1 to end
        def reverse_section(nums, start, end):
            while start < end:
                nums[start], nums[end] = nums[end], nums[start]
                start += 1
                end -= 1

        n = len(nums)
        k = k % n
        reverse_section(nums, 0, n - 1)
        reverse_section(nums, 0, k - 1)
        reverse_section(nums, k, n - 1)

    def solution_cycle(self, nums, k):
        # 1 2 3 4 5 6
        # 1 2 1 4 5 6   current = 2 tmp = 3  
        # 1 2 1 4 3 6   current = 4 tmp = 5
        # 5 2 1 4 3 6   current = 0 tmp = 1 
        # 5 2 1 2 3 6
        # 5 2 1 2 3 4
        # 5 6 1 2 3 4
        n = len(nums)
        k %= n
        start, count = 0, 0
        while count < n:
            current, tmp = start, nums[start]
            while True: 
                next_ = (current + k) % n
                nums[next_], tmp = tmp, nums[next_]
                current = next_
                count += 1
                if current == start:
            start += 1
    rotate = solution_cycle # solution_reverse

460. 141. Linked List Cycle

  • Two Pointers / Linked List
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Floyd’s algorithm. -> follow up find the node when cycle started.

class Solution:
    def hasCycle(self, head: ListNode) -> bool:
        fast, slow = head, head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next
            if fast == slow: return True
        return False

class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        def has_cycle(head):
            fast, slow = head, head
            while fast and fast.next:
                fast = fast.next.next
                slow = slow.next
                if fast == slow: return slow
            return None
        intersect = has_cycle(head)
        if not intersect: return None
        node = head    
        while node != intersect:
            node = node.next
            intersect = intersect.next
        return intersect        

461. 20. Valid Parentheses

  • Stack
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isValid(self, s: str) -> bool:
        matching = {'{': '}', '[': ']', '(': ')'}
        stack = []
        for parenthese in s:
            if parenthese in matching: 
            elif not len(stack): return False
            elif matching[stack.pop()] != parenthese: 
                return False
        return not stack

462. 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Find the node before the target node, short the node.

class Solution:
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: ListNode, n: int) -> ListNode:
        sentinel = slow = ListNode(None, head)
        fast = head
        while fast and n: fast = fast.next; n -= 1
        while fast: fast = fast.next; slow = slow.next
        slow.next = slow.next.next
        return sentinel.next

463. 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists

  • Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)

prefix a + shared suffix + prefix b = prefix b + shared suffix + prefix a

class Solution:
    def getIntersectionNode(self, headA: ListNode, headB: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        p, q = headA, headB
        while p != q:
            p = headB if not p else p.next
            q = headA if not q else q.next
        return p

464. 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

  • Greedy
  • Medium
  • O(N)

Grab all possible gains.

class Solution:
    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
        total_profit = 0
        for prev, curr in pairwise(prices):
            total_profit += (curr > prev) * (curr - prev)
        return total_profit
  • Binary Search
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
# class Solution:
#     def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
#         i = bisect_left(nums, target)
#         return i if i < len(nums) and nums[i] == target else -1

# class Solution:
#     def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
#         i = bisect_right(nums, target)
#         return i - 1 if i > 0 and nums[i-1] == target else -1
class Solution:
    def search(self, nums, target):
        lo, hi = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if nums[mid] < target:
                lo = mid + 1
                hi = mid
        return -1 if target != nums[lo] else lo

466. 31. Next Permutation

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def nextPermutation(self, nums: List[int]) -> None:
        def swap(l, r): nums[l], nums[r] = nums[r], nums[l]

        def reverse(l, r):
            while l < r: swap(l, r); l += 1; r -= 1
        n = len(nums)
        l = n - 2
        while l >= 0 and nums[l] >= nums[l + 1]: l -= 1
        if l >= 0:
            r = n - 1
            while nums[r] <= nums[l]: r -= 1
            swap(l, r)
        reverse(l + 1, n - 1)

467. 234. Palindrome Linked List

  • Linked List
  • Medium
  • O(N)

For constant space solution, reverse from middle, two pointer change, then reverse from middle to recover.

class Solution:
    def isPalindrome(self, head: ListNode) -> bool:
        if not head or not head.next: return True
        def get_midpoint(head):
            slow, fast = head, head
            while fast and fast.next:
                slow = slow.next
                fast = fast.next.next
            return slow

        def reverse(head):
            prev, curr = None, head
            while curr: prev, curr.next, curr = curr, prev, curr.next
            return prev

        mid = reverse(get_midpoint(head))
        p, q = head, mid
        while p and q and p != q:
            if p.val != q.val:
                return False
            p = p.next
            q = q.next
        return True

468. 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

  • Tree / DFS / BFS
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxDepth(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        max_depth = 0
        stack = [(root, 1)]
        while stack:
            node, depth = stack.pop()
            if not node: continue
            max_depth = max(max_depth, depth)
            stack.extend([(child, depth + 1) for child in (node.left, node.right) if child])
        return max_depth

469. 69. Sqrt(x)

  • Binary Search / Math
  • Easy
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def mySqrt(self, x: int) -> int:
        lo, hi = 0, x
        while lo <= hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
            if mid * mid <= x and (mid + 1) * (mid + 1) > x:
                return mid
            if mid * mid > x:
                hi = mid - 1
                lo = mid + 1
        return -1                

470. 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(logN)
class Solution:
    def findMin(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l, h = 0, len(nums) - 1
        while l < h:
            m = (l + h) // 2
            if nums[m] < nums[h]: 
                h = m
                l = m + 1
        return nums[l]

