
4 bit signed integer decimal to binary table

decimal binary decimal binary
-8 1000 7 0111
-7 1001 6 0110
-6 1010 5 0101
-5 1011 4 0100
-4 1100 3 0011
-3 1101 2 0010
-2 1110 1 0001
-1 1111 0 0000


operator name what it does example sample property / usage
~ complement switch each 0 to 1 and each 1 to 0 ~0101 = 1010 ~x = -x - 1 and ~(x - 1) = -x
& and 1 iff both bits are 1 else 0 0110 & 0101 = 0100 x & - x to extract last bit, x & (x - 1) to clear last bit
| or 0 iff both bits are 0 else 1 0110 | 0101 = 0111 flags |= x to set the flag
^ xor (eXclusive OR) 1 iff only one bit is 1 else 0 0110 ^ 0101 = 0011 0 ^ x = x, x ^ x = 0 simple checksum reduce(operator.xor, words, 0)
« left shift shift bits to left 0011 « 2 = 1100 x << y is \(x \times 2^y\)
» right shift shift bits to right 0110 » 2 = 0001 x >> y is \(\lfloor{x \div 2^y}\rfloor\)


  1. Set a bit at a position
def set_bit(x, pos):
    mask = 1 << pos
    return x | mask
  1. Clear a bit at a position
def clear_bit(x, pos):
    mask = ~(1 << pos)
    return x & mask
  1. Clear leading bits from position
def clear_leading_bits(x, pos):
    mask = (1 << pos) - 1
    return x & mask
  1. Clear trailing bits after position
def clear_trailing_bits(x, pos):
    mask = (1 << 31) - 1 << pos
    return x & mask
  1. Flip a bit at position
def flip_bit(x, pos):
    mask = 1 << pos
    return x ^ mask
  1. Check a bit at position
def check_bit(x, pos):
    return x >> pos & 1
  1. Check number is even
def check_even(x):
    return (x & 1) == 0
  1. Check number is power of 2
def check_pow_2(x):
    return x & (x - 1) == 0
  1. Check two numbers are of opposite sign
def check_opposite_sign(x, y):
    return x ^ y < 0
  1. Swap integers the bit manipulation way
def swap(x, y):
    x = x ^ y
    y = x ^ y
    x = x ^ y
    return x, y