471. 74. Search a 2D Matrix

  • Binary Search
  • Medium
  • O(N + logM + logN)

Sorted list of sorted sublists. Sortedcontainers! Bisect(row max / row min) to find sublist then bisect the right sublist.

class Solution:
    def searchMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> bool:
        indices = [row[0] for row in matrix]
        r = bisect.bisect_right(indices, target) - 1
        if r >= len(matrix): return False
        c = bisect.bisect_right(matrix[r], target) - 1
        return matrix[r][c] == target

472. 48. Rotate Image

  • Array / Inplace Swap
  • Medium
  • O(MN)
class Solution:
    def rotate(self, matrix):
        n = len(matrix)
        for i in range(n - n // 2):
            for j in range(n // 2):
                matrix[i][j], matrix[~j][i], matrix[~i][~j], matrix[j][~i] = \
                matrix[~j][i], matrix[~i][~j], matrix[j][~i], matrix[i][j]

473. 152. Maximum Product Subarray

  • DP / Kadane
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def maxProduct(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if not nums: return 0
        curr_min = curr_max = max_prod = nums[0]
        for i, num in enumerate(nums[1:], 1):
            if num < 0: curr_min, curr_max = curr_max, curr_min
            curr_max = max(curr_max * num, num)
            curr_min = min(curr_min * num, num)
            max_prod = max(max_prod, curr_max)
        return max_prod

474. 118. Pascal’s Triangle

  • DP
  • Easy
  • O(N)

DP[i,j] = DP[i-1][j-1] + DP[i-1][j]

class Solution:
    def generate(self, num_rows):
        triangle = []
        for r in range(1, num_rows + 1):
            row = [None for _ in range(r)]
            row[0], row[-1] = 1, 1
            for j in range(1, r-1):
                row[j] = triangle[-1][j-1] + triangle[-1][j]
        return triangle

475. 876. Middle of the Linked List

  • Linked List / Two Pointers
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def middleNode(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        slow, fast = head, head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next
        return slow

476. 101. Symmetric Tree

  • Tree
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def iterative(self, root):
        queue = deque()
        queue.extend([root, root])
        while queue:
            node1 = queue.popleft()
            node2 = queue.popleft()        
            if not (node1 or node2): continue    
            if not (node1 and node2): return False
            if node1.val != node2.val: return False
            queue.extend([node1.left, node2.right, node2.right, node1.left])
        return True
    def recursive(self, root):
        def dfs(node1, node2):
            if not (node1 or node2): return True
            if not (node1 and node2): return False
            return (node1.val == node2.val) and dfs(node1.right, node2.left) and dfs(node2.right, node1.left)
        return dfs(root, root)
    isSymmetric = iterative # recursive

477. 268. Missing Number

  • Math / Bit Manipulation
  • Easy
  • O(N)

Total of range(n) - total of array.

class Solution:
    def missingNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(nums)
        return n * (n + 1) // 2 - sum(nums)

    def missingNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(nums)
        bits = reduce(xor, nums, 0)
        full_bits = reduce(xor, range(n+1), 0)
        return bits ^ full_bits        

478. 242. Valid Anagram

  • HashMap
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        return Counter(s) == Counter(t)

    def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        if len(s) != len(t): return False
        char_freqs = Counter(s)
        for c in t:
            if not char_freqs.get(c, 0): return False
            char_freqs[c] -= 1
        return True        

479. 13. Roman to Integer

  • Loop?
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution(object):
    def romanToInt(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        mapping = {
            'M': 1000,
            'D': 500,
            'C': 100,
            'L': 50,
            'X': 10,
            'V': 5,
            'I': 1

        total = 0
        for l, r in zip(s, s[1:]):
            ln, rn = mapping[l], mapping[r]
            total += -ln if ln < rn else ln
        return total + mapping[s[-1]]

480. 206. Reverse Linked List

  • Linked List
  • Easy
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def reverseList(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        prev, curr = None, head
        while curr:
            snapshot = curr, prev, curr.next
            prev = snapshot[0]
            curr.next = snapshot[1]
            curr = snapshot[2]
        return prev

481. 127. Word Ladder

  • BFS
  • Hard
  • O(M^2N)
class Solution:
    def ladderLength(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> int:
        wordList = set(wordList)
        if endWord not in wordList: return 0
        word_used = set()
        def get_next_word(word):
            for i in range(len(word)):
                for letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
                    next_word = word[:i] + letter + word[i + 1:]
                    if next_word in wordList and next_word not in word_used:
                        yield next_word

        queue = deque([(beginWord, 1)])
        while queue:
            word, step = queue.popleft()
            for next_word in get_next_word(word):
                if next_word == endWord: return step + 1
                queue.append((next_word, step + 1))
        return 0

482. 402. Remove K Digits

  • Stack
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def removeKdigits(self, num: str, k: int) -> str:
        stack = []
        for digit in num:
            while stack and k and stack[-1] > digit:
                k -= 1
        if k: stack = stack[:-k]
        num = ''.join(stack)            
        l = 0
        while l < len(num) and num[l] == '0': l += 1
        return num[l:] if num[l:] else '0'

483. 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs

  • Two Pointers
  • Medium
  • O(N)
class Solution:
    def swapPairs(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        sentinel = ListNode(None, next=head)
        prev, curr = sentinel, sentinel.next
        while curr and curr.next:
            next_ = curr.next
            prev.next, curr.next, next_.next = next_, next_.next, curr
            prev, curr = curr, curr.next
        return sentinel.next